Who is Hussam al-Sabbagh?

The Lebanese-Australian 聖職者の 逮捕(する)d in Lebanon over the 週末 for 申し立てられた/疑わしい テロリスト activities has been 述べるd as the "首長 of al-Qaeda in Tripoli".

Hussam al-Sabbagh, who is believed to have 以前 called for jihadis to attack Australian 兵士s in Afghanistan, 命令(する)s an 武装した 軍隊 of at least 300 jihadi 闘士,戦闘機s, によれば 安全 報告(する)/憶測s.

The Sunni "self-taught 聖職者の" was 逮捕(する)d in Tripoli over the 週末 after he was stopped at a 検問所 by 兵士s 事実上の/代理 on "several 逮捕(する) 令状s".

He is 嫌疑者,容疑者/疑うd of 新採用するing and sending 闘士,戦闘機s across the 国境 to 参加する the 武装した 反乱 against Syrian 大統領 Bashar al-Assad.

It's understood Sabbagh, known as al-Hajj, or the 巡礼者, also uses the 偽名,通称s Abu al-Hassan or Abu Mazhar.

Sabbagh is believed to have arrived in Australia about 1987 after 逃げるing Lebanon and Syrian 安全 services and worked in construction.

He returned to Lebanon in 2004 but did not come to prominence until 2012.

Another terror 嫌疑者,容疑者/疑う, Omar Khodor, who is in the 保護/拘留 of Lebanese army 知能, has 報道によれば 自白するd that he was on his way to 会合,会う with Sheikh Hussam Sabbagh in north Lebanon to 手渡す him 基金s to be used in 準備するing car 爆弾s.

Before his 逮捕(する) at the 週末, Sabbagh had 否定するd the 主張s.

Sabbagh also 否定するs having links to al-Qaeda, にもかかわらず having been 述べるd in 報告(する)/憶測s as the terror group's "首長" or 指揮官 in Tripoli, the largest city in norther n Lebanon and about 85 kilometres north of the 資本/首都 Beirut.

While it's believed he 命令(する)s about 300 闘士,戦闘機s, some 報告(する)/憶測s have 示唆するd his 軍隊s are twice that number.

によれば the website, Al Akhbar, Sabbagh …に反対するd jihad in Australia にもかかわらず its 参加 in the war in Afghanistan, because Australia was a country that "gave us 避難所 when 非,不,無 did".

Instead, the website said, he called on jihadis to fight against Australian 兵士s in Afghanistan.

Sabbagh's 逮捕(する) along with one of his 護衛s, 怒り/怒るd the 聖職者の's 支持者s who later 交流d gun 解雇する/砲火/射撃 with the army in the Sunni-大多数 地区 of Bab al-Tebbaheh.

The Australian 政府 has been 接触するd for comment.

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