As 中国 locks up イスラム教徒s in Xinjiang, it opens its doors to tourists

From the expansive dunes of the Taklamakan Desert to the snow-capped peaks of Tianshan, Chinese authorities are selling troubled Xinjiang as a tourist idyll, welcoming travellers even as they send locals to internment camps

From the expansive dunes of the Taklamakan 砂漠 to the snow-capped 頂点(に達する)s of Tianshan, Chinese 当局 are selling troubled Xinjiang as a tourist idyll, welcoming travellers even as they send 地元のs to 抑留 (軍の)野営地,陣営s

From the expansive dunes of the Taklamakan 砂漠 to the snow-capped 頂点(に達する)s of Tianshan, Chinese 当局 are selling troubled Xinjiang as a tourist idyll, welcoming travellers even as they send 地元のs to 抑留 (軍の)野営地,陣営s.

The 政府 has 一連の会議、交渉/完成するd up an 概算の one million Uighurs and other mostly イスラム教徒 Turkic-speaking 少数,小数派s into re-education (軍の)野営地,陣営s in the tightly-controlled 地域 in 中国's northwest, but it has also created a 平行の universe for 訪問者s, who are only shown a carefully curated 見解/翻訳/版 of 伝統的な customs and culture.

In the Old Town of Kashgar, an 古代の Silk Road city, smiling food vendors serve mouthwatering lamb skewers, while children play in the streets.

"It didn't look to me like -- unless you were 選ぶd up and put in a (軍の)野営地,陣営 -- that these Uighur communities seemed to be living in some 肉親,親類d of 恐れる," said William 物陰/風下, who has taught at universities in 中国 for 10 years and visited the 地域 in June.

"That's just my impression," he 追加するd.

Xinjiang, a fraught 地域 where ゆらめく-ups of interethnic 暴力/激しさ have led to 前例のない levels of 監視, is one of the fastest growing areas for 観光旅行,事業 in 中国.

Armed police and frequent checkpoints have not dampened the flow of vacationers visiting Xinjiang, which in 2018 saw a 40 percent increase year-on-year of visits -- outstripping the national average by 25 percent, according to China's official figures

武装した police and たびたび(訪れる) 検問所s have not 鈍らせるd the flow of vacationers visiting Xinjiang, which in 2018 saw a 40 パーセント 増加する year-on-year of visits -- outstripping the 国家の 普通の/平均(する) by 25 パーセント, によれば 中国's 公式の/役人 人物/姿/数字s

武装した police and たびたび(訪れる) 検問所s have not 鈍らせるd the flow of vacationers visiting the 地域, which in 2018 saw a 40 パーセント 増加する year-on-year of visit s -- おもに from 国内の tourists -- outstripping the 国家の 普通の/平均(する) by 25 パーセント, によれば 公式の/役人 人物/姿/数字s.

商売/仕事 has grown 刻々と over the years おもに because "Xinjiang is very stable", explained Wu Yali, who runs a travel 機関 in the 地域.

Though tourists are not used to the high-level of 安全 at first, "they adapt after a few days," she told AFP.

But travellers are 閉めだした from 証言,証人/目撃するing the most 議論の的になる part of Xinjiang's 安全 apparatus: the 網状組織 of 抑留 (軍の)野営地,陣営s spread across the 広大な 地域.

Many of these 施設s are outside main tourist 中心s and are 盗品故買者d off with かみそり-wired 塀で囲むs.

On a six-day trip to the 地域 last month, AFP reporters 遭遇(する)d roadblocks and were turned away by 安全 軍隊s upon 近づくing some (軍の)野営地,陣営s.

- '政権 of terror' -

中国 述べるs the 施設s as "vocational education centres" where Turkic-speaking "訓練生s" learn 蜜柑 and 職業 技術s.

"The 暴力/激しさ that is 存在 (打撃,刑罰などを)与えるd on the 団体/死体s of Uighur and other イスラム教徒 people...has been (判決などを)下すd invisible," said Rachel Harris, who 熟考する/考慮するs Uighur culture and music at the School of Oriental and African 熟考する/考慮するs University of London.

"For a tourist who goes and travels around a 指定するd 大勝する, it all looks nice," she told AFP. "It's all very 静かな and that's because there's a 政権 of terror 存在 課すd on the 地元の people."

によれば 共産主義者 Party mouthpiece People's Daily, the 地域の 政府 申し込む/申し出d travellers 補助金s 価値(がある) 500 yuan ($73) each in 2014, after 観光旅行,事業 急落(する),激減(する)d に引き続いて a deadly knife attack 非難するd on Xinjiang 分離主義者s in southwestern 中国.

