中国 took their parents: the Uighur 難民 children of Turkey

At a school on the outskirts of Istanbul, Uighur child refugees from China study their language and culture

At a school on the 郊外s of Istanbul, Uighur child 難民s from 中国 熟考する/考慮する their language and culture

The school on the 郊外s of Istanbul is a rare place where Uighur child 難民s from 中国 can 熟考する/考慮する their language and culture.

But for several, it has also become an impromptu orphanage.

Having fled a より悪くするing 厳重取締 on Uighur イスラム教徒s in northwest 中国, some of their parents thought it was still 安全な to return occasionally for 商売/仕事 and to visit family, only to disappear into a shadowy 網状組織 of re-education (軍の)野営地,陣営s from which no communication is permitted.

Out of just over a hundred pupils at the school, 26 have lost one parent to the (軍の)野営地,陣営s, seven have lost both, says its 長,率いる Habibullah Kuseni.

Nine-year-old Fatima has only vague memories of her 母国 -- and now, of her father, too.

She remembers watching television with him: she 手配中の,お尋ね者 風刺漫画s, but he liked watching the news 特に about Turkey's 大統領,/社長, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, one of the only leaders in the イスラム教徒 world willing to stand up for the Uighurs and 危険 中国's wrath.

Her father flew 支援する to 中国 from time to time for 商売/仕事 before anyone knew about the (軍の)野営地,陣営s in the Xinjiang 地域.

"And then he was gone," she says, 涙/ほころびs streaming 負かす/撃墜する her 直面する.

"I thought he would come 支援する, but he never did."

No one has heard from him in three years.

追放するd Uighur 行動主義者s in November 解放(する)d 証拠 of nearly 500 (軍の)野営地,陣営s and 刑務所,拘置所s 存在 used against their 民族の group in 中国, 説 the 全体にわたる number of inmates could be "far greater" than the one million usually 特記する/引用するd.

When news of the (軍の)野営地,陣営s first 現れるd in 2017, Beijing 最初 否定するd their 存在.

Later, it (人命などを)奪う,主張するd they were "voluntary" vocational centres 目的(とする)d at 戦闘ing extremism by teaching people 蜜柑 and 職業 技術s.

But 漏れるd 内部の 文書s have shown they are run like 刑務所,拘置所s, while critics say they are 目的(とする)d at eradicating 地元の culture and 宗教 of Uighurs and other, mostly イスラム教徒, 少数,小数派s.

- 'Don't worry about us' -

With some 50,000 Uighur 難民s in Turkey, there are many more children like Fatima or even worse off.

Tursunay, 15, hasn't seen or spoken to either of her parents since July 2017.

"Don't worry about us," they said, in their last phone call on a trip 支援する to 中国.

Many of the Uighur child refugees at the school have lost one or both parents to the network of re-education camps in China

Many of the Uighur child 難民s at the school have lost one or both parents to the 網状組織 of re-education (軍の)野営地,陣営s in 中国

They said it was strange their パスポートs had been 押収するd but were sure it would be 解決するd soon.

Then, silence.

Tursunay remembers her life in 中国.

She 解任するs asking: "Why are they watching us, papa?" when cameras were 任命する/導入するd at the 入り口 to their apartment.

It's because we are イスラム教徒s, her father said.

He 燃やすd their collection of 宗教的な CDs.

Tursunay has just her little sister now and an older friend they met on the 難民 追跡する who looks after them.

All forms of communication with every family member in 中国 have been 削減(する).

She longs for her parents so much -- even just a 簡潔な/要約する message -- that she says she must fight the 勧める to be angry with them for disappearing.

"I try to stay 楽観的な and remember that it's not my parents who have done this to me," she says.

Many children inside Xinjiang are also 報道によれば without parents.

Human 権利s Watch said in September that Chinese 当局 have housed "countless" children whose parents are 拘留するd or in 追放する in 明言する/公表する-run child 福利事業 会・原則s and 搭乗 schools without parental 同意 or 接近.

