花火s that made the donkey Derby end with a bang: In the final part of our Darling Buds Of May summer series, the Larkins toast the arrival of TWO new 新規加入s to Britain's favourite countryside 一族/派閥

?With ITV's remake of the much-loved The Darling Buds Of May coming this autumn, our 排除的 抽出するs from the 初めの novel by H. E. Bates have 逮捕(する)d all the 心暖まる comedy and 演劇 that so endeared us to the 1990s series, starring David Jason as Pop Larkin and Catherine Zeta-Jones as his beautiful daughter Mariette.?

In today's final 抽出する, it's three weeks since the hapless young 税金 視察官 Mr Charlton first visited the Larkins to 需要・要求する Pop fill in his 税金 return. Dazzled by Mariette and the charms of their 田舎の lives, he has been staying with them ever since. Still unaware that Mariette is 妊娠している by an unknown suitor, he has an important question to ask Pop . . .

早期に on the day of the gymkhana 存在 held in the Larkins' meadow, Mr Charlton and Mariette went across the yard to 料金d the four donkeys Pop had 安全な・保証するd for racing.

As soon as they were in the half-dark stable, Mr Charlton took her quickly in his 武器 and kissed her. Mariette laughed, trembling, and said she'd hardly been able to wait for that one, the first, the loveliest of the day. Mr Charlton, with something like ecstasy, said he hadn't been able to wait either.

静かに, as the second kiss went on, the donkeys stirred about the stable, swishing tails, restless. 審理,公聴会 them, Mariette partly broke away from Mr Charlton and said with half-laughing mouth: 'I suppose there's a first time for everything. I've never been kissed の中で donkeys before.'

As soon as they were in the half-dark stable, Mr Charlton took her quickly in his arms and kissed her. Pictured?Philip Franks as Charley and Catherine Zeta Jones as Mariette in the 'Darling Buds of May' TV show

As soon as they were in the half-dark stable, Mr Charlton took her quickly in his 武器 and kissed her. Pictured?Philip Franks as Charley and Catherine Zeta Jones as Mariette in the 'Darling Buds of May' TV show?

By half-past 11 the sun had broken through, beginning to 乾燥した,日照りの at last the 激しい dew on the grass, the trees of the bluebell 支持を得ようと努めるd, and the hedgerows.?

In the meadow now gay with 旗s of yellow, scarlet, blue, and emerald, the テントs and marquees standing about the new green grass like white haystacks, Pop watched Mariette, who was horse-mad, having a practice canter.

She had changed already into her shirt and jodhpurs and her 明らかにする 長,率いる was like a curly 黒人/ボイコット kitten against the far blue sky. Mr Charlton was in 出席 and suddenly Pop remembered the little 事柄 of the baby. He supposed she wouldn't have to ride much longer and he wondered mildly if Mr Charlton knew. He'd forgotten about that.

All the Larkin children were 適切に dre ssed for the gymkhana wearing jodhpurs, and riding caps, even though only Mariette and Montgomery were 参加するing. Each of them went about sucking enormous pink-and-yellow ice-creams; and the twins, who took so much after Ma, had large crackling 捕らえる、獲得するs of popcorn and potato crisps.

While Ma wandered about with the children and Mr Charlton watched the さまざまな events, listening with pride every time the loudspeakers spoke the 指名する of 行方不明になる Mariette Larkin, Pop was behind the beer テント, trying to induce their 隣人 行方不明になる Edith Pilchester to ride in the ladies' donkey Derby.

Pop watched Mariette, who was horse-mad, having a practice canter

Pop watched Mariette, who was horse-mad, having a practice canter.

A fortyish, わずかに moustached brunette who was 形態/調整d like a 支える and threw herself into an amazing number of 事業/計画(する)s with a ferocious energy, 行方不明になる Pilchester prowled from charity to charity, bazaar to bazaar, like some restless, thirsty lioness 捜し出すing prey.

