The Oscars: The most embarrassing bits

It's the most embarrassing part of each individual 学院 Award 贈呈. Not the 'humorous' preamble of the host, the actual 告示 of the 勝利者 or the stony-直面するd smiles of the losers, but the 受託 speech.

Will it be a 噴出するing outpouring of 感謝 and humility? Will it be a terse political 声明? Or will it be an 理解できない blathering about spirituality and God?

Film 星/主役にするs spend their professional lives memorising and reciting other people's words so perhaps it's no real surprise that when they have to 配達する their own, with one billion people watching and without the safety 障壁 of the silver 審査する, they so often make 完全にする prats of themselves.

With an Oscar 受託 speech there's no second take, no stand-in and no direction. You can practise for weeks in 前線 of the mirror in your 防備を堅める/強化するd Beverly Hills コンビナート/複合体 but when you stand on that 行う/開催する/段階, you're on your own baby.

Here are some of's favourite moments.

'I would not have been able to play this 役割 had I not understood love of a tremendous magnitude and for that I thank my family.'

A tearful but 明らかに much-loved Gwyneth Paltrow 受託するing her 主要な actress Oscar for Shakespeare in Love in 1999.

'I want to thank my mother and father for having me and my grandmother and grandfather for having them.'

Robert de Niro 認めるs the importance of family while 受託するing his 主要な actor Oscar for 激怒(する)ing Bull in 1981.

'I'm no t going to thank everybody that I ever met in my entire life ...although with the way my mind has been going lately, probably everybody I've ever met in my entire life and in the other life I might have had something to do with this.'
Shirley MacLaine 輪郭(を描く)s quantum physics' 多重の universes theory while 受託するing her 主要な actress Oscar for 条件 of

Endearment in 1983.

'I want to say thank you to you. I 港/避難所't had an 正統派の career and I've 手配中の,お尋ね者 more than anything to have your 尊敬(する)・点. The first time I didn't feel it. But this time I feel it and I can't 否定する the fact - you like me! 権利 now - you like me. Thank you.'

Sally Field gives vent to her paranoia during her 受託 speech for 主要な actress Oscar for Places in the Heart in 1985. She'd won an Oscar 以前 for her 役割 in Norma Rae.

'I think awards in this country at this time are 不適切な to be received or given until the 条件 of the American Indian is 徹底的に altered. If we are not our brother's keeper, at least let us not be his executioner.'

Sacheen Littlefeather, 受託するing the 主要な actor Oscar on に代わって of Marlon Brando in 1973. She later turned out to be an actress playing a native American.

Click below for more 受託 speeches.

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