Welcome to the family! Amber Rose tweets picture of Katy Perry kissing her mother

Katy P erry seems to be giving some daughterly love - to Amber Rose's mother.

The I Kissed A Girl singer was 逮捕(する)d puckering up with her new 'mum' on Instagram.

Model Amber, 28, tweeted the picture with the caption: 'Ms Dottie & @katyperry smooches* :-)'

Pucker up sister! Amber Rose tweets a picture of Katy Perry and 'Ms Dottie'

Pucker up sister! Amber Rose tweets a picture of Katy Perry and 'Ms Dottie'

Hippie chic: Katy attended Coachella this weekend

Hippie chic: Katy …に出席するd Coachella this 週末

In the snapshot, Dottie is seen pouting に向かって the camera while Katy の近くにs her 注目する,もくろむs and affectionately 工場/植物s her kiss on the cheek.

The 花火 星/主役にする is careful not to place her lips in di rect 接触する with Dottie so as not to smudge her perfectly 適用するd lip gloss.

Amber frequently tweets about her mother, 同様に as について言及するing her in interviews or taking her to red carpet events.

In January, Amber was pictured with a tattoo on her 長,率いる, b ut when she was quizzed over its authenticity, she said 否定するd it was real as her mother would never 許す it.

Amber said: 'Ms Dottie (my crazy west african mom) would 非難する the Cape Verdean outta my ass if I got a tat like that on my 直面する I was just having fun.'

The former squeeze of Kanye West is also 現在/一般に on a 追求(する),探索(する) to find her mother a gentleman.

Party people: Wiz tweeted a picture of the couple together at Coachella

Party people: Wiz tweeted a picture of the couple together at Coachella

She tweeted: 'I really want my mom to find a nice older man but I don't 信用 these f***ers I'm over 保護の of my mommy.'

Amber was brought up by her mother alone, taking her surname instead of her father's 指名する Style.

The social バタフライ descended on Coachella this 週末, with fianc? Wiz Khalifa tweeting a photo.

Against the 背景 of beautifully lit-up palm trees, while 持つ/拘留するing a rather 疑わしい looking roll-up, Wiz 追加するd the caption: '権利 On'.

Best of friends: Amber took her mother to launch her new drink - The Blondie - at Millions of Milkshakes last June

Best of friends: Amber took her mother to 開始する,打ち上げる her drink - The Blondie - at Millions of Milkshakes last June

Just for fun: Amber, pictured here with fianc? Wiz Khalifa, revealed her head tattoo in January was a fake, as her mother 'would slap the Cape Verdean outta my ass if I got a tat like that'

Just for fun: Amber, pictured here with fianc? Wiz Khalifa, 明らかにする/漏らすd that the 長,率いる tattoo she sported in January was a 偽の, as her mother 'would 非難する the Cape Verdean outta my ass if I got a tat like that'

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