DR Congo 大統領,/社長 あられ/賞賛するs victory on first trip abroad

Tshisekedi, left, shown here with his Angolan counterpart Joao Lourenco, admitted to "imperfections" in the December polls that brought him to power

Tshisekedi, left, shown here with his Angolan 相当するもの Joao Lourenco, 認める to "imperfections" in the December 投票s that brought him to 力/強力にする

DR Congo's new 大統領,/社長, Felix Tshisekedi, on Tuesday defended his 論争d 選挙 victory as he visited 隣人ing Angola on his first trip abroad since 存在 sworn in last month.

"I know that there have been some imperfections, some 不正行為s in these 選挙s, but 全体にわたる it went 井戸/弁護士席 because this change of leadership was done 平和的に," Tshisekedi told reporters.

Tshisekedi was 就任するd in January に引き続いて the December 投票s, but 走者-up ツバメ Fayulu has 解任するd the result as an "選挙(人)の クーデター" 操るd by long-称する,呼ぶ/期間/用語 去っていく/社交的な 大統領,/社長 Joseph Kabila.

Standing by his Angolan 相当するもの Joao Lourenco, the Congolese 大統領,/社長 解任するd any 論争 over his victory.

"To this day, I'm still waiting for the 証拠 of the one who challenges the 判決 of the 憲法の 法廷,裁判所. I still have not seen anything," Tshisekedi said, referring to Fayulu.

The handover 示すd the country's first-ever 平和的な 移転 of 力/強力にする since independence from Belgium in 1960.

Tshisekedi 確認するd he was ready to 株 力/強力にする with Kabila's 支持者s who 支配(する)/統制する 議会 after winning an 圧倒的な 大多数 in 国家の 議会.

"There is no 協定 yet, but there are discussions... I undertook to send a message of 調停 to Mr. Joseph Kabila and his friends," Tshisekedi said.

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