As 長官 of the gymkhana 委員会, she had recently paid the Larkins a visit to 検査/視察する the field. Afterwards, Pop had given her a 解除する home in the pre-war Rolls-Royce he had taken in 交流 for a 負債.

'Did you kiss her?' Ma had asked that night.

'Course I did,' replied Pop.

'I thought you would,' Ma said, unperturbed. 'Do her good. Make her sleep all the sweeter.'

Behind the beer テント, Pop 勧めるd 行方不明になる Pilchester to be a sport.

'I thought you liked a bit o' fun?' he said.

'I think you are trying to be naughty. Who else is riding?

'All girls of your age.'

行方不明になる Pilchester darted a 早い ちらりと見ること at Pop. The cast of 疑惑 died in her 注目する,もくろむ as she saw his new brown Edwardian cap. How 井戸/弁護士席 it ふさわしい him.

'What about that time I took you home in the Rolls? Best kiss I've had for a long time. 港/避難所't been able to forget it.'

行方不明になる Pilchester hadn't been able to forget it either; she had even wondered if it may be repeated.

'I 収容する/認める it was far from unpleasant, but what has it to do with the donkey Derby?'

Pop started to caress the outer 縁 of 行方不明になる Pilchester's thigh. With upsurgent alarm 行方不明になる Pilchester felt an 調査/捜査するing finger 圧力(をかける) a suspender button.

'People will be looking!'

'Coming to our party tonight?'

'Yes, I am.'

'Repeat 業績/成果 there. 約束.'

At four o'clock 行方不明になる Pilchester was ready to ride in the ladies' donkey Derby.

A 4半期/4分の1 of an hour before that Mr Charlton had ridden in the men's donkey Derby. He had ridden three yards and then fallen off.

While Ma wandered about with the children, Mr Charlton wa
tched the various events, listening with pride every time the loudspeakers spoke the name of Miss Mariette Larkin. Pictured?Pam Ferris as Ma Larkin with the children - the twins Petunia and Zinnia played by Christina and Katherine Giles, Julie Davies as Primrose, and the youngest daughter, Victoria, played by Stephanie Ralph

While Ma wandered about with the children, Mr Charlton watched the さまざまな events, listening with pride every time the loudspeakers spoke the 指名する of 行方不明になる Mariette Larkin. Pictured?Pam Ferris as Ma Larkin with the children - the twins Petunia and Zinnia played by Christina and Katherine Giles, Julie Davies as Primrose, and the youngest daughter, Victoria, played by Stephanie Ralph

His 開始する had 即時に bolted, ending up in stirring style far beyond the tea テント, by the river, where already a few lovers, bored by the events and 刺激するd by a warm afternoon of 入り口ing golden 空気/公表する, were embracing in the long grasses by the bank, profitably dreaming out the day in a world of rising fish, wild irises, and 拡大するing water-lily blooms.

When Pop went to collect the animal, which was called Jasmine, he 設立する it 星/主役にするing with detached 利益/興味 at a 兵士 and a 熱烈な, 井戸/弁護士席-formed young blonde, b oth of whom were oblivious, in the grasses, of the presence of 選挙立会人s.

Jasmine, Pop thought, seemed so 利益/興味d in what was going on that after 存在 led away some paces she turned, pricked up her ears and looked around, rather as if she 手配中の,お尋ね者 to come 支援する and see it all again.

After all this, Pop selected Jasmine for 行方不明になる Pilchester to ride. The animal stood 危険に still at the starting point, in stubborn suspense, while Pop gave earnest 賭け金-地位,任命する advice to 行方不明になる Pilchester, who sat astride.

'Hang on with your 膝s. Don't let go. Hang on tight. Like grim death.'

行方不明になる Pilchester, already looking like grim death, gave a 迅速な ちらりと見ること 一連の会議、交渉/完成する at the other competitors, 狼狽d to find them all young, effervescent girls of 16 or 17. She herself felt neither young nor effervescent and the donkey was horribly hairy underneath her calves.

