Indian students 手配中の,お尋ね者 in sedition 事例/患者 現れる from hiding

Five students 手配中の,お尋ね者 in a 議論の的になる sedition 事例/患者 that has 誘発する/引き起こすd some of India's biggest student 抗議するs for years 現れるd from hiding on Monday and said they were 用意が出来ている to 直面する 司法(官).

Police have been searching for the five since February 12, when they 逮捕(する)d student union leader Kanhaiya Kumar for sedition over a 決起大会/結集させる at which anti-India スローガンs were shouted.

The 逮捕(する) raised 恐れるs over freedom of speech in the country's 最高の,を越す universities.

Indian students shout slogans against Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) and the late Kashmiri separatist Mohammed Afzal Guru at a protest outside the univers...

Indian students shout スローガンs against Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) and the late Kashmiri 分離主義者 Mohammed Afzal Guru at a 抗議する outside the university in New Delhi on February 1 7, 2016 ?Sajjad Hussain (AFP)

Kumar, who like the other five is from New Delhi's prestigious Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), says he was not の中で those shouting the スローガンs.

He was beaten by 右翼 国家主義者s when he appeared in 法廷,裁判所 last week in an 明らかに orchestrated attack that has been 非難するd by 権利s 行動主義者s and scholars around the world.

One of the five students, Anant Prakash Narayan, said he had gone 地下組織の because he 恐れるd "暴徒 fury" but was ready to 直面する 司法(官).

"We are not 脅すd of the police or the 合法的な 訴訟/進行s. We are ready to 直面する everything because we have not done anything that is wrong," he told the NDTV news channel from the JNU campus.

"We decided to come out in the open because the 状況/情勢 has 冷静な/正味のd 負かす/撃墜する now. We were 脅すd of 暴徒 fury, not of anything else."

The students' reappearance has 現在のd police with a 窮地 because 公式に they need 許可 from the university's 副/悪徳行為-(ドイツなどの)首相/(大学の)学長 to enter the campus.

Police 乗り物s were lined up outside the university on Monday, with the 副/悪徳行為-(ドイツなどの)首相/(大学の)学長 locked in 会合s to decide whether to 許す them 接近.

Students have (刑事)被告 総理大臣 Narendra Modi's 右翼 国家主義者 政府 of misusing the British-時代 sedition 法律 to stifle dissent.

Modi has not 直接/まっすぐに commented on the 列/漕ぐ/騒動, but on Monday he 演説(する)/住所d students at a major university in his northern 選挙区/有権者 of Varanasi.

Last week, as students around the country marched against what they say is a 厳重取締り on dissent, his 政府 ordered all public universities to 飛行機で行く the 国家の 旗 on campu s.

The students were also 抗議するing at the 逮捕(する) of a former Delhi university professor for sedition earlier this month.

Both 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金s relate to events called to 祝う/追悼する the 2013 hanging of Kashmiri 分離主義者 Afzal Guru over an attack on India's 議会.

On Monday Delhi's police 長,指導者 B. S. Bassi, who has come under 解雇する/砲火/射撃 for his 軍隊's 逮捕(する) and 失敗 to 保護する Kumar, 勧めるd the five students to give themselves up.

"If they are innocent, they should 現在の proof of their innocence," he said.

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