地元の churches shun Vatican's 穏健な 姿勢 on Russia

ROME (AP) - The 長,率いる of the ポーランドの(人) bishops´ 会議/協議会 has done what ローマ法王 Francis has so far 避けるd doing: He 公然と 非難するd Russia´s 侵略 of ウクライナ共和国 and 勧めるd the 長,率いる of the ロシアの 正統派の Church to use his 影響(力) with Vladimir Putin to 需要・要求する an end to the war and for ロシアの 兵士s to stand 負かす/撃墜する.

"The time will come to settle these 罪,犯罪s, 含むing before the international 法廷,裁判所s," 大司教 Stanislaw Gadecki 警告するd in his March 2 letter to Patriarch Kirill. "However, even if someone manages to 避ける this human 司法(官), there is a 法廷 that cannot be 避けるd."

Gadecki´s トン was 重要な because it contrasted はっきりと with the comparative 中立 of the Vatican and Francis to date. The 宗教上の See has called for peace, 人道的な 回廊(地帯)s, a 停戦 and a return to 交渉s, and even 申し込む/申し出d itself as a 調停者. But Francis has yet to 公然と 非難する Russia by 指名する for its 侵略 or 公然と 控訴,上告 to Kirill, and the Vatican 申し込む/申し出d no comment on the ロシアの strike on Europe´s largest 核の 工場/植物 that 誘発するd a 解雇する/砲火/射撃 Friday.

For a ローマ法王 who has 宣言するd the mere 所有/入手 of 核の 武器s immoral and 警告を与えるd against using 原子の energy because of the 環境の 脅し 提起する/ポーズをとるd by 放射(能) 漏れるs, the silence was even more 著名な.

The Vatican has a tradition of 静かな 外交, believing that it can 容易にする 対話 better if it doesn´t take 味方するs or 公然と call out 攻撃者s. It has long used that argument to defend ローマ法王 Pius XII, the World War II-時代 ローマ法王 非難するd by some ユダヤ人の groups for not speaking out enough against the 大破壊/大虐殺. The Vatican says 静かな 外交 helped save lives then, and it continued that tradition in its 冷淡な War Ostpolitik 政策 of behind-the-scenes 外交.

Francis took an 前例のない step last week when he went to the ロシアの 大使館 to the 宗教上の See to 会合,会う with the 外交官/大使. But the only thing the Vatican said about the 会合 was that Francis went to "表明する his 関心 about the war." He also spoke by phone with Ukrainian 大統領 Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

FILE - Pope Francis, left, embraces Russian Orthodox Patriarch Kirill after signing a joint declaration on religious unity in Havana, Cuba on Feb. 12, 2016. The head of the Polish bishops' conference had done what Pope Francis has so far avoided doing by publicly condemning Russia's invasion of Ukraine. Archbishop Stanislaw Gadecki also publicly urged the head of the Russian Orthodox Church to use his influence on Vladimir Putin to demand an end to the war and for Russian soldiers to stand down. "The time will come to settle these crimes, including before the international courts," Gadecki warned in his March 2 letter to Patriarch Kirill. (AP Photo/Gregorio Borgia, Pool)

FILE - ローマ法王 Francis, left, embraces ロシアの 正統派の Patriarch Kirill after 調印 a 共同の 宣言 on 宗教的な まとまり in Havana, Cuba on Feb. 12, 2016. The 長,率いる of the ポーランドの(人) bishops' 会議/協議会 had done what ローマ法王 Francis has so far 避けるd doing by 公然と 非難するing Russia's 侵略 of ウクライナ共和国. 大司教 Stanislaw Gadecki also 公然と 勧めるd the 長,率いる of the ロシアの 正統派の Church to use his 影響(力) on Vladimir Putin to 需要・要求する an end to the war and for ロシアの 兵士s to stand 負かす/撃墜する. "The time will come to settle these 罪,犯罪s, 含むing before the international 法廷,裁判所s," Gadecki 警告するd in his March 2 letter to Patriarch Kirill. (AP Photo/Gregorio Borgia, Pool)

The Vatican 長官 of 明言する/公表する, 枢機けい/主要な Pietro Parolin, took a 類似して unusual step this week when, in an interview with four Italian newspapers, he 現実に 指名するd Russia in 説 the war had been "抑えるのをやめるd by Russia against ウクライナ共和国."

In the 事例/患者 of ウクライナ共和国, which counts a few million カトリック教徒s の中で its 大多数 正統派の 全住民, Francis is not shy about his hopes to 改善する relations with the ロシアの 正統派の Church and its 影響力のある leader, Kirill. As recently as December, when 恐れるs of a ロシアの 侵略 were already 有形の, Francis 表明するd hope for a second 会合 with Kirill に引き続いて their historic 遭遇(する) in 2016, the first between a ローマ法王 and ロシアの patriarch in a millennium.

