From hope to despair: South Sudan 示すs 10 troubled years

President Salva Kiir holding the newly signed South Sudan constitution aloft in Juba on July 09, 2011, the day the country formally gained its independence from Sudan

大統領 Salva Kiir 持つ/拘留するing the newly 調印するd South Sudan 憲法 aloft in Juba on July 09, 2011, the day the country 正式に 伸び(る)d its independence from Sudan

From hope to war, dreams to despair, South Sudan's 拷問d 10年間 since independence has left the young country more 壊れやすい than ever, wracked by political 不安定, 暴力/激しさ and desperate hunger.

At midnight on July 9, 2011, 祝賀s 爆発するd as the new nation was born and the people of South Sudan clapped and danced to 示す the end of a long and 血まみれの struggle for statehood.

"It was a new 夜明け and something like a 奇蹟," said Wani Stephen Elias, 解任するing the joy as revellers waved the nation's new 旗 on the streets of the 資本/首都 Juba, celebrating long into the night.

But the 楽観主義 that 勧めるd in its hard-fought independence from Sudan evaporated as the country's new leaders went to war in 2013.

The 残虐な 衝突 lasted five grinding years, costing 380,000 lives and 追い出すing four million, 粉々にするing any illusi ons of a fresh start.

"I've seen the greatest and the darkest of days," said Elias, 31.

The political leaders who 選ぶd for war over building their nascent 明言する/公表する are still in 力/強力にする today, 判決,裁定 in a tenuous 連合 (1)偽造する/(2)徐々に進むd under a peace 取引,協定.

Sudanese President Salva Kiir (r) and his old foe First Vice President Riek Machar maintain a fragile coalition

Sudanese 大統領 Salva Kiir (r) and his old 敵 First 副大統領 Riek Machar 持続する a 壊れやすい 連合

The 力/強力にする-株ing 協定 between 大統領 Salva Kiir, a former 軍の 指揮官 from the Dinka 民族の group, and his 副 Riek Machar, a 反逆者/反逆する leader from the Nuer people, has kept fighting between their 軍隊s 大部分は at bay since the 停戦 in 2018.

But the old 敵s have 侵害する/違反するd past 一時休戦s and 進歩 on this 最新の "revitalised" 取引,協定 has drifted, 悪化させるing 不信 between the pair.

The "まとまり" 政府 they belatedly formed in February 2020 under 広大な/多数の/重要な international 圧力 is weak, while other 決定的な 対策 designed to 回避する another war have not been 実行するd.

- 'やめる 悲劇の' -

The political 不確定 comes as South Sudan reels from a biting 経済的な 危機 and 急に上がるing インフレーション, an 沸き立つ in 武装した 民族の 暴力/激しさ, and its worst hunger 危機 since decla (犯罪の)一味 independence.

Singing South Sudan's new national anthem in July 2011. But the euphoria of independence was short-lived

Singing South Sudan's new 国家の 国家 in July 2011. But the 幸福感 of independence was short-lived

"South Sudan is 明確に at a worse place than it was 10 years ago, which is やめる 悲劇の," said Alan Boswell, a 上級の 分析家 at the International 危機 Group (ICG), a 衝突 予防 organisation.

The peace 協定 輪郭(を描く)d a path に向かって 達成するing 重要な nation-building milestones derailed by the war, 含むing the 創造 of a new 議会, 憲法の 改革(する), 選挙s and a 統一するd 国家の army.

But nearly three years on, few have been realised.

国家の 議会 was only 会を召集するd in May, with MPs to take the 誓い of office on the day of the 周年記念日 on Friday, and 信用/信任 in the new 議会 is wanting after 延期するs and broken 約束s.

"We are 説 better late than never but... we want to see 衝撃," said Jame David Kolok, (n)役員/(a)執行力のある director of 創立/基礎 for 僕主主義 and Accountable Governance.

"We want to see a 削減 in 汚職. We want to see our 予算 存在 監視するd. We want to see services 存在 改善するd. We want to see that 安全 is stabilised, and that there is an 環境 for 対話. "

- 可能性のある powderkegs -

Little 進歩 has been made on 憲法の 改革(する) while 約束d 選挙s -- 予定するd for 2022 but 押し進めるd to 2023 -- could 証明する hugely destabilising if 手はず/準備 aren't made to 融通する the losers.

Map of South Sudan

地図/計画する of South Sudan

"If the 選挙s become a 対決 between the two main warring parties, this alone could be a recipe to go 支援する to civil war," said Boswell.

Another powderkeg is the 失敗 to 部隊 Kiir and Machar's 競争相手 軍隊/機動隊s into one army -- a 批判的な 保護(する)/緊急輸入制限 in the peace (許可,名誉などを)与えるs against 未来 衝突, and bringing 安定 to lawless 列s of the country.

Both men committed to sending their 軍隊s for retraining and 卒業 but "very 極小の 進歩" had been made, said Major General Charles Tai Gituai, the 暫定的な chairman of the RJMEC, the 団体/死体 which 監視するs the 実施 of the peace 過程.

The 過程 has 欠如(する)d 基金ing and 兵舎 for the 軍隊/機動隊s have 苦しむd 批判的な 不足s of food, water and 薬/医学, 誘発するing 普及した desertion. 条件s were so bad in some (軍の)野営地,陣営s that 軍隊/機動隊s 餓死するd to death or died of 病気.

"It is (疑いを)晴らす that the 統一 of 軍隊s had 立ち往生させるd, and the 条件s in the 野営地/宿舎 場所/位置s and training centres have markedly 悪化するd," Gituai said on June 24.

- Fighting and 飢饉 -

The peace 過程 has f latlined as more than seven million South Sudanese -- about 60 パーセント of the entire 全住民 -- を煩う a 厳しい 欠如(する) of food.

Some 直面する 緊急 levels of hunger while the most 批判的な 108,000 are "literally at 危険 of 飢饉 this lean season", said Matthew Hollingworth, WFP country director.

A litany of other 大災害s -- 干ばつ, 破滅的な floods for a second year running, and a 記録,記録的な/記録する-bad locust 疫病/悩ます -- have 悪化させるd already 悲惨な 条件s in a country 扶養家族 on foreign 援助(する) to 供給する the most services to its people.

And though the peace (許可,名誉などを)与えるs paused the worst of the 流血/虐殺 between 従来の armies, 武装した 衝突 between 競争相手 民族の groups has 殺到するd in ungoverned areas, exacting a 非軍事の death (死傷者)数 not seen since the war.

民族の 民兵s were 責任がある more than 80 パーセント of 非軍事の 死傷者s in 2021, the UN said, 同様に as 誘拐s and 性の 暴力/激しさ.

"The ありふれた denominator of all this localised 暴力/激しさ is that it's taking place in a failing 明言する/公表する," Boswell said.

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