ACLU settles two 訴訟s of police 乱用 事例/患者s in Louisiana

NEW ORLEANS (AP) - A civil 権利s group in New Orleans is pointing to two 連邦の 訴訟 解決/入植地s as examples of how civil litigation can 持つ/拘留する police accountable for violent 策略 in the wake of Tyre Nichols' death in Memphis.

The American Civil Liberties Union of Louisiana said Thursday it had settled a 訴訟 stemming from the 2020 逮捕(する) in New Orleans of Michael Celestine, a 黒人/ボイコット man who said he was 脅すd with a gun and 要求するd 入院 after police used a Taser on him as he fled what the ACLU called an unjustified stop and search.

Celestine's 解決/入植地 and a 類似の one 発表するd earlier this week by the ACLU come まっただ中に 新たにするd 国家の 焦点(を合わせる) on police 乱用s after Nichols' death from a 致命的な (警官の)巡回区域,受持ち区域ing by 法律 施行 on Jan. 7. 大統領 Joe Biden and members of 議会 直面する fresh 圧力 to reach an 協定 on 提案s 目的(とする)d at 抑制(する)ing 乱用s. The 改革(する) 一括 含むs a 国家の registry for police officers disciplined for 不品行/姦通, a 禁止(する) on no-knock 令状s and other 対策. It was introduced in 返答 to George Floyd's death in 2020, but 立ち往生させるd more than a year ago.

Celestine's 訴訟 申し立てられた/疑わしい police unlawfully used a Taser on him as he ran from them and tried to climb a 盗品故買者. He was 刑務所,拘置所d for more than a year on 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金s that were 結局 dropped, によれば 法廷,裁判所 文書s.

The 訴訟 定評のある that police 設立する a small 量 of コカイン and a gun on Celestine, but argued that officers never had a 推論する/理由 to approach him.

Celestine sought 損害賠償金 for what his lawyers said was an 違法な stop and search, 過度の 軍隊 and 誤った 逮捕(する). He also said offi cers were indifferent to his 医療の needs after he fell from the 盗品故買者, and that he was 入院させるd with shortness of breath and a 早い heartbeat. "Mr. Celestine´s experience 反映するs a long 傾向 that shows 黒人/ボイコット men are 支配するd to 過度の 軍隊 and baseless stops," the ACLU said. "While no 量 of money will ever 返す the 害(を与える) (打撃,刑罰などを)与えるd upon Mr. Celestine, the 最近の 解決/入植地 許すs him the ability to finally begin the 傷をいやす/和解させるing 過程 as he 試みる/企てるs to move on from this 深く,強烈に traumatizing experience."

詳細(に述べる)s of the confidential 解決/入植地 were not made public.

In answering Celestine's 訴訟, lawyers for police officers Bryan Bissell, Cody O´Dell and Daniel Grijalva said they made a "lawful investigatory stop." They 認める no 義務/負債 in the 解決/入植地. The Associated 圧力(をかける) emailed city 公式の/役人s Thursday 捜し出すing comment.

Earlier in the week, the ACLU 一時期/支部 発表するd a 解決/入植地 between Shreveport police and Brandon Kennedy, who said he 苦しむd a 報復の (警官の)巡回区域,受持ち区域ing by police officer Montrell Jackson. Kennedy, who is 黒人/ボイコット, was then 拘留するd for hours in a mental health 区. He said Montrell struck him after overhearing a conversation in which Kennedy talked about bad experiences with Shreveport police and 表明するd support for the 黒人/ボイコット Lives 事柄 movement.

条件 of the Shreveport 解決/入植地 were not made public and police 認める no 悪事を働くこと.

The confidential 解決/入植地s resulted from 訴訟s とじ込み/提出するd as part of the ACLU of Louisiana´s 司法(官) Lab program, which enli sts the 援助(する) of 私的な 弁護士/代理人/検事s in 告訴するing over 人種上 差別的な police practices.

The organization said in a news 解放(する) that both 事例/患者s 強調する the need for 国家の police 改革(する) in light of Nichols' death.

"It´s our hope that this 解決/入植地, as with every other 司法(官) Lab 解決/入植地, will result in より小数の 出来事/事件s of 憲法違反の policing and vicious brutality," the organization's 合法的な director, Nora Ahmed, said.

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