Weisz: My shame at Kenya poverty

Last updated at 09:20 30 August 2005

Actress Rachel Weisz 収容する/認めるs she was riddled with 犯罪 after seeing 'shocking' poverty in Kenya while making her 最新の film.

She said she felt 深く,強烈に moved after walking through stinking slums 荒廃させるd by 病気 and squalor.

"I had never seen 条件s like that," the 34-year-old 追加するd. "It was extreme and 悲劇の. I felt a wave of 犯罪 存在 a 豊富な white 西部の人/西洋人 walking through the slums filming a movie."

Weisz 星/主役にするs as the wife of British 外交官 Justin Quayle, played by Ralph Fiennes, who is 駅/配置するd in Kenya in The Constant Gardener.

Shocking living 条件s

Fiennes is a human 権利s 行動主義者 who 告発する/非難するs the 製薬の 産業 of 偉業/利用するing 発展途上国s in the film, which is adapted from a John Le Carre novel, and opens in the US this week.

Weisz said she was 大いに impressed with the children brought up まっただ中に poverty.

"I was struck by them," 追加するd the British actress, who is engaged to film director Darren Aronofsky and divides her time between London and New York.

"The 条件 in which they live is a 悲劇 but their spiritual wealth is so much more powerful than the poverty.

"In the end, one wonders who should feel sorry for who."

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