Canadian 鉱夫 to 開始する,打ち上げる major 巡査 事業/計画(する) in DR Congo

にもかかわらず 宙返り/暴落するing 物価s, Canada's Ivanhoe 地雷s says 巡査 生産/産物 at a new 巨大(な) deposit in the Democratic 共和国 of Congo should start in 2018, as it 注目する,もくろむs a 未来 赤字 in the market and rising 全世界の 需要・要求する.

The 発見 at Kamoa in the southeast of the 広大な mineral-rich country has been 現在のd as one of the biggest finds in 巡査 採掘 in many years, though DR Congo is already Africa's 最高の,を越す 巡査 生産者 and one of the world leaders.

"We think we can begin 生産/産物 at the end of 2018," Louis Watum, the 長,率いる of Ivanhoe DRC, told a 最近の 採掘 会議/協議会 in Kinshasa.

Democratic Republic of Congo is already Africa's top copper producer and one of the world leaders

Democratic 共和国 of Congo is already Africa's 最高の,を越す 巡査 生産者 and one of the world leaders ?Gwenn 名付ける/吹き替える ourthoumieu (AFP/とじ込み/提出する)

But in the 商品/必需品s market, 採掘 companies have been struck by a sharp 落ちる in prices, 影響する/感情d by the 経済的な 減産/沈滞 in 最高の,を越す 消費者 中国.

スイスの 採掘 巨大(な) Glencore, with a mountain of $30 billion in 負債, recently 一時停止するd 生産/産物 for 18 months in one of DR Congo's biggest 巡査 地雷s.

Watum, however, believes 条件s should favour the 開始する,打ち上げる of the Kamoa 地雷, which lies about 25 kilometres (15 miles) west of the major 採掘 town of Kolwezi in the Katanga 巡査 belt.

"Even if 中国 is running out of steam or slowing 負かす/撃墜する today, other countries are still asking for 巡査. So in the two or three years (to come) we can easily 予知する a 赤字 of 巡査 on the market just as we go into 生産/産物," Watum said.

Ivanhoe 地雷s 見積(る)s that the deposit, 設立する in 2007, 含む/封じ込めるs the 同等(の) of at least 45 million tonnes of pure 巡査. The company 目的(とする)s to 抽出する 300,000 tonnes per year once 生産/産物 reaches a 頂点(に達する).

- Chinese co-developer -

The Canadian 会社/堅い, which has a 95 パーセント 火刑/賭ける in the Kamoa 事業/計画(する), 発表するd in May that it had 削減(する) a を取り引きする the Chinese group Zijin 採掘 to acquire, through a 子会社, 49.5 パーセント of its holdings in 交流 for $412 million (363 million euros).

Zijin also 持つ/拘留するs an 選択 to acquire an 付加 1.0 パーセント 株 upon 首尾よく arranging 事業/計画(する) 財政/金融ing for 65 パーセント of the first 段階 of Kamoa's 開発 costs.

"This 協定 with Zijin, one of the world's most 遂行するd 鉱夫s, is その上の 確定/確認 of Kamoa's distinction a s one of the most 重要な, 未開発の mineral 発見s of our age... Together with the Congolese 政府 and Zijin, we 目的(とする) to 会合,会う the 期待s of the Congolese people and our stakeholders in Katanga as we proceed to build a world-class, new 巡査 地雷," Robert Friedland, Ivanhoe (n)役員/(a)執行力のある chairman, had said in a 声明 発表するing the 取引,協定.

Ivanhoe has so far 投資するd だいたい $337 million in 公正,普通株主権 資本/首都 in discovering and developing the Kamoa 事業/計画(する), the 声明 追加するd.

But 最初 the を取り引きする a Chinese co-developer met with 不賛成 in Kinshasa.

The Congolese 明言する/公表する, which owns the remaining five パーセント of Kamoa 巡査, had 辞退するd to 認可する the 取引,協定 on the grounds that it had not been 協議するd.

A 行き詰まる was broken at the end of September, when Kinshasa gave its green light after agreeing with Ivanhoe that the 明言する/公表する's 株 could rise to 20 パーセント.

- 回復するing 決定的な rail link -

採掘 is the 運動ing 軍隊 behind the country's 年次の rise in 経済成長 of more than seven パーセント since 2012, but the 部門 is frequently criticised for its 欠如(する) of transparency. The 悲惨な poverty that 勝つ/広く一帯に広がるs in DR Congo 耐えるs 証言,証人/目撃する to 広大な/多数の/重要な 不平等 in the 配当 of wealth.

採掘 groups operating in DR Congo also 直面する 力/強力にする 不足s and a 欠如(する) of 決定的な 組織/基盤/下部構造, which has been 許すd to 固執する by 連続する 政権s since independence from Belgium in 1960.

To 請け負う the Kamoa 事業/計画(する) 首尾よく, Ivanhoe 地雷s has joined 軍隊s with the 国家の Company for Electricity to renovate two 水力電気 力/強力にする 工場/植物s.

Watum also said I vanhoe is counting on the 革新 of a 鉄道 line that passes through Kolwezi and 長,率いるs west across central Angola to the 大西洋 port of Lobito, a distance of more than 1,700 kilometres.

The Angolan 鉄道 was left in disrepair during a 長引かせるd civil war and 採掘 会社/堅いs in Katanga have been 輸出(する)ing 巡査 おもに over 広大な road distances to ports in South Africa and Tanzania.

The Congolese 議会 of 地雷s has 発表するd that in 2015, it does not 推定する/予想する 巡査 生産/産物 to reach last year's 記録,記録的な/記録する of more than one million tonnes. It 見積(る)s that 生産/産物 will 達成する a little more than 974,000 tonnes.

In the commodities market, mining companies have been struck by a sharp fall in prices, affected by the economic slowdown in top consumer China

In the 商品/必需品s market, 採掘 companies have been struck by a sharp 落ちる in prices, 影響する/感情d by the 経済的な 減産/沈滞 in 最高の,を越す 消費者 中国 ?Marc Jourdier (AFP/とじ込み/提出する)

Mining is the driving force behind the Democratic Republic of Congo's annual rise in economic growth of more than seven percent since 2012

採掘 is the 運動ing 軍隊 behind the Democratic 共和国 of Congo's 年次の rise in 経済成長 of more than seven パーセント since 2012 ?Gwenn Dubourthoumieu (AFP/とじ込み/提出する)

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