"A 会合 with Patriarch Kirill is not far from the horizon," Francis told reporters in 大勝する home from Greece. "I am always 利用できる, I am also willing to go to Moscow: to talk to a brother, there is no need for 議定書s. A brother is a brother before all 議定書s."

Francis´ 外交官/大使 to Russia, 大司教 Giovanni D´Agnello, met Thursday with Kirill at the patriarch´s 住居 in the Danilov 修道院 in Moscow. Kirill's office said the patriarch 解任するd the "new page in history" opened by the 2016 会合, 表明するd appreciati on for the "穏健な and wise position" of the 宗教上の See in resisting 存在 drawn into the 衝突 and 主張するd churches can only be peacemakers.

The Vatican didn't 報告(する)/憶測 the 会合 and its 広報担当者 didn´t 答える/応じる when asked for comment.

One of Francis' 最高の,を越す communications 助言者s, the Rev. Antonio Spadaro, however, 公式文書,認めるd Kirill is "直面するing a 広大な/多数の/重要な challenge" to 重さを計る the now-growing 名簿(に載せる)/表(にあげる) of 正統派の priests, 主要都市のs and ordinary Ukrainian faithful who are begging him to raise his 発言する/表明する against Putin and change position. In an essay published by the Italian news 機関 Adnkronos, Spadaro didn't count Francis の中で them, though he 引用するd the ローマ法王 as 説 recently that it was "very sad" that Christians were making war.

That 穏健な トン was echoed this week when the 宗教上の See´s 外交官/大使 to the 国際連合 強調する/ストレスd the need for 人道的な 回廊(地帯)s in ウクライナ共和国 to 許す 難民s out and 人道的な 援助(する) in. He didn't identify Russia as the 推論する/理由 they were needed, によれば the Vatican 要約 of his 発言/述べるs.

The 宗教上の See´s 外務大臣, 大司教 Paul Gallagher, met Wednesday with his Italian 相当するもの, Luigi Di Maio. The Italian foreign 省 said Di Maio "repeated Italy´s 会社/堅い 激しい非難 of the ロシアの 侵略 to the detriment of ウクライナ共和国 and the かかわり合い to continue on the path of 効果的な and incisive 許可/制裁s against the 政府 of the ロシアの 連合," while helping ウクライナ共和国 in the "人道的な, 経済的な and 弁護 areas."

The Vatican, which is sending 医療の 供給(する)s to ウクライナ共和国, said nothing after the 会合.

Such silence has not been 株d by the 長,率いる of the Ukrainian Greek カトリック教徒 Church, who has been emphatic in his daily denunciations of the ロシアの 侵略. Nor has it been 株d by ポーランドの(人) bishops, who are now helping to 動員する the 歓迎会 of tens of thousands of Ukrainian 難民s who have crossed the 国境.

"I ask you, Brother, to 控訴,上告 to Vladimir Putin to stop the senseless 戦争 against the Ukrainian people," ポーランドの(人) Bishop Gadecki said in his letter to Kirill. "I ask you in the most humble way to call for the 撤退 of the ロシアの 軍隊/機動隊s from the 君主 明言する/公表する that is ウクライナ共和国."

"I also ask you to 控訴,上告 to ロシアの 兵士s not to 参加する this 不正な war, to 辞退する to carry out orders which, as we have already seen, lead to many war 罪,犯罪s," he 追加するd. "辞退するing to follow orders in such a 状況/情勢 is a moral 義務."

FILE - Pope Francis, left, and Russian Orthodox Patriarch Kirill exchange a joint declaration on religious unity in Havana, Cuba on Feb. 12, 2016. The head of the Polish bishops' conference had done what Pope Francis has so far avoided doing by publicly condemning Russia's invasion of Ukraine. Archbishop Stanislaw Gadecki also publicly urged the head of the Russian Orthodox Church to use his influence on Vladimir Putin to demand an end to the war and for Russian soldiers to stand down. "The time will come to settle these crimes, including before the international courts," Gadecki warned in his March 2 letter to Patriarch Kirill. (AP Photo/Gregorio Borgia, Pool)

FILE - ローマ法王 Francis, left, and ロシアの 正統派の Patriarch Kirill 交流 a 共同の 宣言 on 宗教的な まとまり in Havana, Cuba on Feb. 12, 2016. The 長,率いる of the ポーランドの(人) bishops' 会議/協議会 had done what ローマ法王 Francis has so far 避けるd doing by 公然と 非難するing Russia's 侵略 of ウクライナ共和国. 大司教 Stanislaw Gadecki also 公然と 勧めるd the 長,率いる of the ロシアの 正統派の Church to use his 影響(力) on Vladimir Putin to 需要・要求する an end to the war and for ロシアの 兵士s to stand 負かす/撃墜する. "The time will come to settle these 罪,犯罪s, 含むing before the international 法廷,裁判所s," Gadecki 警告するd in his March 2 letter to Patriarch Kirill. (AP Photo/Gregorio Borgia, Pool)

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