US (外交)使節/代表 Kerry calls for '緊急の 活動/戦闘' on 気候 at 中国 会談

US Climate Envoy John Kerry looks on during a House Oversight and Accountability Subcommittee hearing on "The State Department's Climate Agenda: A Budget Overview by the Special Presidential Envoy for Climate," on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC, on July 13, 2023.

US 気候 (外交)使節/代表 John Kerry looks on during a House Oversight and Accountability 小委員会 審理,公聴会 on "The 明言する/公表する Department's 気候 協議事項: A 予算 Overview by the Special 大統領の (外交)使節/代表 for 気候," on (ワシントンの)連邦議会議事堂 Hill in Washington, DC, on July 13, 2023.

US 気候 (外交)使節/代表 John Kerry held four hours of 会談 with his Chinese 相当するもの in Beijing on Monday, calling for "緊急の 活動/戦闘" as the two countries 生き返らせるd 立ち往生させるd 外交 on 減ずるing 惑星-warming 放出/発行s.

気候 会談 between the two biggest 温室 gas emitters (機の)カム to a 停止(させる) last year after Nancy Pelosi, then-(衆議院の)議長 of the US 衆議院, enraged Beijing by visiting 自治d Taiwan, which 中国 considers to be part of its 領土.

Kerry, a former 長官 of 明言する/公表する, has enjoyed comparatively cordial and 一貫した relations with 中国 にもかかわらず Washington and Beijing locking horns over Taiwan and other 問題/発行するs.

Kerry met his Chinese 相当するもの Xie Zhenhua in Beijing on Monday, with the two men speaking for around four hours, 明言する/公表する 放送者 CCTV said.

Both countries "must take 緊急の 活動/戦闘 on a number of 前線s, 特に the challenges of coal and methane 汚染," Kerry wrote in a tweet after the 会談.

"The 気候 危機 需要・要求するs that the world's two largest economies work together to 限界 the Earth´s warming," Kerry tweeted.

Beijing said after the 会談 that "気候 change is a ありふれた challenge 直面するd by all mankind".

中国 would "交流 見解(をとる)s with the 部隊d 明言する/公表するs on 問題/発行するs 関係のある to 気候 change, and work together to 会合,会う challenges and 改善する the wellbeing of 現在の and 未来 世代s", foreign 省 spokesperson Mao Ning said.

US 国家の 安全 助言者 Jake Sullivan told CNN on Sunday Kerry would 圧力(をかける) Beijing not to "hide behind any 肉親,親類d of (人命などを)奪う,主張する that they are a developing nation" ーするために slow-roll 成果/努力s to 削減(する) 放出/発行s.

"Every country, 含むing 中国, has a 責任/義務 to 減ずる 放出/発行s," Sullivan said.

"And the world, I do believe, should step up and encourage -- indeed, 圧力 -- 中国 to take far more 劇の 活動/戦闘 to 減ずる 放出/発行s."

中国 has long used its 公式の/役人 status as a developing nation to 正当化する its high 放出/発行s, with Sullivan 説 "there is more work for them to do on that 前線".

"長官 Kerry will make that point when he's in Beijing," he said.

- 連係させた 成果/努力s -

< p class="mol-para-with-font">Kerry's trip follows two other high-profile visits by US 公式の/役人s -- 国務長官 Antony Blinken and 財務省 長官 Janet Yellen -- that were 目的(とする)d at stabilising US-中国 関係.

His visit to 中国 (機の)カム as the Northern 半球 耐えるd 記録,記録的な/記録する-setting summer 熱波s, which scientists have said are 存在 悪化させるd by 気候 change.

"The Kerry visit and the 再開 of 気候 interaction 強調するs the 批判的な importance of 連係させた 成果/努力s to 演説(する)/住所 the 気候 危機," Chunping Xie, 上級の 政策 Fellow at the Grantham 研究 学校/設ける on 気候 Change and the 環境, told AFP in written comments.

"It also 論証するs their 株d 決意 to navigate a コンビナート/複合体 geopolitical 関係 to 促進する the ありふれた good," said Xie.

As the 主要な emitter of the 温室 gases 運動ing 気候 change, 中国 has 誓約(する)d to 頂点(に達する) 炭素 放出/発行s by 2030 and 達成する 完全にする 炭素 中立 by 2060.

大統領 Xi Jinping has also said 中国 will 減ずる its use of coal from 2026.

But Beijing 認可するd a major 殺到する in coal 力/強力にする in April -- a move Greenpeace said prioritised energy 供給(する) over the 放出/発行s 削減 誓約(する) -- fuelling 関心s that 中国 will fail to 会合,会う its 的s.

"ーに関して/ーの点でs of 明確な/細部 結果s, one thing that I hope could be moved 今後 at least is the methane 活動/戦闘 計画(する)," Lauri Myllyvirta, lead 分析家 at the Centre for 研究 on Energy and Clean 空気/公表する, told AFP.

Methane was the main new area of 協定 between the two countries in a 共同の 宣言 に引き続いて 2021 全世界の 気候 会談 in Glasgow, Myllyvirta said, although 重要な 進歩 has not since been 達成するd by 中国.

"Given the 大規模な clean energy growth that i s taking place in 中国, it does look like the country would be in place to commit to a stronger 的 than it 現在/一般に has," said Myllyvirta.

"But it's going to take more than one intercontinental flight by Kerry to bring that about."

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