Hopes for Iran 核の 打開 'within weeks' but success 'not 保証(人)d'

The Russian side expressed cautious optimism after the talks on Saturday and said they hoped for a result within three weeks

The ロシアの 味方する 表明するd 用心深い 楽観主義 after the 会談 on Saturday and said they hoped for a result within three weeks

Parties to the Iran 核の 協定 on Saturday 延期,休会するd the third 一連の会議、交渉/完成する of 交渉s in Vienna 目的(とする)d at bringing the 部隊d 明言する/公表するs 支援する into the (許可,名誉などを)与える, with the ロシアの 味方する 表明するing "用心深い and growing 楽観主義" and 説 they hoped to 達成する 固める/コンクリート results within three weeks.

A 外交の source from the E3 力/強力にするs of Britain, フラン and Germany said "we have yet to come to an understanding on the most 批判的な points. Success is by no means 保証(人)d, but not impossible".

Iran's 代表 長,率いる and 副 外務大臣 Abbas Araghchi, speaking to 明言する/公表する 放送者 IRIB, said the 交渉s had "reached a 成熟".

"We have started 令状ing texts and this is where the work 現実に 進歩s rather slowly, since working on the text 要求するs 正確 and considering that some 問題/発行するs are still 同意しないd on, the work goes on slowly".

"許可/制裁s that are... 部門-関係のある ones such as 許可/制裁s on Iran's energy 部門, which 含むs oil and gas, or 許可/制裁s on the 自動車 産業, banking and 財政/金融, 保険 and ports; based on 協定s made so far, all these 許可/制裁s must be 解除するd. And there is 協定 on it, too," he 追加するd.

The 取引,協定, which 抑制(する)s Iran's 核の programme in 交流 for 許可/制裁s 救済, has been on life support since then US 大統領,/社長 Donald Trump bolted in 2018.

The remaining partners to the 2015 (許可,名誉などを)与える have been engaged in 交渉s since 早期に April to try to 生き返らせる it.

The third 一連の会議、交渉/完成する of 会談 started on Tuesday and, after several days of technical discussions between 専門家 groups, 代表s met on Saturday.

代表者/国会議員s of the parties still in the 協定 (Iran, 中国, Russia, フラン, Germany, the 部隊d Kingdom) who met for just over an hour 公式文書,認めるd the "indisputable 進歩" 達成するd, ロシアの 外交官/大使 Mikhail Ulyanov said on Twitter 追加するing that he was 慎重に 楽観的な.

"It's too 早期に to be excited, but we have 推論する/理由s for 用心深い and growing 楽観主義. There is no 最終期限, but 関係者s 目的(とする) at successful 完成 of the 会談 in だいたい three weeks. Is it 現実主義の? We will see," he wrote.

The 代表s would return to their 各々の 資本/首都s and 再開する 会談 from next Friday, Iran's foreign 省 said in a 声明.

"Considering the (売買)手数料,委託(する)/委員会/権限's previous 決定/判定勝ち(する) regarding スピード違反 up the 会談 過程, this week's 会談 continued quickly in 二国間の/相互の 判型 and the 味方するs tried to minimise 不一致s regarding the texts" it said.

"The 味方するs agree that the work must continue with more 速度(を上げる) and 真面目さ in the 未来 一連の会議、交渉/完成する of 会談."

The E3 外交の source said the 会談 had taken place in a "serious and 焦点(を合わせる)d atmosphere にもかかわらず outside turbulences".

"As E3, we will redouble our 成果/努力s to make this 取引,協定 possible," the source said.

Earlier, a European 外交官 said that the American, European, ロシアの and Chinese 代表s held a 共同の 会合 on Saturday morning, but without Iranian re 贈呈 as Tehran has 辞退するd to 交渉する with the US 直接/まっすぐに.

同様に as bolting from the (許可,名誉などを)与える, Trump's 行政 slapped 広範囲にわたる 許可/制裁s on Iran, which in turn started ramping up its 核の activities.

New US 大統領 Joe Biden supports the JCPOA -- the acronym for the 協定 with which Iran was in 同意/服従 before Trump's 許可/制裁s -- but has called on Tehran to roll 支援する its 対策 before Washington ends 許可/制裁s.


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