'Don't mind them, Edith. Look straight ahead ― straight as you can go.'

行方不明になる Pilchester became ばく然と aware of carrots, in orange arcs, 存在 waved in all directions. A few animals trotted indifferently up the 跡をつける, between shrieking, 元気づける 列/漕ぐ/騒動s of 観客s but Jasmine stood 急速な/放蕩な.

When Pop went to collect the animal, which was called Jasmine, he found it staring with detached interest at a soldier and a passionate, well-formed young blonde, both of whom were oblivious, in the grasses, of the presence of watchers. Pictured David Jason as Pop Larkin

When Pop went to collect the animal, which was called Jasmine, he 設立する it 星/主役にするing with detached 利益/興味 at a 兵士 and a 熱烈な, 井戸/弁護士席-formed young blonde, both of whom were oblivious, in the grasses, of the presence of 選挙立会人s. Pictured David Jason as Pop Larkin

'Git up, old gal!' Pop said, and started to 押し進める her. 'Git up there, Jasmine!'

He heaved against her 残余. Nothing happened, and it seemed as if Jasmine had sunk her feet into the ground.

It was all 絶対 恐ろしい, 行方不明になる Pilchester was just thinking when over the loudspeaker a 発言する/表明する started up an 告示 about Anne Fitzgerald, 老年の three, who had lost her mother. 'Would Mrs Fitzgerald please …'

The loudspeaker gave a few snappy barks. Jasmine cocked her ears and broke through, with frenzy, the waving arcs of carrots, leaving Pop on the ground and everybody scattered.

行方不明になる Pilchester, as Pop had so 真面目に and 正確に advised, hung on 堅固に and 猛烈に with her 膝s, just like grim death, and in 30 seconds Jasmine was 支援する at the river, once more 星/主役にするing into the world of grasses, water-lilies, irises, and a 兵士's summer love.

Half-dismounting, half-落ちるing, a dishevelled and demoralised 行方不明になる Pilchester stood 星/主役にするing too and it only made thin gs worse when the 兵士, 乱すd in the middle of his technique, looked up calmly and said:

'Why don't you go away, Ma? Both of you. You and your sister.'

At the Larkin's 地位,任命する-gymkhana party that night, their billiard room was a clamorous, fighting 集まり of 50 or 60 people, one half of whom had never received a formal 招待.

In the comparative 静かな of the sitting room, where it was getting dusk, Pop got the impression that the entire billiard room would, at any moment, 爆発する behind him. The place was a whirring dynamo, 速く running hot.

'And what about me?'

It was 行方不明になる Pilchester, furtive against the cocktail 閣僚.

'Having a nice time?' he asked

'It'll be nicer when you've kept your 約束.'

Might 同様に get it over, Pop thought.??

行方不明になる Pilchester didn't know how to 持つ/拘留する herself for the 行為/法令/行動する of kissing and Pop 掴むd her like a sheaf of corn. There was a momentary bony 動かす of corsets and 行方不明になる Pilchester gave a palpitating sigh, 決定するd to give it everything she'd got.

For all the velvet artistry he put into it, Pop could make little impression on lips so 井戸/弁護士席 防備を堅める/強化するd with teeth that he felt they might at any moment 割れ目 like walnuts underneath the 緊張する.

Finally 行方不明になる Pilchester broke away, gave something like a sob, patted Pop's cheek, and 急ぐd hurriedly away.

支援する in the billiard room, a tall aristocratically fair girl pulled Pop aside.

'They tell me you 事実上 organised this whole bun-fight 選び出す/独身-手渡すd,' she said 'My 指名する's Angela Snow. Emhurst Valley. We've got one of these pony-trots coming off in August ― what say you come over and bring the donkey ou tfit and make that one go with a bang?'

