Union questions エリート school 資本/首都 作品

Teachers are 需要・要求するing the Morrison 政府 正当化する its 基金ing of エリート 私的な schools, as new 人物/姿/数字s 明らかにする/漏らす the 高級な 施設s many are building while public schools languish.

基金ing to 私的な and 独立した・無所属 schools grew one-and-a-half times as 急速な/放蕩な as the 量 going to public schools between 2009 and 2017.

On 最高の,を越す of this, the 連邦の 政府 has 始める,決める aside $1.9 billion for 資本/首都 作品 at 私的な schools.

But it hasn't put aside any 類似の 基金ing for public schools.

The Australian Education Union has 最高潮の場面d MySchool data showing the four richest 私的な schools in Australia spent more money on new 施設s and 革新s - $402 million - than 1800 other schools 連合させるd, who collectively spend $370 million.

These 作品 含むd renovating a boathouse, building terrace gardens and classrooms with 180-degree city 見解(をとる)s, an Olympic-sized pool with moveable 床に打ち倒すs and 塀で囲むs, and wellbeing spaces for dance, pilates, meditation and yoga.

一方/合間, the nation's poorest schools have overcrowded classrooms, not enough 洗面所s and, in many 事例/患者s, no new 施設s built in a 10年間.

The richest one per cent, or about 94 schools, spent a 連合させるd $3 billion in 2017 while the poorest half of all schools - about 4700 of them - teach nearly five times as many students and spent $2.6 billion.

"Why does the Morrison 政府 固執する in funnelling millions of 連邦/共和国 dollars into Australia's richest エリート 私的な schools when they 明確に do not need it?" AEU 連邦の 大統領,/社長 Correna Haythorpe told AAP.

It's not just the richest schools outspending the public 部門, with the data showing カトリック教徒 schools spent an 普通の/平均(する) 2.2 times more per student on 資本/首都 作品.

Ms Haythorpe said the 状況/情勢 was 特に rough when the Australian Bureau of 統計(学) showed there were 151,000 more students in public schools than five years ago, with the public 部門 taking th e lion's 株 of new enrolments.

She said 文部大臣 Dan Tehan's position that 明言する/公表する and 領土 政府 should own the problem was appalling.

"It is 絶対 容認できない that 大臣 Tehan is vacating this space and making it a 明言する/公表する problem," she said.

"The 連邦/共和国 has the largest 歳入-raising capacity and must 確実にする that public schools are fully 資源d.

The union wants to see the 連邦の 政府 始める,決める up a 資本/首都 作品 基金 of at least $300 million a year 特に for public schools.

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