大多数 勝利者 Netanyahu apologises to Arab Israelis

総理大臣 Benjamin Netanyahu, who won 大多数 support Monday from newly elected MPs to form イスラエル's next 政府, apologised for 説 Arabs were 投票(する)ing in "droves" in comments that drew US 激しい非難.

The leader of the rightwing Likud party is 推定する/予想するd to be 仕事d this week with forming a new 連立政権.

"I know that my 声明s last week 感情を害する/違反するd some Israeli 国民s and members of the Arab Israeli community. That was never my 意向. I apologise for that," he said during a 会合 with Arab Israelis broadcast on television.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (C) delivers a speech next to his wife Sara as he reacts to exit poll figures in Israel's parliamentary elections l...

Israeli 総理大臣 Benjamin Netanyahu (C) 配達するs a speech next to his wife Sara as he 反応するs to 出口 投票 人物/姿/数字s in イスラエル's 議会の 選挙s late on March 17, 2015 in the city of Tel Aviv ?Menahem Kahana (AFP/とじ込み/提出する)

Netanyahu made a last-minute call to his 支持者s to 投票(する) last Tuesday in an 試みる/企てる to 反対する a high 人出/投票者数 の中で Arabs.

"The 支配する of the rightwing is in danger. Arab 投票者s are going to the 投票s in droves!" he said in a ビデオ on Facebook. "Go to the 投票ing 駅/配置するs! 投票(する) Likud!"

Ayman Odeh, 副 leader of the 共同の 名簿(に載せる)/表(にあげる) which groups イスラエル's main Arab parties and won 13 seats, 拒絶するd the 陳謝.

"His excuses are not 許容できる because not only does Benjamin Netanyahu 計画(する) to bring in 人種差別主義者 法律制定 but his words challenged the very 権利 of Arab Israelis to 投票(する) for the Knesset," イスラエル's 議会, he said on television.

US 大統領 Barack Obama, commenting on Netanyahu's surprise 選挙 victory, said: "That 肉親,親類d of rhetoric was contrary to what is the best of イスラエル's traditions."

His 長,指導者 of staff, Denis McDonough, on Monday took Netanyahu to 仕事 over another pre-選挙 誓約(する), to 封鎖する the 創造 of a Palestinian 明言する/公表する.

"We cannot 簡単に pretend that those comments were never made, or that they don't raise questions about the 首相's かかわり合い to 達成するing peace through direct 交渉s," he said.

- Troubled US 関係 -

Likud's victory has 覆うd the way for the likely 出現 of a new rightwing-宗教的な 政府 that may 複雑にする 成果/努力s to resurrect the US-sponsored peace 過程 with the Palestinians and 提起する/ポーズをとる その上の challenges for イスラエル's troubled 関係 with Washington.

Netanyahu is 推定する/予想するd to be 正式に 手渡すd the 仕事 of building a 連立政権 on Wednesday after 安全な・保証するing the 支援 of a solid 大多数 of MPs in the 120-seat Knesset.

There will then follow weeks of hard-fought 連合 horsetrading as Netanyahu's 可能性のある partners 戦う/戦い for 大臣の地位s and prestige.

支援 for Netanyahu to stay in the 地位,任命する (機の)カム during two days of 会談 between 大統領 Reuven Rivlin and 代表者/国会議員s of the 10 parties elected to 議会 who told him whom they would recommend as 首相.

Six 派閥s, 構成するing 67 MPs, threw their support behind Netanyahu, 大統領の 広報担当者 Jason Pearlman told AFP as Rivlin wrapped up 会談 with the 強行路線 anti-Arab Yisrael Beitenu.

Both Netanyahu and Isaac Herzog, leader of the centre-left Zionist Union -- which (機の)カム a distant second with 24 seats -- have 支配するd out joining 軍隊s in a まとまり 政府.

Besides Likud, which won 30 seats, his new 政府 is 推定する/予想するd to 含む the far-権利 ユダヤ人の Home (eight), ultra-正統派の parties and the newly formed centre-権利 Kulanu party of Likud defector Moshe Kahlon (10).

- Israeli 行動主義者s 悩ますd -

に引き続いて two days of 協議s, Rivlin is 予定 to 正式に 指名する the 候補者 -- but this can only happen after he is 現在のd with the 公式の/役人 results of the 選挙 on Wednesday evening.

Netanyahu will have four weeks to 完全にする the 仕事 of forming a new 閣僚, although Rivlin can 延長する the 最終期限 by another 14 days if necessary.

Throughout the 選挙運動, Kulanu's Kahlon had held his cards の近くに to his chest, hedging his bets as most 投票s 予報するd a 勝利,勝つ for the Zionist Union.

But after Netanyahu's 決定的な victory, Kahlon threw his support behind Netanyahu, in a move formalised in 会談 with Rivlin on Monday.

一方/合間, one of イスラエル's 最高の,を越す singers who is also a peace 行動主義者 was 口頭で 悩ますd as an "enemy of イスラエル" by 嫌疑者,容疑者/疑うd rightwing 凶漢s after returning from a trip to Italy.

The 出来事/事件 伴う/関わるing Achinoam Nini -- known overseas as Noa -- (機の)カム just days after another singer was attacked at his home in central イスラエル by a man who tried to 押し進める him and called him "a 反逆者 and a 左派の(人)".

Both attacks (機の)カム after a year in which there was a 著名な 増加する in 人種差別主義者 discourse in イスラエル, which was also 反映するd in the 選挙運動.

Supporters of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's Likud party react to exit poll figures as they wait for the announcement of the first official resu...

支持者s of Israeli Pr ime 大臣 Benjamin Netanyahu's Likud party 反応する to 出口 投票 人物/姿/数字s as they wait for the 告示 of the first 公式の/役人 results of イスラエル's 議会の 選挙s on March 17, 2015 ?Jack Guez (AFP/とじ込み/提出する)

Co-leader of the Zionist Union party, Israeli Labour Party leader Isaac Herzog (C), shakes hands with supporters as he reacts to exit poll figures in Israel'...

Co-leader of the Zionist Union party, Israeli 労働 Party leader Isaac Herzog (C), shakes 手渡すs with 支持者s as he 反応するs to 出口 投票 人物/姿/数字s in イスラエル's 議会の 選挙s late on March 17, 2015 in the city of Tel Aviv ?Gali Tibbon (AFP/とじ込み/提出する)

Israeli supporters of the centre-left Zionist Union party react to exit poll figures outside the party's headquarters as they wait for the announcement of th...

Israeli 支持者s of the centre-left Zionist Union party 反応する to 出口 投票 人物/姿/数字s outside the party's (警察,軍隊などの)本部 as they wait for the 告示 of the first 公式の/役人 results of イスラエル's 議会の 選挙s on March 17, 2015 ?Thomas Coex (AFP/とじ込み/提出する)

Israeli head of the Kulanu party, Moshe Kahlon, casts his vote at a polling station in the coastal city of Haifa, on March 17, 2015

Israeli 長,率いる of the Kulanu party, Moshe Kahlon, casts his 投票(する) at a 投票ing 駅/配置する in the 沿岸の city of Haifa, on March 17, 2015 ?Jack Guez (AFP/とじ込み/提出する)

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