Tourism packages to Xinjiang 
often feature the region's rich array of natural beauty, from the azure waters of Karakul lake to Tianshan -- a UNESCO World Heritage Site

観光旅行,事業 一括s to Xinjiang often feature the 地域's rich array of natural beauty, from the azure waters of Karakul lake to Tianshan -- a UNESCO World 遺産 場所/位置

By 2020, Xinjiang is 目的(とする)ing to 攻撃する,衝突する a total of 300 million visits by tourists and rake in 600 billion yuan ($87 billion), によれば the 地域's 観光旅行,事業 bureau.

観光旅行,事業 一括s to Xinjiang often feature the 地域's rich array of natural beauty, from the azure waters of Karakul lake to Tianshan -- a UNESCO World 遺産 場所/位置.

Many also 申し込む/申し出 "民族の" experiences, often in the form of dance 業績/成果s. Some 小旅行する 操作者s even 含む visits to Uighur homes.

Even as Chinese 当局 捜し出す to 含む/封じ込める the 地域's イスラム教徒 少数,小数派s, they are monetising 民族の culture -- albeit a 簡単にするd 見解/翻訳/版 of it, 専門家s say.

"Uighur culture is 存在 boiled 負かす/撃墜する to just song and dance," said Josh Summers, an American who lived in Xinjiang for more than a 10年間 and wrote travel guides for the 地域.

"What makes me sad is what ends up happening is there are only very 明確な/細部 parts of Uighur culture that get 持続するd because of the 観光旅行,事業," he said, 特記する/引用するing the neglect of Uighur paper-making traditions and 砂漠 神社s.

- 'Discover Xinjiang' -

Beijing's 安全 厳重取締り has also squeezed Yengisar city's artisanal knife 貿易(する), said Summers.

"Ever since the 管理/経営 of Xinjiang became 厳格な人, the 衝撃 on Yengisar's small knives has been very large -- now there are very few shops selling small knives," agreed Li Qingwen, who runs a 観光旅行,事業 商売/仕事 in Xinjiang.

The 政府 wants Uighurs to "show how they excel in singing and dancing, instead of living under 宗教的な 支配するs and 制限s," he told AFP.

Even as Chinese authorities seek to contain the region's Muslim minorities, they are monetising ethnic culture -- albeit a simplified version of it, experts say

Even as Chinese 当局 捜し出す to 含む/封じ込める the 地域's イスラム教徒 少数,小数派s, they are monetising 民族の culture -- albeit a 簡単にするd 見解/翻訳/版 of it, 専門家s say

But while 民族の song and dance is showcased to tourists, Uighurs are often 制限するd in how they 表明する their own culture.

Large, spontaneous 集会s of Uighurs -- even if they 伴う/関わる dancing -- are いっそう少なく たびたび(訪れる) because of 強化するd 安全, said Summers.

Night markets too are more controlled. In Hotan, what used to be an outdoor night market is now inside a white テント, where red lanterns hang from the 天井 and uniform food 立ち往生させるs adorned with Chinese 旗s sell lamb skewers, but also sushi and seafood.

Over the past few years, cultural leaders in the Uighur c ommunity have disappeared, raising 恐れるs they have been 拘留するd.

In February, Turkey's foreign 省 (人命などを)奪う,主張するd that 目だつ Uighur musician and poet Abdurehim Heyit had died in a Chinese 刑務所,拘置所 -- 誘発するing 中国 to 解放(する) a "proof-of-life" ビデオ of an inmate who identified himself as Heyit.

Famous Uighur comedian Adil Mijit is also 行方不明の, によれば social マスコミ 地位,任命するs by his son-in-法律 Arslan Hidayat.

And though tourists are 衝撃を和らげるものd from the ugliest parts of Xinjiang's 安全 厳重取締, it is not difficult to bump against the 地域's many red lines.

The government has rounded up an estimated one million Uighurs and other mostly Muslim Turkic-speaking minorities into re-education camps in the tightly-controlled region in China's northwest, but it has also created a parallel universe for visitors

The 政府 has 一連の会議、交渉/完成するd up an 概算の one million Uighurs and other mostly イスラム教徒 Turkic-speaking 少数,小数派s into re-education (軍の)野営地,陣営s in the tightly-controlled 地域 in 中国's northwest, but it has also created a 平行の universe for 訪問者s

A traveller from Southeast Asia, who requested anonymity 予定 to 恐れる of 報復s , 述べるd the 障壁s he 直面するd when trying to pray at a イスラム教寺院.

Many places of worship were の近くにd in Kashgar, he said, unlike イスラム教寺院s in other Chinese cities.

At Idkah イスラム教寺院, Kashgar's central イスラム教寺院, the tourist was told he couldn't pray inside -- and that he had to buy a ticket to enter.

"They want to separate travellers from 地元のs," he said, 追加するing that his visit to Xinjiang 確認するd what he had read about re-education (軍の)野営地,陣営s.

He 追加するd: "There's a lot more of Xinjiang that I want to discover. But I really hope that Xinjiang will become the old Xinjiang."

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