カザフ共和国 否定するs 亡命 to 中国 're-education (軍の)野営地,陣営' whistleblower

Sayragul Sauytbay has been spared the deportation order usually imposed on people who enter Kazakhstan illegally from China

Sayragul Sauytbay has been spared the 国外追放 order usually 課すd on people who enter カザフ共和国 不法に from 中国

Ex-Soviet カザフ共和国 has 辞退するd 亡命 to an escaped Chinese 国家の whose 法廷,裁判所 証言 helped expose a 隠しだてする 網状組織 of re-education (軍の)野営地,陣営s in 中国's restive Xinjiang 地域, her lawyer said Friday.

Sayragul Sauytbay, 41, was 否定するd political 亡命 by a 移住 委員会 in the Central Asian country.

The 決定/判定勝ち(する) (機の)カム にもかかわらず an earlier 法廷,裁判所 判決,裁定 辞退するing to 許す her 国外逃亡犯人の引渡し to 中国 for having 不法に crossed the 国境 between the two countries.

Lawyer Abzal Kuspanov told AFP the 決定/判定勝ち(する) had been "推定する/予想するd" given the "very strong 影響(力) of 中国" on its の近くに 同盟(する) カザフ共和国.

He said they would 控訴,上告 the 決定/判定勝ち(する).

"She will not be 国外追放するd, we will not 許す it," Kuspanov said.

The 委員会's 決定/判定勝ち(する) could be 控訴,上告d through a 地元の 法廷,裁判所. They would also 捜し出す the help of the UN.

The 委員会's 決定/判定勝ち(する) could be 控訴,上告d through a 地元の 法廷,裁判所 and they would also 捜し出す the help of the UN, he 追加するd.

概略で 1.5 million 民族の Kazakhs live in the western Chinese 地域 of Xinjiang.

Sauytbay 認める to crossing the 国境 不法に to join her family in カザフ共和国, an offence that usually 誘発する/引き起こすs 国外追放 under the country's 犯罪の code.

Instead, a 法廷,裁判所 in August gave her a 一時停止するd 宣告,判決 and 解放する/自由なd her from 刑務所,拘置所, as public 利益/興味 in the 裁判,公判 殺到するd.

In her 法廷,裁判所 証言 Sauytbay said she had been 軍隊d to work in a re-education (軍の)野営地,陣営 where some 2,500 Kazakhs were 抑留するd.

Chinese 当局 had 封鎖するd her 成果/努力s to 再会させる with her family, who recently 伸び(る)d Kazakh 市民権, because she knew "明言する/公表する secrets", she said.

Over a million people -- mostly 民族の Uighurs -- are 恐らく 存在 held in a 隠しだてする 網状組織 of extra-judicial, political re-education centres, a 国際連合 パネル盤 of 専門家s (人命などを)奪う,主張するd in August.

Beijing 述べるd the パネル盤's (人命などを)奪う,主張する as "完全に untrue".

中国 開始する,打ち上げるd its "Strike Hard" (選挙などの)運動をする 的ing 分離主義 in イスラム教徒-大多数 Xinjiang in 2014.

The 厳重取締 強めるd two years later when 強行路線 公式の/役人 Chen Quanguoc -- 悪名高い for his repressive 支配する in Tibet -- became the 地域's new 共産主義者 Party 長,指導者.

Kazakhs had 以前 避けるd the extremes of repression 苦しむd by the Uighur people, who have fallen under growing 明言する/公表する 監視 under Chen's 安全 政権.

Sauytbay's 事例/患者 put カザフ共和国 in an ぎこちない position as it 捜し出すs to 促進する itself as a 重要な artery in 中国's 一兆-dollar Belt and Road 貿易(する) and 組織/基盤/下部構造 押し進める.

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