US 許可/制裁s 脅す EU 会社/堅いs from Iran, imperilling 核兵器 取引,協定

Iran's Supreme National Security Council sent a letter to the nuclear deal's signatories saying it had decided to suspend commitments it made under the deal if no progress was made on its economy

Iran's 最高の 国家の 安全 会議 sent a letter to the 核の 取引,協定's 加盟国s 説 it had decided to 一時停止する かかわり合いs it made under the 取引,協定 if no 進歩 was made on its economy

The Iran 核の 取引,協定 要求するs that its partners take 活動/戦闘 to 上げる the country's economy, but European companies remain fearful of exposing themselves to US 許可/制裁s, 専門家s told AFP.

Iran's 最高の 国家の 安全 会議 on Wednesday sent a letter to the 取引,協定's other 加盟国s, 説 it had decided to 一時停止する かかわり合いs it made under the 取引,協定, some すぐに and some after 60 days, if no 進歩 was made on its economy.

Leaders of 中国, フラン, Germany, Britain and Russia all received a letter, but it is of particular relevance to the European countries who have so far 証明するd unable to 配達する the 約束d 経済的な advantages.

The main 推論する/理由 is the 不本意 of 私的な companies on the continent to do 商売/仕事 in Iran.

They 恐れる t he "いわゆる US 第2位 許可/制裁s," lawyer Anahita Thoms told AFP, referring to US 刑罰,罰則s that 適用する to any 非,不,無-US organisation that engages in 確かな parts of the Iranian economy.

They also 直面する "practical challenges, such as finding a bank, a 輸送(する)ing company or an 保険会社," 追加するd the German-based 専門家 in 許可/制裁s 法律.

The banking 問題/発行する is 特に 極度の慎重さを要する, with major European 貸す人s 用心深い of running into problems with US 当局.

In April alone, Italian bank UniCredit and British 貸す人 基準 借り切る/憲章d were each 罰金d more than $1 billion for 侵害する/違反するing US 許可/制裁s against Iran and other countries.

- 貿易(する) 'impossible' -

The 状況/情勢 has become more difficult since last year, when the US ramped up 対策 against Iran's oil 産業 and 重要な 部門s 含むing shipping and 航空, coupled with a blockage in 過程ing 財政上の 処理/取引s.

"The Iranian 財政上の system has been 支配する to 第2位 許可/制裁s since November 2018, which 適用する to all banking 会・原則s, not just American ones, even if the 処理/取引s are in euros or other 通貨s," said Olivier Dorgans, a 許可/制裁s lawyer at Hughes Hubbard & Reed.

"These 第2位 許可/制裁s make it impossible for European 会・原則s to 貿易(する), even if they have no banking links with the 部隊d 明言する/公表するs," 追加するd the French-based lawyer.

The いわゆる Instex's 貿易(する)ing system was 始める,決める up by Paris, Berlin and London at the end of January to 容易にする 処理/取引s between Iran and the EU in 製品s not covered by the 第2位 許可/制裁s, matching Iranian oil and gas 輸出(する)s with EU goods.

But Instex does not have a banking licence and must therefore rely on banks to channel the 基金s -- a service European banks are 用心深い of 供給するing.

"It seems very ありそうもない that the EU will be able to do anything 固める/コンクリート at this 行う/開催する/段階 which would give 十分な 慰安 to encourage more European 商売/仕事s to engage in Iran," 警告するd Michael Lyons, a London-based lawyer at C lifford Chance.

"特に now in circumstances where there is a prospect of the 取引,協定 落ちるing apart altogether and the 許可/制裁s 環境 強化するing," he 追加するd.

French army 大臣 Florence Parly did not 支配する out the 可能性 of the EU 課すing 許可/制裁s against Iran, while in London, 外務大臣 Jeremy 追跡(する) spoke of "consequences" if Tehran 中止するd to 尊敬(する)・点 its 核の かかわり合いs.

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