Two UAE-支援するd 闘士,戦闘機s dead in 衝突/不一致s with Yemen 軍隊s

The clashes broke out as Yemeni security forces attended the funeral of comrades killed in separate attacks in Aden on August 1

The 衝突/不一致s broke out as Yemeni 安全 軍隊s …に出席するd the funeral of comrades killed in separate attacks in Aden on August 1

Two members of an Emirati-支援するd 軍隊 in Yemen were killed Wednesday in 衝突/不一致s with プロの/賛成の-政府 闘士,戦闘機s in the southern city of Aden, 安全 公式の/役人s said.

They said the fighting broke out after the funerals of police 職員/兵員 killed last week in the 政府-held port city.

"Two members of the 安全 Belt 軍隊 were killed" in Wednesday's fighting, a 安全 公式の/役人 said.

The 公式の/役人 gave no 詳細(に述べる)s, but 緊張s have often run high in Aden between the 安全 Belt and 軍隊s 支援 the Aden-based 政府 of 大統領 Abedrabbo Mansour Hadi.

The fighting broke out の近くに to the 大統領の palace in central Aden, where two attacks last Thursday against the 安全 Belt 軍隊 and police killed 49 people and 負傷させるd 48.

One attack was carried out by a jihadist 自殺 爆撃機, while the other was (人命などを)奪う,主張するd by Iran-支援するd Huthi 反逆者/反逆するs.

The Huthis あられ/賞賛する from northern Yemen and have been the 的 of a 軍の (選挙などの)運動をする l ed by Saudi Arabia and the 部隊d Arab 首長国s (UAE) since 2015.

The UN human 権利s office this week (刑事)被告 the 安全 Belt 軍隊 of "報道によれば carrying out and enabling 報復の attacks against 非軍事のs" from northern Yemen.

On Wednesday, the world 団体/死体's Yemen (外交)使節/代表 wrote on Twitter that he was "alarmed by the 軍の escalations in Aden".

"I am also 深く,強烈に 関心d by the 最近の rhetoric encouraging 暴力/激しさ against Yemeni 会・原則s," read a tweet on the 公式の/役人 account of the office of ツバメ Griffiths.

The UAE's 大臣 of 明言する/公表する for 外務, Anwar Gargash, called Wednesday's 出来事/事件 a "despicable テロリスト 行為/法令/行動する" but 勧めるd 静める and 対話.

"Escalation is not an 許容できる 選択," he wrote on Twitter.

More than four years since the Saudi-led 介入 to 支援する up Hadi's 政府 against the Huthi 反乱, the 反逆者/反逆するs remain in 支配(する)/統制する of large parts of northern and western Yemen 含むing the 資本/首都 Sanaa.

Southern Yemen is 大部分は controlled by 現体制支持者/忠臣 軍隊s.

Yemen's war has left tens of thousands dead and 原因(となる)d what the 国際連合 has labelled the world's worst 人道的な 危機.

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