New Zealand 文部大臣 負傷させるd by 圧力(をかける) gallery

A 圧力(をかける) gallery camera 操作者 in New Zealand's 議会 has apologised after accidentally bashing 文部大臣 Jan Tinetti in the 長,率いる with his camera.

Ms Tinetti had to 行方不明になる Question Time on Wednesday, leaving 総理大臣 Chris Hipkins to answer a question for her.

"On her way to the House just now the 大臣 for education was 攻撃する,衝突する on the 長,率いる by a camera in the ロビー and is on her way to 捜し出す some 医療の 治療," Mr Hipkins said, to audible gasps across the house.

Ms Tinetti was 勧めるd out of the 議会 by a political 競争相手, 副 対立 leader Nicola Willis, who advised her not to speak in the house while dazed.

She was seen by 労働's informal in-house doctor, Health 大臣 Ayesha Verrall, who is an 感染性の 病気s 内科医.

A spokeswoman for Ms Tinetti said the 55-year-old was "sore but she'll be okay" and had taken leave for the day.

事実上の/代理 圧力(をかける) gallery chairman Jason 塀で囲むs 申し込む/申し出d an 陳謝 on に代わって of 議会's マスコミ 次第で変わる/派遣部隊 for the 事故.

"The camera 操作者 has since apologised in person and in 令状ing," he said.

"The 圧力(をかける) gallery (n)役員/(a)執行力のある will be reminding members of the 期待 to be aware of their surroundings on the tiles to 確実にする the safety of MPs, staff and other マスコミ."

The 出来事/事件 comes after another MP, 予防 of Family and 性の 暴力/激しさ 大臣 Marama Davidson, was 傷つける on the 週末.

She was struck to the ground by a motorcyclist as she 用意が出来ている to give a speech at a 反対する-抗議する for anti-transgender 行動主義者 Kellie-Jay Keen-Minshull's 決起大会/結集させる in Auckland.

すぐに after, Ms Davidson was accosted by 共謀 理論家 マスコミ who asked her to 正当化する her support of the trans community.

As part of her answer, she said, "I know who 原因(となる)s 暴力/激しさ in the world, it is white cis (非,不,無-trans) men".

Those comments 誘発するd a political bunfight, with 対立 Leader Chris Luxon calling on Ms Davidson to apologise, which she did not, 説 she was "still in shock" from her motorcycle 攻撃する,衝突する.

Mr Hipkins stood by Ms Davidson, 説 there was "valid 感情" in her comments, but they were not 表明するd 井戸/弁護士席 - which he せいにするd to her 傷害.

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