抗議する in New York over 運命/宿命 of 中国's Uighurs

Nearly one million Uighurs and other Turkic language-speaking minorities in China have reportedly been held in re-education camps, according to a UN panel of experts

Nearly one million Uighurs and other Turkic language-speaking 少数,小数派s in 中国 have 報道によれば been held in re-education (軍の)野営地,陣営s, によれば a UN パネル盤 of 専門家s

About 50 people gathered Tuesday outside the US 使節団 to the UN in New York to draw attention to the 運命/宿命 of 中国's Uighur 少数,小数派, and 勧める 活動/戦闘 from the 部隊d 明言する/公表するs.

The 控訴,上告 was 開始する,打ち上げるd by a young 医療の student, Yosef Roth, who had no 関係 with this イスラム教徒 少数,小数派 before 動員するing for this 原因(となる).

"The magnitude of the 残虐(行為) spoke to me," said Roth, who is 熟考する/考慮するing at Yeshiva University to become a rabbi. "It really is important to watch out for things like this.

"I'm not much an 行動主義者, to be honest. I just think that the fact that it's occurring 強要するs everyone to do something. This is 決定的な," he 強調する/ストレスd.

The northwest Xinjiang 地域 of 中国, where most Uighurs live, has been under 激しい police 監視 in 最近の years, after violent の間の-民族の 緊張s.

Nearly one million Uighurs and other Turkic language-speaking 少数,小数派s in 中国 have 報道によれば been held in re-education (軍の)野営地,陣営s, によれば a UN パネル盤 of 専門家s.

In 中央の-November, a 法案 supporting Uighurs and 捜し出すing 許可/制裁s on 中国 was 現在のd to both houses of 議会, with the support of Florida 上院議員 Marco Rubio. It has not yet been put to the 投票(する).

The Trump 行政 has 堅固に 非難するd the 治療 of 少数,小数派 and asked Beijing to 尊敬(する)・点 their freedom of 宗教, but has stopped short of 許可/制裁s.

"At this moment, it's difficult for the 政府 to do something that would be economically 損失ing because that's not something that the public is explicitly behind. So the public needs to be aware," Roth said.

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