US bobsledder 告訴するs team doctor (人命などを)奪う,主張するing 性の 乱用: 報告(する)/憶測s

US bobsledder Aja Evans has reportedly filed a lawsuit claiming she was repeatedly sexual abused by a team doctor for more than a decade

US bobsledder Aja Evans has 報道によれば とじ込み/提出するd a 訴訟 (人命などを)奪う,主張するing she was 繰り返して 性の 乱用d by a team doctor for more than a 10年間

US bobsledder Aja Evans, who won a bronze メダル at the 2014 Winter Olympics, has とじ込み/提出するd a 訴訟 主張するing she was sexually 強襲,強姦d by a team doctor for a 10年間, によれば 多重の 報告(する)/憶測s Thursday.

The Times Union newspaper of Albany, New York, and ESPN 報告(する)/憶測d that Evans とじ込み/提出するd the 訴訟 on Wednesday 近づく the Lake Placid 施設 where she and other 競技者s trained for 全世界の 競争s.

Evans とじ込み/提出するd the 訴訟 against chiropractor Jonathan Wilhelm, his プロの/賛成の Chiropractic clinic, the US Olympic and Paralympic 委員会 (USOPC) and the USA Bobsled and 骸骨/概要 連合. Wilhelm 堅固に 拒絶するd the 主張s with his lawyer calling them "unfounded (人命などを)奪う,主張するs".

Evans 主張するs that Wilhelm touched and groped her at times while 扱う/治療するing her and took photos and ビデオs of her while she was 部分的に/不公平に cloth ed at the Olympic training 施設 in Lake Placid and どこかよそで from 2012 to 2022, the Times Union 報告(する)/憶測d.

"The repeated molestation and 性の 強襲,強姦 I 苦しむd at the 手渡すs of John Wilhelm left me 肉体的に and emotionally 損失d, to the point where I experience chronic 苦悩 and fell out of love with the sport of bobsledding," Evans said in a 声明, per the paper.

The 訴訟 (人命などを)奪う,主張するs that when she was 入院させるd in December 2021 after a training 事故 in Germany, Evans awoke to Wilhelm touching her.

"Rather than 存在 保護するd, believed and taken 本気で, Ms. Evans was 支配するd to 調査 and degradation by the USOPC and USA Bobsled 治める/統治するing 団体/死体s," the 訴訟 said, によれば the Times Union.

Wilhelm's 弁護士/代理人/検事, Arizona-based Ryan Stevens, told ESPN in a 声明 that Wilhelm 否定するd the (人命などを)奪う,主張するs and never committed the 行為/法令/行動するs 詳細(に述べる)d in the 訴訟.

"Dr. Wilhelm wholeheartedly 否定するs these baseless 主張s," the 声明 said. "At no point did Dr. Wilhelm commit these heinous and disgusting 行為/法令/行動するs that Ms. Evans now 主張するs started over a 10年間 ago.

"Dr. Wilhelm has reputably served and 保護するd professional 競技者s all over the world. Dr. Wilhelm looks 今後 to vetting these unfounded (人命などを)奪う,主張するs and will 追求する all 合法的な avenues to 保護する his professional 評判."

Evans said that she first met Wilhelm in 2012 for a hip 傷害 and was asked 不適切な questions about her personal life, and touched in her genital area in a manner that made her recoil.

She said coaches and 医療の staff 無視(する)d her (民事の)告訴s and when she spoke to チーム仲間s, they agreed Wilhelm would, 関わりなく the 傷害, "go for the adductor," a muscle collection in the pelvic area.

Evans said the 関心s about Wilhelm's 行為 became so 広大な/多数の/重要な that in 2016 she and her チーム仲間s pooled their money to 飛行機で行く in a different 医療の provider during training 開会/開廷/会期s.

"I didn't feel like the USA bobsled team was taking what I was 説 本気で, and it was becoming a distraction for me and my 業績/成果," Evans told ESPN.

"And so it felt like what was within my 支配(する)/統制する was doing this with my チーム仲間s and just 焦点(を合わせる)ing on getting through the season."

Wilhelm is also 存在 調査/捜査するd by the US 中心 for SafeSport, ESPN 報告(する)/憶測d.

He has worked with the USA Bobsled and 骸骨/概要 連合 since the 2012 World Cup and, によれば the 訴訟, continues to 扱う/治療する Olympic 競技者s.

- Nassar 'eerily 類似の' -

Michelle Simpson Tuegel, Evans's lawyer, also 代表するd more than two dozen women in civil 事例/患者s とじ込み/提出するd against Larry Nassar, the former Olympic doctor for USA 体操 who was 宣告,判決d to more than 100 years in 刑務所,拘置所 after pleading 有罪の to sexually 強襲,強姦ing 患者s.

Simpson Tuegel told ESPN the Wilhelm and Nassar 事例/患者s were "eerily 類似の," 含むing the manner in which the doctors tried to be personable with 患者s during 治療.

"There was a lot of similarity with the way Larry Nassar operated," she told ESPN.

Evans was a brakewoman with 操縦する Jamie Greubel in 2014 when they took bronze in the two-woman event at Sochi.

Evans was banned from 競争 for two years last November after failing to 服従させる/提出する a 麻薬 実験(する)ing 見本 in March 2022. The 訴訟 says she 拒絶する/低下するd to fight the 禁止(する) 予定 to "exhaustion over the repeated 乱用," によれば the Times Union.

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