中国 告発する/非難するs Australia of helping reporters '避ける' 調査

ABC News correspondent Bill Birtles, pictured, and Michael Smith were hustled out of China under diplomatic protection

ABC News 特派員 法案 Birtles, pictured, and Michael Smith were hustled out of 中国 under 外交の 保護

Beijing (刑事)被告 Thursday the Australian 大使館 of 妨害するing a 調査(する) into two foreign 新聞記者/雑誌記者s who fled 中国, as a 列/漕ぐ/騒動 rumbled on 広範囲にわたる in reporters from both countries.

Two 特派員s working for Australian マスコミ, 法案 Birtles and Michael Smith, were hustled out of 中国 夜通し on Monday under 外交の 保護 恐れるing 逮捕(する).

Their 劇の flight from 中国 was the 最新の ゆらめく up of a 長引いた squabble between the two countries over 貿易(する), 安全 and 責任/義務 for the coronavirus.

Both men had been quizzed about another Australian 国民 -- Cheng Lei, who worked as an 錨,総合司会者 for Chinese 明言する/公表する TV -- 拘留するd under mysterious "国家の 安全" grounds for nearly a month.

A Chinese Foreign 省 広報担当者 (刑事)被告 the Australian 大使館 in 中国 on Thursday of helping Birtles and Smith leave the country and "避ける 中国's 調査".

"These 活動/戦闘s go 井戸/弁護士席 beyond 領事の 保護," he said, 追加するing they instead 干渉する in "Chi na's 内部の 事件/事情/状勢s and judicial 主権,独立."

The 広報担当者 said Australian 乱暴/暴力を加える at the 治療 of the 新聞記者/雑誌記者s was an example of a "baffling 優越 コンビナート/複合体".

特記する/引用するing June 26 (警察の)手入れ,急襲s on the homes of four Chinese 明言する/公表する マスコミ reporters 地位,任命するd 負かす/撃墜する Under by Australian 知能 officers, the 広報担当者 said Canberra was 有罪の of "sheer hypocrisy".

"Australia says its 尋問 of the Chinese 新聞記者/雑誌記者s was in 一致 with normal 手続きs, but says 中国 had engaged in 人質 外交," Zhao Lijian told reporters.

Neither ASIO, Australia's main 知能 機関, nor Australian 連邦の Police have 確認するd the (警察の)手入れ,急襲s on the four Chinese reporters on June 26.

But 法廷,裁判所 文書s show 知能 公式の/役人s did carry out (警察の)手入れ,急襲s どこかよそで as part of a 調査(する) into covert Chinese 影響(力) (選挙などの)運動をするs in Australia.

The 明らかな tit-for-tat 治療 by Beijing has been 公然と非難するd as a 厳重取締 on foreign マスコミ inside 中国.

The Foreign 特派員s' Club of 中国 has 警告するd that foreign 新聞記者/雑誌記者s "now 直面する the 脅し of 独断的な 拘留,拘置 for 簡単に doing their work".

中国 is Australia's biggest 輸出(する) market, but relations have nosedived in 最近の months.

Beijing was 特に infuriated by Canberra's 役割 in international calls for a 調査(する) into the origins of the coronavirus pandemic, which 現れるd in the Chinese city of Wuhan.

中国 has since 課すd 関税s on Australian 製品s from beef to barley.


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