The word bang made Pop remember something. It was, he thought, the one thing needed to make the day a perfick one.

'Like 花火s?'

'Adore 'em.'

'This way,' Pop said.

Halfway to the sitting room, he was stopped by Mr Charlton and Mariette, who said: 'Pop, Charley has something he'd like to say to you.'

Halfway to the sitting room, he was stopped by Mr Charlton and Mariette, who said: ?Pop, Charley has something he?d like to say to you.?

Halfway to the sitting room, he was stopped by Mr Charlton and Mariette, who said: 'Pop, Charley has something he'd like to say to you.'

'Not now,' Pop said. 'Busy now.'

'It's terribly important. It's something he's got to ask you.' Mr Charlton looked 緊張するd and 緊張した. Must have 設立する out about the baby, Pop supposed. Pity.

'Be 支援する in five minutes,' he said and followed the tall, aristocratic gir l into the sitting room where she knocked 支援する her cocktail with the coolest 速度(を上げる), like a man.

'One more of these, dear boy, and I'm ready.'

Pop was ready too. Ten minutes later the first 花火 went off like a 爆弾 under Ma, who showed hardly any 調印する of 騒動 at all. Two ladies met a Roman Candle on the stairs and Pop put a Mighty 原子 under the billiard (米)棚上げする/(英)提議する where it 始める,決める the シャンペン酒 glasses (犯罪の)一味ing like a xylophone.

In the middle of it all Mariette and Mr Charlton tried again, with little success, to speak with Pop, who was running about the flower beds waving a Golden Rain, happy as a boy. When finally Pop had thrown the Golden Rain over a damson tree Mr Charlton said: 'Pop, I want to speak to you. Ma says I can marry Mariette if you'll let her ―'

'Perfick,' Pop said. 'Let her? ― course I'll let her.'

A 4半期/4分の1 of an hour later he was standing on a 議長,司会を務める outside the billiard room, 発表するing to the gathered guests, in the smoky garden, with a touch of 皇室の pride in his 発言する/表明する, together with a 確かな sadness, that Mr Charlton was going to marry his daughter Mariette and had everybody got their glasses filled?

'Give you the toast!' he called into the smoky summer 空気/公表する. 'Charley and Mariette.'

As he 解除するd his glass a 素晴らしい 爆発 分裂(する) the 空気/公表する, knocking him yards backwards. It was the last 破滅的な Roman Candle of the 冷静な/正味の, tall, girl.

'やめる perfect,' she said.

When it was all over, Ma and Pop sat alone in the kitchen, Ma now and then shaking all over as she remembered the donkeys, 行方不明になる Pilchester, and the way Pop had been blown flat on his 支援する by the Roman Candle.

注ぐing out two nice big glasses of port, Pa said it was very nice about Mr Charlton and Mariet te and had Mr Charlton 設立する out about the baby?

'She's not having a baby now,' Ma said. '誤った alarm.'

'Jolly good,' Pop said. 'Perfick.'

'I am though,' Ma said.

A quarter of an hour later he was standing on a chair outside the billiard room, announcing to the gathered guests, in the smoky garden, with a touch of imperial pride in his voice, together with a certain sadness, that Mr Charlton was going to marry his daughter Mariette and had everybody got their glasses filled?

A 4半期/4分の1 of an hour later he was standing on a 議長,司会を務める outside the billiard room, 発表するing to the gathered guests, in the smoky garden, with a touch of 皇室の pride in his 発言する/表明する, together with a 確かな sadness, that Mr Charlton was going to marry his daughter Mariette and had everybody got their glasses filled??

Pop looked mildly, though not 同意しない ably, surprised.

'How did that happen then?'

'How? What do you mean, how?'

Pop said he meant when did it all date 支援する to.

'That night in the bluebell 支持を得ようと努めるd,' Ma said. Just before Mister Charlton (機の)カム. You said you thought there was a wild duck's nest up there and we went to have a look.'

