South Sudan 難民s 立ち往生させるd in north 10年間 after 分裂(する)

Thousands of South Sudanese have been stuck for years in transit camps in Sudan that were supposed to serve as departure points for a return home

Thousands of South Sudanese have been stuck for years in 輸送 (軍の)野営地,陣営s in Sudan that were supposed to serve as 出発 points for a return home

A 10年間 ago, South Sudanese Rosa Ghobrial packed up her life in Sudan to start もう一度 in the newly-独立した・無所属 South, but she has since been 立ち往生させるd in a ramshackle (軍の)野営地,陣営 を待つing 本国送還.

Ghobrial fled the 荒廃させるs of Africa's longest civil war, between Arab-支配するd northern Sudan and the 大部分は animist and Christian south, which 脱退するd to become the world's newest country in July 2011.

She 手配中の,お尋ね者 to move with her family 支援する to the south, to turn the page on grim memories of the 1983-2005 north-south 衝突 and build a life in South Sudan, a 領土 rich in oil and 支援するd ひどく by 寄贈者s.

"I had moved to northern Sudan in 1983 to escape the war... and I was supposed to be 本国に送還するd with others after the South's independence," she told AFP.

But South Sudan descended into its own 残虐な civil war just two and a half years after winning independence, driven by a 力/強力にする struggle betwe en its 大統領,/社長 and his 副.

Rosa Ghobrial (L), a refugee from Sudan's 1983-2005 north-south civil war, had hoped to return home after South Sudan seceded, but the eruption of war in the newly-independent nation put paid to that

Rosa Ghobrial (L), a 難民 from Sudan's 1983-2005 north-south civil war, had hoped to return home after South Sudan 脱退するd, but the 爆発 of war in the newly-独立した・無所属 nation put paid to that

That put 本国送還s on 持つ/拘留する, even as many South Sudanese had gathered in 輸送 (軍の)野営地,陣営s known as "Open Areas" -- haphazardly built テントs that 申し込む/申し出 little 保護 from sweltering summer heat or 激しい seasonal rains.

"I have been stuck here for a 10年間 now with no end in sight," Ghobrial lamented, sitting in a burlap テント at al-Takamol (軍の)野営地,陣営 on the eastern 郊外s of Sudan's 資本/首都 Khartoum.

Thousands of South Sudanese families like hers remain stuck in limbo at such 出発 points, 苦しむing 不足s of food, water, and 接近 to basic needs.

"They barely get any 援助(する), unlike 難民s in other (軍の)野営地,陣営s in Sudan" that have the status of proper (軍の)野営地,陣営s, said Issac al-Shafie, who 監督するs South Sudanese 難民 場所/位置s in east Khartoum.

- 'Unknown f ate' -

South Sudanese residents of Al-Takamol camp receive some help from Sudanese nationals, even amid a deepening economic crisis in the north

South Sudanese 居住(者)s of Al-Takamol (軍の)野営地,陣営 receive some help from Sudanese 国家のs, even まっただ中に a 深くするing 経済的な 危機 in the north

South Sudan 分裂(する) from the north six years after a 2005 peace 取引,協定 under Sudan's then 大統領,/社長 Omar al-Bashir, whose 支配する was marred by 多重の 内部の 衝突s and civil war.

His 政府 sought to 本国に送還する tens of thousands of South Sudanese after 離脱, but instead 難民s flowed in the other direction from late 2013.

Sudan hosts the largest South Sudanese 難民 全住民, of 792,000, more than half of whom arrived after the 突発/発生 of South Sudan's civil war in December that year, によれば the 国際連合 難民 機関 国連難民高等弁務官.

Khartoum 明言する/公表する alone hosts at least 37,000 South Sudanese who are considered "the most 攻撃を受けやすい" の中で the 全体にわたる 難民 全住民 明言する/公表する-wide, the UN said.

Shafie says most (軍の)野営地,陣営 居住(者)s rely on Sudanese 地元のs for food and water, にもかかわらず the host country's own biting 経済的な hardship.

Pipe dreams: spent munitions litter an abandoned oil treatment facility in 2015 at Thar Jath in Unity State, South Sudan, amid the country's civil war

麻薬を吸う dreams: spent 軍需品s litter an abandoned oil 治療 施設 in 2015 at Thar Jath in まとまり 明言する/公表する, South Sudan, まっただ中に the country's civil war

Under Bashir, Sudan's economy was already reeling from 厳しい blows 含むing the 2011 離脱 of the oil-rich south and 10年間s-long US 許可/制裁s.

条件s have become harsher as Sudan has 急落(する),激減(する)d deeper into 経済的な 危機 まっただ中に a rocky political 移行 に引き続いて Bashir's 追放/剥奪 in April 2019, when enormous street 抗議するs 誘発するd his 除去 by the army.

And for South Sudanese 難民s, many of whom relied on menial work as 国内の 労働者s or day labourers, such 職業s have become hard to find.

"My husband managed to find a 職業 as a 農業者 outside Khartoum," said 46-year-old Christina, a mother of six living in the (軍の)野営地,陣営. "He visits only once a month."

"さもなければ, we have nothing now and we barely get any 援助(する)."

Sabina Phillipe, a mother of nine, says she gave up looking for work after she was 解雇する/砲火/射撃d from a 職業 in 2011 for 存在 South Sudanese.

"We just don't belong here," she said.

Another 難民, Gabrial Khamees, 株d her 感情.

"Our problem is we are given very little attention, unlike other 難民 s in the country," he said. "And until today, our 運命/宿命 remains unknown."

Stuck in limbo: fighting between fragmented armed groups in South Sudan deters many from returning home even after the conflict's main players made peace

Stuck in limbo: fighting between fragmented 武装した groups in South Sudan 阻止するs many from returning home even after the 衝突's main players made peace

While the 重要な protagonists in South Sudan's civil war agreed a 試験的な peace 取引,協定 in 2018, fighting の中で fragmented 派閥s 固執するs, making any return home unviable for many.

The UN (売買)手数料,委託(する)/委員会/権限 on Human 権利s said earlier this year that localised 暴力/激しさ in much of 2020 was worse in some areas of South Sudan than during the main five-year 衝突.

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