Syria 軍隊 looks to (疑いを)晴らす more 非軍事のs from last IS pocket

A spokesman for the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) carries a baby followed by a woman who fled the Islamic State (IS) group's last holdout of Baghouz, in northern Syria's Deir Ezzor province

A 広報担当者 for the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic 軍隊s (SDF) carries a baby followed by a woman who fled the Islamic 明言する/公表する (IS) group's last 抵抗 of Baghouz, in northern Syria's Deir Ezzor 州

US-支援するd 闘士,戦闘機s said Saturday they were keeping a 回廊(地帯) open to 救助(する) remaining 非軍事のs from the Islamic 明言する/公表する group's last sliver of 領土 in Syria, as the UN 控訴,上告d for 緊急の 援助.

The Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic 軍隊s have 避難させるd nearly 5,000 men, women and children from the jihadist 抵抗 since Wednesday, bringing the SDF closer to 奪い返すing the いっそう少なく than half a square kilometre still under IS 支配(する)/統制する.

"On our 味方する, the 回廊(地帯) is open and we hope a larger number of 非軍事のs will arrive but that depends on IS 闘士,戦闘機s and whether they will give 非軍事のs a chance to 出口," SDF 広報担当者 Adnan Afrin told AFP at their Al-Omar base.

More than four years after IS overran large parts of Syria and 隣人 ing Iraq and 宣言するd a "caliphate", they have lost all but a tiny patch in the village of Baghouz 近づく the Iraqi 国境.

Some 2,000 people are believed to remain inside Baghouz, によれば the SDF.

The 軍隊 says it is trying to 避難させる remaining 非軍事のs through a 回廊(地帯) before 圧力(をかける)ing on with a 戦う/戦い to 鎮圧する the jihadists unless 抵抗 闘士,戦闘機s 降伏する.

Afrin said the SDF had 避難させるd "more than 2,000 people, 含むing women, children and men" on Friday, mostly wives and children of IS 闘士,戦闘機s.

On Thursday, nearly 2,500 避難民s arrived at a Kurdish-run (軍の)野営地,陣営 for the 追い出すd その上の north, 構内/化合物ing already 悲惨な 条件s inside the crammed 解決/入植地, the UN's 人道的な 調整 office OCHA said.

It 警告するd of the "抱擁する challenges" 提起する/ポーズをとるd by the influx.

- 'No victory' -

The SDF transferred those 避難させるd on Friday to a 審査 point outside Baghouz, to 少しのd out 可能性のある jihadists.

広報担当者 Mustefa Bali said that a group of Yazidi children were "の中で many children saved" from IS 領土 that day.

An AFP corespondent saw hundreds of women and children spread out on the arid 砂漠 ground, surrounded by 捕らえる、獲得するs, begging for food and water.

One woman 急ぐd に向かって an SDF 闘士,戦闘機 叫び声をあげるing, as she cradled a pale 幼児 in her 武器. The 闘士,戦闘機 保証するd her that her child would be 罰金.

Another women (人命などを)奪う,主張するd she was about to go into 労働.

Nearby, an Iraqi woman in her forties wearing a 直面する 隠す held in her 手渡す a 医療の 報告(する)/憶測 in English.

A young girl looks on as women and children who fled the Islamic State (IS) group's last embattled holdout of Baghouz wait to evacuate the area in Syria's nor
thern Deir Ezzor province

A young girl looks on as women and children who fled the Islamic 明言する/公表する (IS) group's last 戦闘の準備を整えた 抵抗 of Baghouz wait to 避難させる the area in Syria's northern Deir Ezzor 州

She said the 報告(する)/憶測 was written for her by a doctor inside the Baghouz pocket, explaining that she needed 治療 for 腎臓 problems.

Syrian woman Khadija Ali Mohammad, the 24-year-old wife of a 死んだ IS 闘士,戦闘機, said 条件s inside the jihadist pocket were deplorable.

"We were living in テントs and eating bread made from bran. My three sisters and I didn't have enough money to 支払う/賃金 smugglers to get us out before, and our husbands had died in 戦う/戦い," the woman from Aleppo's countryside in northern Syria told AFP.

She was disappointed at the 崩壊(する) of the IS proto-明言する/公表する.

"God had 約束d us a caliphate and we went to it," she said. "I feel there will be no victory although they (IS) tell us victory is 近づく."

- '抱擁する challenges' -

Around 46,000 people -- mostly 非軍事のs -- have streamed out of IS's 縮むing 領土 since 早期に December, によれば the Britain-based Syrian 観測所 for Human 権利s.

Men suspected of being Islamic State fighters wait to be se
arched by members of the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) after leaving the IS group's last holdout of Baghouz in northeast Syria

Men 嫌疑者,容疑者/疑うd of 存在 Islamic 明言する/公表する 闘士,戦闘機s wait to be searched by members of the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic 軍隊s (SDF) after leaving the IS group's last 抵抗 of Baghouz in northeast Syria

While 非軍事のs are トラックで運ぶd north to Kurdish-run (軍の)野営地,陣営s for the 追い出すd, おもに to Al-Hol, six hours 運動 from Baghouz, 嫌疑者,容疑者/疑うd jihadists are sent to SDF-controlled 拘留,拘置 centres.

OCHA said 18 of the 2,500 最新の arrivals in Al-Hol, mostly women and children, were in "批判的な 条件".

"Thousands more are 推定する/予想するd in coming hours/days at Al-Hol (軍の)野営地,陣営, putting a その上の 緊張する on basic services," it tweeted.

"This sudden influx 現在のs 抱擁する challenges to the 返答 - 付加 テントs, 非,不,無-food items, water and 衛生設備 and health 供給(する)s are 緊急に needed."

The International 救助(する) 委員会 on Friday said 69 people, mostly children, had died on the way to Al-Hol, now home to more than 40,000 of the 追い出すd, or すぐに after arriving in past weeks.

"Two thirds of the deaths are of babies under one year old," the 救済 group said.

The SDF says it has 限られた/立憲的な 資源s to 治める (軍の)野営地,陣営s and has called for support from the international community.

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