Today in History, May 31

最高潮の場面s in history on this date:

455 - A Roman 暴徒 涙/ほころびs Emperor Maximus Petronius 四肢 from 四肢 when he tries to escape an approaching Vandal (n)艦隊/(a)素早い.

1043 - Lady Godiva rides naked through the market square in Coventry, England.

1520 - After 存在 held 人質 in Denmark, young nobleman Gustav Vasa slips 支援する into Sweden to start a 反乱 against the Danes that will 設立する Swedish independence.

1813 - Australian explorers Blaxland, Lawson, and Wentworth reach the highest point in the Blue Mountains and see fertile plains to the west.

1837 - Joseph Grimaldi, famed English ダンサー and actor whose white-直面するd 行為/法令/行動する 示すd the birth of the English circus clown, dies.

1899 - George Whitehouse, a British engineer, decides to build a workshop for the Uganda 鉄道 in a 押し寄せる/沼地 where Kenya's 資本/首都, Nairobi, later grows.

1910 - The self-治める/統治するing Union of South Africa is formed under the British 栄冠を与える.

1911 - In Belfast in Northern Ireland, the Titanic is 開始する,打ち上げるd as one of the largest 大型船s afloat. It 沈むs on its maiden voyage in April 1912.

1912 - Arthur 石/投石する makes the first 力/強力にするd 航空機 flight in Queensland at Rockhampton in a US-built monoplane.

1915 - German Zeppelins 爆弾 London for the first time.

1916 - British and German (n)艦隊/(a)素早いs fight 戦う/戦い of Jutland off Denmark in World War I.

1924 - 中国 recognises the Soviet Union.

1928 - Australian aviator Charles Kingsford Smith 始める,決めるs off from Oakland, California, to 飛行機で行く across the 太平洋の to Australia. He arrives on June 9.

1942 - Three Japanese midget 潜水艦s enter Sydney Harbour; the フェリー(で運ぶ) Kuttabul is sunk but all three subs are 逮捕(する)d.

1961 - South Africa becomes an 独立した・無所属 共和国 outside the British 連邦/共和国 with CR Swart as 大統領,/社長.

1962 - Adolf Eichmann, World War II Nazi Gestapo 長,指導者, is 遂行する/発効させるd by hanging after Israeli 法廷,裁判所 拒絶するs 控訴,上告.

1970 - 地震 h its Peru, leaving more than 66,000 dead, 20,000 行方不明の and 200,000 負傷させるd.

1973 - US 上院 投票(する)s to 削減(する) off all 基金s for US 爆破 操作/手術s in Cambodia.

1976 - Indonesia 完全にするs 引き継ぎ/買収 of East Timor.

1993 - 嫌疑者,容疑者/疑うd Khmer 紅 guerillas in Cambodia 待ち伏せ/迎撃する a UN 軍用車隊, 殺人,大当り one (国連の)平和維持軍 and 負傷させるing five in an escalation of attacks.

1996 - An 民族の Croat who fought in the Bosnian セルビア人 軍隊s becomes the first person to be 罪人/有罪を宣告するd by the Yugoslav war 罪,犯罪s 法廷 in The Hague, Netherlands.

1998 - 代表者/国会議員s of all 16 countries 伴う/関わるd in the building of an international space 駅/配置する 認可する an 議会 schedule to begin in November.

2000 - Hong Kong の近くにs its last Vietnamese 難民 (軍の)野営地,陣営, ending the 4半期/4分の1-century 漂流難民,ボートピープル saga in the 領土 and leaving about 100 people homeless.

2001 - 退役軍人 連邦検察局 スパイ/執行官 Robert Hanssen 嘆願d innocent to 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金s of 秘かに調査するing for Moscow. He later changed his 嘆願 to 有罪の and was 宣告,判決d to life in 刑務所,拘置所.

2003 - Eric Robert Rudolph, 嫌疑者,容疑者/疑うd of 爆破 abortion clinics and a gay nightclub 同様に as the 1996 Olympics in Atlanta, is 逮捕(する)d in Murphy, North Carolina.

2005 - The Washington 地位,任命する 明らかにする/漏らすs that "深い Throat", the 伝説の source who 漏れるd Watergate スキャンダル secrets to its reporters, was former 連邦検察局 副 director 示す Felt.

2006 - Australian mountaineer 告訴する 恐れる, 43, is 確認するd dead after 落ちるing into a crevasse on Manaslu, the world's eighth highest mountain, three days earlier.

2010 - Israeli 特殊部隊員s rappel 負かす/撃墜する to an 援助(する) flotilla trying to 違反 a Gaza 封鎖, 衝突/不一致ing with プロの/賛成の-Palestinian 行動主義者s on the lead ship in a botched (警察の)手入れ,急襲 that left at least nine 乗客s dead.

2014 - Police 逮捕(する) a third 嫌疑者,容疑者/疑う in a ギャング(団) 強姦 and 殺すing of two teenage cousins 設立する hanging from a tree in northern India, a 事例/患者 that 誘発する/引き起こすd 国家の 乱暴/暴力を加える.

2016 - Britain 発表するs it is 投資するing in extra patrol boats and 監視 to try to 妨げる 亡命 探検者s crossing the English Channel.

2017 - Police find bones belonging to 行方不明の man Matthew Leveson, who disappeared and was 推定するd 殺人d 10 years ago, in the 王室の 国家の Park.

2018 - Once a pristine Thai 楽園, Maya Bay on Ko Phi Phi Leh island, made famous by the Leonardo DiCaprio movie The Beach, has been exhausted by 集まり 観光旅行,事業 and must be の近くにd for four months to give 珊瑚 暗礁s and sea life a chance to 回復する, 当局 say.

2019 - WikiLeaks 創立者 Julian Assange has 苦しむd "psychological 拷問" from a defamation (選挙などの)運動をする against him, a UN human 権利s 捜査官/調査官 says.

Today's Birthdays

Walt Whitman, US writer (1819-1892); Don Ameche, US actor (1908-1993); Judith Wright, Australian poet (1915-2000); Prince Rainier of Monaco (1923-2005); Clint Eastwood, US actor (1930-); Shirley Verrett, US mezzo-soprano (1933-2010); Peter Yarrow, US singer (1938-); Terry Waite, Anglican Church (外交)使節/代表 (1939-); Sharon Gless, US actress (1943-); Rainer Werner Fassbinder, German author/filmmaker/theatre-director (1945-1982); John Bonham, Led Zeppelin drummer (1948-1980); Gregory Harrison, US actor (1950-); Tommy Emmanuel, Australian guitarist (1955-); Lea Thompson, US actress (1961-); Todd McKenney, Australian TV personality (1965-); Brooke 保護物,者s, US actress (1965-); Sarah Murdoch, Australian model and TV personality (1972-); Colin Farrell, Irish actor (1976-).

Thought For Today:

Love is enough, though the world be a-病弱なing - William Morris, English poet and artist (1834-1896).

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