Yemen 分離主義者s 掴む de facto 資本/首都 as charity 一時停止するs work

Fighters from Yemen's separatist Southern Transitional Council sit on the back an armoured vehicle in Aden's northern Dar Saad district on January 30, 2018, as they move closer to taking full control of the southern city

闘士,戦闘機s from Yemen's 分離主義者 Southern 過度期の 会議 sit on the 支援する an armoured 乗り物 in Aden's northern Dar Saad 地区 on January 30, 2018, as they move closer to taking 十分な 支配(する)/統制する of the southern city

分離主義者s in war-荒廃させるd Yemen have 掴むd all but one 地区 of the 政府's de facto 資本/首都 Aden, also laying 包囲 to the 孤立するd 大統領の palace on the city's southern 郊外s on Tuesday.

全世界の charity Save the Children said it was 一時停止するing life-saving work in Aden as its staff were 軍隊d to hunker 負かす/撃墜する まっただ中に gun 戦う/戦いs that the Red Cross says have killed at least 36 people in the past three days.

A number of 大臣s fled the port city by boat on Monday night, ドッキングする/減らす/ドックに入れるing in the 地区 of Brega その上の west, a 軍の source told AFP.

A port 公式の/役人 確認するd their arrival, 説 they were 輸送(する)d to a base of the Saudi-led 連合 which 支援するs Yemen's go vernment.

But the 大臣s returned to Aden before 夜明け, after receiving 保証(人)s from the 連合 that the 大統領の palace would not be 嵐/襲撃するd, a 政府 source said.

A tank in Aden's northern Dar Saad district flies a flag belonging to the separatist Southern Transitional Council as STC forces move closer to taking full control of the southern city on January 30, 2018

A 戦車/タンク in Aden's northern Dar Saad 地区 飛行機で行くs a 旗 belonging to the 分離主義者 Southern 過度期の 会議 as STC 軍隊s move closer to taking 十分な 支配(する)/統制する of the southern city on January 30, 2018

The source said Saudi Arabia and its 連合 同盟(する)s are now in 会談 with southern 分離主義者s and with Yemen's 政府, which Riyadh supports in the war against Iran-支援するd Huthi 反逆者/反逆するs.

The 分離主義者s, who 支持する for 自治 in southern Yemen, now 支配(する)/統制する seven of Aden's eight 地区s.

軍隊s loyal to the 政府 of 大統領 Abedrabbo Mansour Hadi 持つ/拘留する the large northern 地区 of Dar Saad, while 大臣s remain in the 包囲するd 大統領の palace 近づく the coast.

Hadi's 政府 has (刑事)被告 the 分離主義者s of 試みる/企てるing a クーデター in Aden, 開始 yet another 前線 in the countr y's 破滅的な 衝突.

- Save the Children -

Save the Children on Tuesday said it was 一時停止するing 批判的な 人道的な work in Aden out of 恐れる for the safety of its staff.

"Our staff are 軍隊d to 避難所 at home and in (船に)燃料を積み込む/(軍)地下えんぺい壕s while gun 戦う/戦いs 激怒(する) outside," Yemen Country Director Tamer Kirolos said, 説 children are "dying every day from preventable 原因(となる)s" like hunger, コレラ and diphtheria.

"Aden was a 親族 避難 まっただ中に the fighting in Yemen, but now that too has been 粉々にするd," Kirolos said. "How many more innocent children must have their lives destroyed before the world takes notice?"

The southern port city of Aden has served as the 政府's base since 2014, when the Iran-支援するd Huthi 反逆者/反逆するs -- who あられ/賞賛する from northern Yemen -- took 支配(する)/統制する of the 資本/首都 Sanaa.

While 大統領 Hadi now resides in Riyadh, two 軍の 公式の/役人s said 総理大臣 Ahmed 貯蔵所 Dagher and a number of 上級の 政府 人物/姿/数字s remain in the Aden 大統領の palace.

Conflict in Yemen

衝突 in Yemen

For three years, Hadi's Saudi-支援するd 行政 was 連合した with the 分離主義者s, 運動ing the Huthi 反逆者/反逆するs out of the south and 支援する to their northern 要塞/本拠地s.

But 緊張 between the 同盟(する)s began to surface in April when Hadi 解任するd 閣僚 大臣 Hani 貯蔵所 Breik and Aden's 知事 in a move 広範囲にわたって seen as 反映するing 分割 s の中で his 支持者s.

緊張s boiled over into 武装した 衝突/不一致s between the 分離主義者s and プロの/賛成の-政府 軍隊s on Sunday, fuelling 大混乱 in the 貧窮化した Arabian 半島 country where a civil war has already left thousands dead and millions on the brink of 餓死.

- 需要・要求する for 自治 -

Under the self-布告するd Southern 過度期の 会議 (STC), the 分離主義者s have 伸び(る)d traction since April in their 押し進める for 自治, 需要・要求するing the reinstatement of South Yemen as an 独立した・無所属 (独立の)存在.

The STC this month called on Hadi to make changes in his 政府, 告発する/非難するing him of 汚職 and mismanagement.

The 衝突/不一致s have 誘発するd 恐れるs of a repeat of the 1986 South Yemen civil war, a failed 社会主義者 クーデター which killed thousands in just six days and helped 可能にする the 1991 統一 of South and North Yemen.

准將 Saleh al-Sayyed, who 長,率いるs 軍隊/機動隊s that have fought と一緒に the 分離主義者s since Sunday, 発表するd his 軍隊s had 掴むd 支配(する)/統制する of the Fourth 旅団, the 大統領の guard in Aden.

Smoke billows behind a fighter from Yemen's separatist Southern Transitional Council in the government's de facto capital Aden on January 30, 2018, as STC forces move towards taking full control of the southern city

Smoke 大波s behind a 闘士,戦闘機 from Yemen's 分離主義者 Southern 過度期の 会議 in the 政府's de facto 資本/首都 Aden on January 30, 2018, as STC 軍隊s move に向かって taking 十分な 支配(する)/統制する of the southern city

Yemen's 大統領,/社長 has 勧めるd Saudi Arabia and its 同盟(する)s to 介入する to defend the 政府.

The 連合 said it would take "all necessary steps to 回復する 安全" but has not 発表するd any new 操作/手術 to help the 政府 in Aden.

The 部隊d Arab 首長国s, a 重要な 連合 member that has trained up a special 操作/手術s 軍隊 in the Yemeni army, has の近くに 関係 to 解雇(する)d 大臣 貯蔵所 Breik, a 目だつ 分離主義者.

The UAE-trained 軍隊, dubbed the "安全 belt", is 駅/配置するd in southern Yemen and supports the STC. Some 軍隊/機動隊s in the Yemeni army are also loyal to the 分離主義者s.

The 連合 on Monday called on the 分離主義者s to 演習 抑制, while 勧めるing the Yemeni 政府 to "take into consideration the 需要・要求するs of the social and political movement" in the south.

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