Trump to congresswomen: 'If you're not happy here, you can leave'

US President Donald Trump doubled down on his tweets, accusing a group of progressive congresswomen of hating America

US 大統領 Donald Trump 二塁打d 負かす/撃墜する on his tweets, 告発する/非難するing a group of 進歩/革新的な congresswomen of hating America

大統領 Donald Trump stepped up his attacks on four 進歩/革新的な Democratic congresswomen on Monday, 説 if they're not happy in the 部隊d 明言する/公表するs, "they can leave."

"All they do is complain," Trump told reporters gathered at the White House for a "Made in America" event.

"These are people that hate our country," he 追加するd.

"If you're not happy here, you can leave."

Trump also (刑事)被告 the four 民主党員s, all of whom are women of color, of having "love" for US "enemies like Al-Qaeda."

Trump spoke out a day after 開始する,打ち上げるing xenophobic attacks on the 進歩/革新的な congresswomen on Twitter, 説 they should "go 支援する" to the countries they (機の)カム from.

He did not identify the women by 指名する in his 初期の attack although on Monday he made it (疑いを)晴らす he was referring to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York, who is of Puerto Rican origin, and Ilhan Omar of Minnesota, who is of Somali origin.

The attacks also appeared to 的 Rashida Tlaib of Michigan, the first Pale stinian-American woman elected to 議会, and Ayanna Pressley of Massachusetts, who is African-American.

Ocasio-Cortez, Tlaib and Pressley were all born in the 部隊d 明言する/公表するs while Omar (機の)カム to the 部隊d 明言する/公表するs from war-torn Somalia when she was a child.

"These are people that hate our country," Trump said.

"They hate it, I think, with a passion. Now, it's possible I'm wrong. The 投票者 will decide."

He (刑事)被告 the congresswomen of using anti-Semitic language and 発言する/表明するing 憎悪 for イスラエル, 示唆するing that they might be 共産主義者s.

Trump has been roundly 非難するd for his attacks by 民主党員s, who (刑事)被告 him of 人種差別主義. 共和国の/共和党のs have been slower to 答える/応じる, but on Monday, 穏健な 上院議員 Susan Collins called on him to 撤回する his comments.

Collins said while she 同意しないd with the political 見解(をとる)s of the 左派の(人) 代表者/国会議員s, "the 大統領,/社長's tweet that some members of 議会 should go 支援する to the 'places from which they (機の)カム' was way over the line, and he should take that 負かす/撃墜する."

Another 共和国の/共和党の 上院議員, Lindsey Graham, 勧めるd Trump to "目的(とする) higher" and take on their 政策s.

"They are American 国民s," Graham said on "Fox & Friends."

Both Collins and Graham にもかかわらず (刑事)被告 the women 国会議員s of 存在 anti-Semitic.

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