- 'Cries of our brothers' -

Many Turks feel historic 社債s with the Uighurs, either as fellow イスラム教徒s or as part of the same Turkic-speaking 民族の group.

支援する-to-支援する 決起大会/結集させるs were held in December in Istanbul, one by Islamists and another by ultra-国家主義者s.

"港/避難所't the cries of our brothers from East Turkestan reached you?" said Musa Bayoglu during one outside the Chinese 領事館, using Uighur 行動主義者s' preferred 指名する for their 地域 which is 厳密に 無法者d by 中国.

Rallies in support of Uighurs were held in Istanbul recently -- many Turks feel historic bonds with the Uighurs, either as fellow Muslims or as part of the same Turkic-speaking ethnic group

決起大会/結集させるs in support of Uighurs were held in Istanbul recently -- many Turks feel historic 社債s with the Uighurs, either as fellow イスラム教徒s or as part of the same Turkic-speaking 民族の group

"港/避難所't the 叫び声をあげるs of our sisters passed through the 塀で囲むs of your palaces?"

Earlier this year, Turkey's foreign 省 called 中国's 厳重取締 on Uighurs "a 広大な/多数の/重要な 当惑 for humanity" but since then has been 大部分は silent on the 問題/発行する.

When Erdogan spoke at the UN General 議会 in September, he reeled off a 名簿(に載せる)/表(にあげる) of イスラム教徒 groups 直面するing 迫害, from Palestinians to Myanmar's Rohingyas. Uighurs were 顕著に absent.

Many 恐れる he is bending to Chinese 経済的な 圧力, though Uighurs in Turkey remain hugely 感謝する for the 亡命 the country has 申し込む/申し出d.

"They are 供給するing 50,000 Uighurs a 平和的な place to live," said one Uighur 行動主義者 in Istanbul.

"No other イスラム教徒 country did that, no Western country did that."

- 'We will take it 支援する' -

The 漏れるd 内部の 文書s 詳細(に述べる)d how Beijing runs the (軍の)野営地,陣営s.

They 含むd 指示/教授/教育s that inmates should be 削減(する) off from the outside world and 監視するd at all times -- 含むing to ilet breaks -- to 妨げる escapes.

Teacher Mahmut Utfi says he sees his job as a duty as the Uighurs are "facing extinction"

Teacher Mahmut Utfi says he sees his 職業 as a 義務 as the Uighurs are "直面するing 絶滅"

They also 示すd that people should be held for at least a year, and 解放(する)d only after 存在 査定する/(税金などを)課すd for "観念的な 変形, 熟考する/考慮する and training, and 同意/服従 with discipline."

At the Uighur school in Istanbul, such stories take a (死傷者)数.

"I still want to listen to the news, but when I hear about it, I feel bad, uneasy; my stomach aches," says Rufine, 12, who wants to be a teacher or a doctor when she's older.

Her mother disappeared two years ago when she went 支援する to look after Rufine's sick grandmother.

Kuseni, the headteacher, laughs when asked what items in the school would be 違法な in 中国.

"Just coming on holiday to a イスラム教徒 country like Turkey would be enough to send you to a (軍の)野営地,陣営," he says.

"As for this stuff...," he points at the East Turkestan 旗 and the Uighur Arabic script on the 塀で囲む, and makes a cutting 動議 across his throat.

"The Uighurs are 直面するing 絶滅," 追加するs 39-year-old teacher Mahmut Utfi. "Our culture, our language. I see my 職業 as a 義務."

For Fatima, the repression has only made her more 反抗的な.

涙/ほころびs still streaming, her 発言する/表明する 割れ目ing, she has a 猛烈な/残忍な message for the Chinese 政府: "I would tell them: just wait a bit. You think we're weak, but you'll see. Our nation, our motherland will 生き残る, you won't be able to stop it.

"Because they took it from us, we will have to take it 支援する," she says.

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