All the 大統領,/社長's men: Xi 同盟(する) given 最高の,を越す Shanghai 地位,任命する

Chinese President, and General Secretary of the Communist Party Xi Jinping has promoted a number of officials known to him from his Zhejiang days to top political and military posts

Chinese 大統領, and General 長官 of the 共産主義者 Party Xi Jinping has 促進するd a number of 公式の/役人s known to him from his Zhejiang days to 最高の,を越す political and 軍の 地位,任命するs

中国's 判決,裁定 共産主義者 party on Sunday 促進するd Li Qiang, an 同盟(する) of 大統領 Xi Jinping, to its 最高の,を越す 地位,任命する in Shanghai, 明言する/公表する マスコミ said -- 論証するing Xi's 増加するing 支配する on 力/強力にする throughout the country.

Li Qiang, 58, has been 任命するd party 長,指導者 of Shanghai, the 公式の/役人 Xinhua news 機関 said.

The 告示 comes days after the 結論 of the 19th Party 議会, a 重要な 共産主義者 conclave that 手渡すd Xi a second 称する,呼ぶ/期間/用語 and 栄冠を与えるd him as the most powerful Chinese leader in 10年間s.

Li worked under Xi in Zhejiang 州 from 2003 and 2007, when the latter was the party 長,指導者 there.

He was elevated to the country's powerful 25-member (共産党)政治局 earlier this week during the party congress, a twice-a-10年間 会合 to 改造(する) leadership 役割s.

Xi has 促進するd a number of offic ials known to him from his Zhejiang days to 最高の,を越す political and 軍の 地位,任命するs, 含むing Cai Qi, the party 長官 of Beijing.

In Shanghai, Li has 取って代わるd Han Zheng, a prot?g? of former 大統領 Jiang Zemin who was this week elevated to the country's all-powerful seven-person (共産党)政治局 Standing 委員会.

All Shanghai party 長官s since 1989 save one have ended up with a seat on the 最高の,を越す 団体/死体, which calls the 発射s in governance of the world's second-largest economy.

Last June, Li was 促進するd from 知事 of the eastern 沿岸の 州 of Zhejiang to party 長官 of 隣人ing Jiangsu, the 州 with the second strongest economy in the country.

That Jiangsu position will now be filled by Lou Qinjian, the former 長官 of Shaanxi 州, によれば Xinhua.

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