Qld 首相 sorry for some 改革(する)s

Queensland 首相 Campbell Newman will undo some 議論の的になる 改革(する)s and has apologised for taking them too far.

In a rare show of candour, Mr Newman 定評のある his combative-style of leadership had at times blurred his judgment.

On the 支援する of a savage 敗北・負かす at Saturday's Stafford 補欠選挙, the 政府 will no longer 軍隊 罪人/有罪を宣告するd bikies to wear pink jumpsuits, or serve their time in 独房監禁 confinement.

It will also 回復する the bipartisan 任命 of the 議長,司会を務める of Queensland's 罪,犯罪 and 汚職 監視者.

A 議論の的になる 裁判,公判 of 予算 見積(る)s 審理,公聴会s, that saw them compressed over two days, will be abandoned and the old system spanning seven days will be 復帰させるd.

And Mr Newman and 弁護士/代理人/検事-General Jarrod Bleijie will 捜し出す a 会合 with 上級の members of the 司法の in a 企て,努力,提案 to smooth over a continuing 反目,不和.

"I'm sorry today if I've done things that have upset people," Mr Newman said 側面に位置するd by his 大臣s.

"We will be doing a lot better in the 未来 to explain our 決定/判定勝ち(する)s to people."

にもかかわらず repeated 対立 calls for the 解雇(する)ing of Mr Bleijie, the 首相 said there won't be a 改造(する), nor would anyone be 選び出す/独身d out for 非難する.

"We all 支援する those things that the 弁護士/代理人/検事-General has done," Mr Newman said.

"They've been important, but ... I 受託する we got it wrong on those particular 問題/発行するs and I'm not too proud to say so."

The 政府 will still proceed with 資産 sales if it 勝利,勝つs the 2015 選挙, but Mr Campbell has left the door open to その上の 妥協 on other 問題/発行するs.

"Someone in the next day or two might say `井戸/弁護士席 we should have a look at that' and I'm 用意が出来ている to take that on board," he said.

対立 Leader Annastacia Palaszczuk said the LNP's soul searching was about self-利益/興味.

"There is no real understanding from the 首相 and his 閣僚 about the magnitude of 敵意 out there," Ms Palaszczuk said.

"They've failed to listen to Queenslanders for the last two years; how can they have 約束 that this 政府 is listening now?"

Griffith University political 分析家 Paul Williams 予報するs a 10 to 12 per cent swing against the LNP at the next 選挙.

He believes the LNP will manage to 持つ/拘留する to 力/強力にする, but Mr Newman will lose his seat.

"Given we've seen 二塁打-digit swings ... in the greater Brisbane area, the arithmetic just doesn't 追加する up for someone to 持つ/拘留する a seat that's on いっそう少なく than six per cent," Dr Williams said on Monday.

"They (the LNP) will have to have a leadership succession 計画(する) in place now, and not have a public 大虐殺 in March or April."

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