大混乱 in south Gaza hospitals after new Israeli strikes

Medics tend to the wounded at the Nasser hospital in Khan Yunis

Medics tend to the 負傷させるd at the Nasser hospital in 旅宿泊所 Yunis

患者s 嘘(をつく) on 冷淡な, bloodstained 床に打ち倒すs in hospitals filled to 洪水ing. Some 叫び声をあげる in 苦痛, but others 嘘(をつく) silently, deathly white, too weak even to cry out.

Hospitals in the southern Gaza (土地などの)細長い一片 have descended into 大混乱 since the 再開 of the war between the Palestinian 交戦的な group Hamas and イスラエル.

After eight weeks of war, interrupted only by one seven-day pause that ended on Friday, the doctors are exhausted.

燃料 reserves have almost run 乾燥した,日照りの because of イスラエル's 封鎖 of the 領土, so doctors are 軍隊d to choose when and where across their hospitals to run 発生させる人(物)s.

によれば the 国際連合, not a 選び出す/独身 hospital in the 領土's north can 現在/一般に operate on 患者s.

The most 本気で 負傷させるd are transferred daily to the south by 軍用車隊s organised by the International 委員会 of the Red Cross.

But even there, the UN says, the 12 remaining hospitals are only "部分的に/不公平に 機能(する)/行事 al".

Abdelkarim Abu Warda and his nine-year-old daughter Huda have just arrived at Deir al-Balah Hospital 船内に one of the ICRC 軍用車隊s.

A man mourns at Al-Najjar hospital beside the shrouded bodies of relatives killed in Israeli bombing of Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip

A man 嘆く/悼むs at Al-Najjar hospital beside the shrouded 団体/死体s of 親族s killed in Israeli 爆破 of Rafah in the southern Gaza (土地などの)細長い一片

On Friday, after the 一時休戦 ended, an Israeli strike 攻撃する,衝突する their house in the 広大な Jabalia 難民 (軍の)野営地,陣営 in the north.

Huda was 負傷させるd in the 長,率いる. "She had a brain haemorrhage -- she was placed on a ventilator," her father told AFP.

Since then, "she hasn't 答える/応じるd to anything", he says, 解除するing up the little girl's 武器.

"She doesn't answer me any more," he repeats, sobbing.

- No words -

It is daybreak and the first 祈りs for the dead are 存在 成し遂げるd.

A few dozen men gather in 前線 of white 団体/死体 捕らえる、獲得するs lined up on the ground.

Between two larger 捕らえる、獲得するs lies the small shroud of a child, の近くに to his or her parents even in death.

Women in 涙/ほころびs crouch 負かす/撃墜する to touch a 直面する or kiss a loved one for one last time before the 団体/死体s are carefully 負担d into the 支援する of a 好転.

"It's Adam going... and there is Abdullah," says one woman, weeping.

People try to comfort a woman holding the body of her baby girl in the courtyard of the Al-Najjar hospital

People try to 慰安 a woman 持つ/拘留するing the 団体/死体 of her baby girl in the 中庭 of the Al-Najjar hospital

At the Nasser hospital in 旅宿泊所 Yunis, the largest 医療の 施設 in southern Gaza, the story is the same.

World Health Organization 長,指導者 Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said on Sunday he was unable to "find words strong enough" to 表明する his 関心s about the 条件s there.

Members of a 世界保健機構 team who visited 設立する it packed with 1,000 患者s, three times its capacity.

患者s were 存在 扱う/治療するd on the 床に打ち倒す "叫び声をあげるing in 苦痛", with "countless people... 捜し出すing 避難所, filling every corner", the 世界保健機構 長,指導者 wrote.

イスラエル 抑えるのをやめるd its 空気/公表する and ground (選挙などの)運動をする in 返答 to Hamas's October 7 attack on southern イスラエル, which killed around 1,200 people and saw some 240 kidnapped, Israeli 公式の/役人s say.

The Hamas 政府 that runs Gaza says the Israeli (選挙などの)運動をする has killed more than 15,500 people -- 含むing 280 医療の staff -- since it began eight weeks ago.

- 'Saw the 爆弾 落ちる' -

イスラエル, which has 公約するd to 除去する Hamas, says it is now 焦点(を合わせる)ing on the southern city of 旅宿泊所 Yunis.

The army 減少(する)s 警告 ちらしs on neighbourhoods 予定 to be 的d each day, telling 居住(者)s that a "terrible attack is 切迫した" and ordering them to leave.

Each day, too, the 警告s move closer to the hospital.

With each new 爆発 that shakes the city, more 死傷者s arrive, often in 私的な cars.

Staff race out with 担架s which are often still stained with 血 from the previous 患者.

Some 団体/死体s arrive unaccompanied, and so cannot even be identified.

In the 回廊(地帯)s, families, the 負傷させるd and 医療の staff all jostle together.

Some tend to the 患者s, 事情に応じて変わる a sweater or a T-shirt under the 長,率いる of an 負傷させるd person lying on the hard 床に打ち倒す.

Ehab al-Najjar, a man with several family members both alive and dead at the hospital, lets his 怒り/怒る 爆発する.

"I (機の)カム home and saw the 爆弾 落ちる on our house. Women, children died. What did they do to deserve this?" he 叫び声をあげるs.

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