'It's a girl!': Tokyo zoo 発表するs baby panda's sex

Pandas are born pink, hairless and so small it can be difficult to determine their sex

Pandas are born pink, hairless and so small it can be difficult to 決定する their sex

A baby panda recently born in Japan is a girl, a Tokyo zoo said Friday, 追加するing that the little cub appeared to be in good health.

Tokyo's Ueno Zoo celebrated the first birth of a baby panda in five years on June 12, 誘発するing rolling television 報告(する)/憶測s and setting off panda fever 全国的な.

A zoo 広報担当者 said the 女性(の) cub's sex was 確認するd based on pictures sent to a panda 研究 centre in the shy animal's native 中国.

Pandas are born pink, hairless and 重さを計るing around 100 grams (three-and-a-half ounces) -- so small it can be difficult to 決定する their sex.

The little cub "seems to be in good health" and is drinking her mother's milk, the 広報担当者 said, 追加するing she is now 17.6 centimetres (seven インチs) long and 重さを計るs 283.9 gramme (9.9 ounces).

Her pink 団体/死体 is beginning to show tell-tale 黒人/ボイコット panda fur.

"She has started to grow 黒人/ボイコット fur around her 注目する,もくろむs and on other parts of her 団体/死体," the 広報担当者 追加するd.

Zoo keepers were carefully tending to the cub and her 11-year-old mum 向こうずね 向こうずね, who 再開するd her daily schedule of munching young bamboo stalks and rolling around days after giving birth.

The birth of the as-yet-無名の cub comes after the last panda's arrival at Ueno Zoo ended unhappily, with the baby dying from 肺炎.

The death 減ずるd one of the zoo's directors to 涙/ほころびs.

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