厳しい South African childhood fuelled Musk's ambition, says father

'I was a strict father,' says Errol Musk

'I was a strict father,' says Errol Musk

Elon Musk knows how to 支配する a news cycle, but for all the ニュース報道 of the world's richest man, the tech 億万長者's 早期に life in 人種隔離政策(アパルトヘイト)-時代 South Africa remains あらましの.

まっただ中に Musk's roller-coaster 追跡 of Twitter, his father Errol Musk told AFP in an interview that he had tried to raise his sons "as South African boys", instilling in them the same discipline he learnt in the 軍の.

"I was a strict father. My word was the 法律. They learnt from me," the 76-year-old said.

He said that even as a pre-schooler, Elon had 始める,決める his sights on becoming the wealthiest man alive, crediting that uber-macho "South African boy" しつけ with 運動ing his ambition.

"It's part of the way we lived, the way I lived. We strove to be the best we could," he told AFP in an interview from his home in the quaint oceanside town of Langebaan, 120 kilometres (70 miles) from Cape Town.

"I strove to be the best in the type of 商売/仕事 that I was in," the retired engineer and 所有物/資産/財産 developer said.

"It's sort of our make-up. So we sort of 推定する/予想する that."

Musk was born in Pretoria on June 28, 1971, to Errol and Maye, a Canadian model and dietitian who grew up in South Africa.

He was the oldest of three children, closely followed in age by his brother Kimbal and sister Tosca.

He left South Africa at the 高さ of 人種隔離政策(アパルトヘイト) to 避ける the 人気がない army 草案.

After his parents' acrimonious 離婚, Elon decided to live with his father -- taking an 夜通し train alone when he moved in.

"I go 負かす/撃墜する to Johannesburg 駅/配置する and there was this little Elon, beaming 直面する, come up on the train by himself, nine years old," his father 解任するd.

Yet Elon has said on 非常に/多数の occasions that he had an unhappy childhood.

As an adult, father and son 苦しむd a major 分裂(する) when Errol had a child in 2017 with a stepdaughter four 10年間s his junior.

"Elon thought that was not very good. From my point of 見解(をとる), I take life as it comes," the 年上の Musk said.

But he says their 関係 has since 改善するd.

"We care about each other," Errol said.

- 'Typically Elon' -

Errol says his son has always been unusual -- long before his 議論の的になる 爆発s on Twitter.

As a child, Elon spoke without a filter, played いたずらs and often joined adult conversations, he 解任するd.

"Even as young as four years old, he would tend to sit with adult people," said Errol.

He recounted one occasion when "one man said to him, 'Hey little chap, why don't you join the kids and run around?' And he'd say, 'No, I prefer to listen to you'."

Elon Musk has won huge praise for revolutionising the car and space industries but also drawn flak for his outbursts on Twitter

Elon Musk has won 抱擁する 賞賛する for revolutionising the car and space 産業s but also drawn flak for his 爆発s on Twitter

When young Elon 発表するd that he planned to be a millionaire, his father remembered, another adult scoffed at the boy.

He remembered "this man laughing, 持つ/拘留するing his drink and cigarette and 説, 'When you grow up you'll see. It's not like that... you're going to be disappointed'."

Elon 答える/応じるd, "'井戸/弁護士席, I think you're stupid'," said Errol.

"That's typically Elon," said the father.

He also 解任するd a time when Elon made a hurtful comment to a schoolmate about his father's 自殺.

The boy 押し進めるd Elon 負かす/撃墜する a staircase at school, 負傷させるing him so 不正に he had to be hospitalised.

When he heard what had happened, Errol 手配中の,お尋ね者 to defend his son.

"But I realised Elon overstepped the 示す with this little boy. I had to 減少(する) it," he said.

After that 出来事/事件, Errol moved Elon to the prestigious Pretoria Boys High School.

One of the school's ex-headmasters 確認するd to AFP that Elon had 寄付するd one million ランド ($64,500, 60,000 euros) to his 母校.

- 'Very caring' -

The 寄付 was organised through Musk's assistant. That's also how his father communicates with him.

Elon announced that he planned to be a millionaire when he was just a boy, his father remembers

Elon 発表するd that he planned to be a millionaire when he was just a boy, his father remembers

During the interview with AFP, Errol received what he said was an email from Elon 申し込む/申し出ing to 支払う/賃金 for 最近の 注目する,もくろむ 外科.

"Elon is a very caring person. He really means it when he says that he wants to save humanity. This is not a スローガン or some sort of pitch. This is real."

Errol 解任するs his 70th birthday as another example of Elon's generosity.

"I'm a South African man. I'm not 関心d about my birthday. But it was very nice," said Errol.

Unbeknown to him, Elon had 招待するd a bunch of his celebrity friends, 含むing Hollywood 星/主役にするs.

During the lunch, they discussed his support for former US 大統領,/社長 Donald Trump.

"They all had a good laugh at that, and how could I be so stupid as to support Trump?"

That was his last physical interaction with his son, six years ago. They rarely speak on the phone -- something he says is not unusual.


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