On 辛勝する/優位 of last IS bastion, Iraqis あられ/賞賛する end of jihadist 支配する

Iraqi forces advance towards the city of al-Qaim on the Syrian border as they fight to capture the last pockets of territory held by the Islamic State group in the country on November 2, 2017

Iraqi 軍隊s 前進する に向かって the city of al-Qaim on the Syrian 国境 as they fight to 逮捕(する) the last pockets of 領土 held by the Islamic 明言する/公表する group in the country on November 2, 2017

For Abu Ahmed, the arrival of Iraqi 軍隊s in his village on the 国境 with Syria has ended a three-year ordeal at the 手渡すs of the Islamic 明言する/公表する group that might never have been.

He was only meant to be visiting when he returned to the tiny 解決/入植地 of Al-Obeidi in western Iraq for his mother's funeral in September 2014.

But two days later the jihadists swept in, trapping him for years under their 残虐な 支配する and far from his home in the 資本/首都 Baghdad.

That all ended this week when 政府 軍隊/機動隊s 押し進めるing a final 不快な/攻撃 against IS in Iraq 掴むd Al-Obeidi as they の近くにd in on the largest remaining jihadist-controlled town of Al-Qaim just to the west.

"Thank God, the Iraqi 軍隊s have 解放するd us," he told AFP, 辞退するing to give his real 指名する as "the 恐れる " still remains even though the IS 闘士,戦闘機s might be gone.

After 吸収するing the village into their self-styled caliphate 支援する in September 2014, the jihadists "behaved 不正に に向かって the people," the man in his 60s said.

In the past few years Iraqi 軍隊/機動隊s have been 戦う/戦いing to 奪い返す the 列s of 領土 that IS 逮捕(する)d when they 嵐/襲撃するd through the country in 2014.

In 残虐な fighting Baghdad has 追い出すd IS from one city after another as they systematically 取り去る/解体するd the group's 実験 in statehood with the help of 空気/公表する strikes from a US-led 連合.

Now, all that remains of their 領土 in Iraq is Al-Qaim and the area around in a pocket of barren 砂漠 along the Euphrates river 近づく the 国境 with Syria.

Displaced women from around the town of al-Qaim on the border with Syria seek safety as Iraqi forces push an offensive to capture the last pocket of Islamic State group territory on November 1, 2017

追い出すd women from around the town of al-Qaim on the 国境 with Syria 捜し出す safety as Iraqi 軍隊s 押し進める an 不快な/攻撃 to 逮捕(する) the last pocket of Islamic 明言する/公表する group 領土 on November 1, 2017

Since 開始する,打ち上げるing the final 不快な/攻撃 to 奪い返す the 地域 last week Iraqi 軍隊/機動隊s 支援するd up by 地元の Sunni 闘士,戦闘機s have 逮捕(する)d "over 30 villages and 前進するd more than 90 kilometres (55 miles)," 指揮官 Qassem al-Mohammedi told AFP.

His men have quickly painted over the IS 旗 that was daubed across an arch at the 入り口 to Al-Obeidi.

A little その上の along buildings show the scars of fighting. A 列/漕ぐ/騒動 of shops is now only a pile of がれき.

- '奪うd us of everything' -

When the fighting started Umm Mohammed thought only of one thing: escaping.

The jihadists "奪うd us of everything. There were people who were ill and died in their homes because they 辞退するd to let them be moved," says the woman who also 辞退するd to give her 十分な 指名する.

Iraqi forces advance towards the city of al-Qaim on the Syrian border as they fight to capture the last pocket of  Islamic State group territory in the country on November 2, 2017

Iraqi 軍隊s 前進する に向かって the city of al-Qaim on the Syrian 国境 as they fight to 逮捕(する) the last pocket of Islamic 明言する/公表する group 領土 in the country on November 2, 2017

A young girl by her 味方する says she wants to go 支援する to school "now that we are finished with IS".

"Without school we forgot everything that we learnt," she said.

Behind them women, children and a few men are crammed の上に a long line of 好転 トラックで運ぶs with the 所持品 that they managed to pack in a 急ぐ. Sheep, some cows and a donkey are gathered nearby.

Most of the men are seated on the earth waiting to be 審査するd by 政府 軍隊s. They will 直面する 尋問 and background checks as 兵士s look to root out any IS 闘士,戦闘機s.

Several hundred metres (yards) away a 調印する next to the asphalt road that 削減(する)s through the 砂漠 points to Al-Qaim 12 kilometres (seven miles) away and Syria その上の on.

Across the frontier IS is also 戦う/戦いing for 生き残り as 競争相手 不快な/攻撃s 支援するd by the US and Russia eat into its 領土.

The Iraqi 軍隊/機動隊s are now 焦点(を合わせる)d on Al-Qaim as they look to "軍隊 IS out" of their country, said general Noman al-Zoabi, as he 前進するs through the 砂漠 with a 軍用車隊 of armoured 乗り物s.

Iraqi forces advance towards the city of al-Qaim on the Syrian border as they fight to capture the last pocket of Islamic State group territory on November 2, 2017

Iraqi 軍隊s 前進する に向かって the city of al-Qaim on the Syrian 国境 as they fight to 逮捕(する) the last pocket of Islamic 明言する/公表する group 領土 on November 2, 2017

Ahead of him 嘘(をつく) plenty more 障害s: th e road is studded with improvised 爆発性の 装置s 始める,決める to 爆発する as his 軍隊s 前進する.

And even in the areas that the 軍隊/機動隊s have "解放するd" the 脅し is still ever 現在の.

Behind on the road 近づく Al-Obeidi smouldered the charred carcass of an Iraqi armoured 乗り物 that had just been blown up by a 道端 爆弾.

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