'That night?' Pop said. 'I never even thought ―'

'You don't know your own strength,' Ma said.

Pop had just finished a second slice of apple pie and was ばく然と wondering about a third ― there wasn't so much of it left and it was a pity to let it go begging ― when Mr Charlton and Mariette (機の)カム in from the sitting room. He said how glad he was to see them and how he could congratulate them now it was quieter. He and Ma weren't half glad about things and it didn't seem five minutes since Mr Charlton had arrived.

'How about a glass of port, you two?'

While he was 注ぐing out two more big glasses he couldn't help thinking how nice it was about Mariette and the baby ― just 同様に to start with a clean sheet about these things.

'井戸/弁護士席, 元気づけるs,' he said. 'God bless,' and with a sudden affectionate impulse got up and kissed Mariette. 'Couldn't be more perfick.'

Ma, who said she wasn't going to be left out, then got up and kissed both Mariette and Mr Charlton; and then Mr Charlton and Pop shook 手渡すs.

'Are you going 支援する to that office?' Ma asked.

Mr Charlton, thoughtful again, said he supposed if he didn't go 支援する he'd lose his 年金.

The word 年金 made Pop laugh. 'You mean sit on your backside for 40 years and then collect four 続けざまに猛撃するs a week that's 価値(がある) only two and'll only buy half as much anyway?

'I tell you what. I'll be doing a nice little demolition 職業 soon. Big mansion. What say we 選ぶ the best out and build you and Mariette a bungalow in the medder, 近づく the bluebell 支持を得ようと努めるd?'

'Oh! wonderful, wonderful, Pop!' Mariette said and, with 注目する,もくろむs impulsively dancing, (機の)カム to kiss his 直面する and lips and hair, so Mr Charlton knew there was, really, nothing more to say.

Pouring out two nice big glasses of port, Pa said it was very nice about Mr Charlton and Mariette and had Mr Charlton found out about the baby? ?She?s not having a baby now,? Ma said. ?False alarm.? ?Jolly good,? Pop said. ?Perfick.? ?I am though,? Ma said.

注ぐing out two nice big glasses of port, Pa said it was very nice about Mr Charlton and Mariette and had Mr Charlton 設立する out about the baby? 'She's not having a baby now,' Ma said. '誤った alarm.' 'Jolly good,' Pop said. 'Perfick.' 'I am though,' Ma said.

'井戸/弁護士席, that's it then,' Pop said. 'Perfick. Now who says one more glass o' port? And then we go to bed.'

He was intensely looking 今後 to that. It would 最高の,を越す it all up to have a cigar in bed and watch Ma get into her transparent nylon nightgown.

He 注ぐd four more nice big glasses of port, 説 at the same time how glad he was about the rain. It was just what the cherries, the plums, and the apples 手配中の,お尋ね者 now.

'Shall you come cherry 選ぶing, too?' Mariette said to Mr Charlton, but in answer he could only look at her olive 肌, the dark 向こうずねing 注目する,もくろむs, the kittenish hair, and the 会社/堅い young breasts with silent fascination.

Some moments later Pop took his glass of port to the kitchen door, 星/主役にするing out at the summer 不明瞭 and the rain. Mr Charlton felt an impulse to join him and stood there 星/主役にするing too, thinking of how spring had passed, how quickly the buds of May had gone, and how everything, now, had blossomed into 十分な, high summer.

'Listen,' Pop said. 'Perfick.'

Everybody listened; and in the dark 空気/公表する there was the sound of nightingales.

The Darling Buds Of May by H. E. Bates is published by Penguin £8.99 ? H.E.Bates 1958. To order a copy for £8.09 go to mailshop.co.uk/調書をとる/予約するs or call 020 3308 9193. 解放する/自由な UK 配達/演説/出産 on orders over £20. 申し込む/申し出 price valid until 04/09/21.

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