Sri Lanka カトリック教徒s say lonely 祈りs as churches の近くに for second week

Local families come out every evening to light oil lamps and candles on the outside wall of St Sebastian's Church

地元の families come out every evening to light oil lamps and candles on the outside 塀で囲む of St Sebastian's Church

Father Suranga Warnakulasuriya said 祈りs alone in his church Sunday, as カトリック教徒 services were 一時停止するd across Sri Lanka for the second straight week since the 復活祭 自殺 attacks.

With the army 行う/開催する/段階ing (警察の)手入れ,急襲s across the country and 当局 持続するing high levels of 安全, the country's 1.25 million Christians are still on 辛勝する/優位 after jihadist 爆撃機s killed 257 people.

Warnakulasuriya has been 説 集まり in an empty church in Negombo, just north of the 資本/首都, every day since the 虐殺(する) at three hotels and three churches, one not far from his.

"いつかs we feel lonely by not 存在 able to celebrate the 集まり together," 認める the fresh-直面するd 32-year-old who only became a priest in 2015.

With churches の近くにd, the country's カトリック教徒s had to make do Sunday with a second テレビ放送するd 集まり by the 大司教 of Colombo, 枢機けい/主要な Malcolm Ranjith.

A few people went to St Anthony's 神社 in Colombo to say 祈りs in 前線 of a 障壁 始める,決める up in 前線 of the church where doz ens died on April 21. But the faithful are 失望させるd.

- Door to door 祈りs -

"It's not enough because we cannot receive the eucharist through television, that's the important thing," said Shehani Rangana, 33, whose father was の中で the dead at St Sebastian's church in Negombo.

With Catholic churches still closed for services across Sri Lanka, the faithful have had to make do with a televised private mass

With カトリック教徒 churches still の近くにd for services across Sri Lanka, the faithful have had to make do with a テレビ放送するd 私的な 集まり

Since the 爆破s, カトリック教徒s -- shaken by physical and psychological scars from the jihadist attacks -- have been organising their own services and 団結 groups.

いつかs Warnakulasuriya and other priests say 祈りs in the homes of parishioners. Rangana put up a cross of 乾燥した,日照りのd leaves at the door of her home for one service.

Warnakulasuriya said he goes to up to 20 homes each day to celebrate communion.

"They 株 their 見解(をとる)s on this attack," he said.

"いつかs they have 憎悪 feelings, so we try to 支配(する)/統制する them, to 説得する them not to have 復讐. We try to 静める them by 説 that Jesus is not 憎悪 but love."

< img id="i-8442eda57161e23d" src="" data-src="" height="390" width="634" alt="Tributes to the victims of Easter Sunday bomb blasts line the walls of St Sebastian's Church in Negombo" class="blkBorder img-share" style="max-width:100%" />

尊敬の印s to the 犠牲者s of 復活祭 Sunday 爆弾 爆破s line the 塀で囲むs of St Sebastian's Church in Negombo

Around St Sebastian's Church, 荒廃させるd by a 自殺 爆撃機 who killed 102 people, nearly all the houses have white 旗s, the colour of 嘆く/悼むing.

The bigger pennants are a 調印する that someone from the house died in the 大虐殺.

The 地元の 共同墓地 did not have enough room to bury all the dead and one 地元の 居住(者) 申し込む/申し出d land so that 犠牲者s could be buried together.

- 血 red church -

Two 修道女s watched a nine-year-old girl, Nethudini, as she sat on a 議長,司会を務める in one of the houses 製図/抽選 with an art 道具 申し込む/申し出d by a 地元の family.

The young girl's mother died in the Negombo attack on April 21. Nethudini 生き残るd with 傷害s but has barely spoken nor cried since.

She drew a picture of St Sebastian's in 血 red.

The Catholic leadership has assigned a support team for many of the families that were torn apart by the atta

The カトリック教徒 leadership has 割り当てるd a support team for many of the families that were torn apart by the attacks

The カトリック教徒 leadership has 割り当てるd a support team of a priest, two 修道女s and two volunteers for many of the families that were torn apart by the 爆撃機s.

Father George Anthony Fernando is 主要な the team watching over Nethudini and her family.

"Depending on their 必要物/必要条件s, counselling will take the time needed. I might come two or three times per week to visit them. I have been 割り当てるd only this one family," said Fernando.

The priest said that the 接触する with the family was even more important as "life has slowed 負かす/撃墜する" with no services 存在 held and the Christian community is in 恐れる.

Public schools will only 再開する on Monday after an 復活祭 break was 延長するd because of the 爆破s. 安全 軍隊s will be on 義務 around schools in a 調印する of the 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金d atmosphere.

Every night at St Sebastian's, as soon as night 落ちるs, the church becomes out of bounds and is surrounded by 武装した 兵士s.

But 地元の families still come out every evening to light oil lamps and candles on the outside church 塀で囲む. With their 注目する,もくろむs の近くにd tight, they say a short 祈り before silently walking away.

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