死刑 段階 begins in 裁判,公判 of NYC bike path 殺し屋

NEW YORK (AP) - 賠審員s began 審理,公聴会 証言 Monday to help them decide whether an Islamic 極端論者 who killed eight people on a New York City bike path should get a death 宣告,判決, an extraordinarily rare 刑罰,罰則 in a 明言する/公表する that hasn't had an 死刑執行 in 60 years.

Sayfullo Saipov, 35, was 罪人/有罪を宣告するd last month in the attack. He 故意に drove a トラックで運ぶ at high 速度(を上げる) 負かす/撃墜する a path along the Hudson River in 2017, running over bicyclists on a sunny morning just hours before the city's Halloween 祝賀s.

The same 賠審員s who 設立する Saipov 有罪の returned to work after a two-week break to hear from 付加 証言,証人/目撃するs in the 裁判,公判's 刑罰,罰則 段階. Anything いっそう少なく than a 全員一致の 投票(する) for death will mean Saipov will spend the 残り/休憩(する) of his life in 刑務所,拘置所.

Assistant U.S. 弁護士/代理人/検事 Amanda Houle said Saipov remains proud, 反抗的な and unrepentant for the lives he 廃虚d and that he remains dangerous, even behind 妨げる/法廷,弁護士業s. She said he once 粉砕するd his 刑務所,拘置所 独房 door while 叫び声をあげるing about slitting the throats of guards.

She told 賠審員s that Saipov smiled when he 述べるd his attack to 捜査官/調査官s hours afterward because his 大虐殺 "made him happy."

"He had no 悔恨 then," Houle said. "And the 証拠 will show he has continued to have no 悔恨."

弁護 弁護士/代理人/検事 David 厳しい told 賠審員s to let S aipov spend the 残り/休憩(する) of his life in a 刑務所,拘置所 独房 the size of a parking space in a high-安全 supermax 刑務所,拘置所 in Florence, Colorado.

"Sayfullo Saipov did a terrible, terrible thing, and whatever you decide, he´ll 支払う/賃金 a terrible price," 厳しい said, 言及/関連ing the attack that killed five friends from Argentina, a woman from Belgium and two Americans.

He said Saipov's family will 述べる what a 肉親,親類d person Saipov was before he fell under the (一定の)期間 of 宣伝 from the Islamic 明言する/公表する group.

厳しい told 賠審員s to "not be like him" and think death is the 解答 to the 苦痛 they 証言,証人/目撃する.

Saipov's lawyers 達成するd a 合法的な victory Monday when 裁判官 Vernon S. Broderick 支配するd that a 囚人 at the Colorado supermax 施設, Khalfan Khamis Mohamed, can 証言する from the 刑務所,拘置所 instead of the Manhattan courtroom.

厳しい said Mohamed, 49, will 証言する in the 刑罰,罰則 段階 about what life is like under such strict 刑務所,拘置所 条件s.

Mohamed and another man were the last two 被告s to 直面する a 死刑 段階 in Manhattan 連邦の 法廷,裁判所. A 陪審/陪審員団 in 2001 投票(する)d against death after the men were 罪人/有罪を宣告するd in the 1998 synchronized 爆破s of two U.S. 大使館s in Africa that killed 224 people, 含むing a dozen Americans, and 負傷させるd thousands of others.

厳しい 代表するd Mohamed at the 裁判,公判, where 検察官,検事s said Mohamed helped build a 爆弾 that 爆発するd at the U.S. 大使館 in Tanzania.

New York does not have 死刑 and hasn´t 遂行する/発効させるd anyone since 1963, but Saipov´s 裁判,公判 is in 連邦の 法廷,裁判所, where a death 宣告,判決 is still an 選択. The l ast time a person was 遂行する/発効させるd for a 連邦の 罪,犯罪 in New York was in 1954.

After Joe Biden became 大統領,/社長, his 弁護士/代理人/検事 general, Merrick Garland, 発表するd a 支払い猶予/一時停止 on 連邦の 死刑執行s, though he has 許すd U.S. 検察官,検事s to continue 支持するing for 死刑 in 事例/患者s 相続するd from previous 行政s.

Saipov's lawyers have argued it is 憲法違反の for 検察官,検事s to 捜し出す his 死刑執行 when the 政府 has stopped 捜し出すing death in so many other 事例/患者s, 含むing some with 被告s who killed more people.

"There is no rhyme, 推論する/理由, or predictability as to why the 政府 chooses to 捜し出す death in some 殺人 事例/患者s but not in others," they wrote in one 最近の 法廷,裁判所 とじ込み/提出するing.

They 公式文書,認めるd that then-大統領 Donald Trump quickly 勧めるd a death 宣告,判決, tweeting a day after the attack that Saipov "SHOULD GET DEATH PENALTY!" The lawyers said it was Trump´s way of その上のing "his anti-移民,移住(する) 協議事項."

"There is a 合法的 関心 that the 死刑 いつかs (and impermissibly) turns on the 被告´s race, ethnicity, 国家の origin, and 宗教的な beliefs," they wrote.

Broderick 拒絶するd the argument Monday before 開始 声明s in the 刑罰,罰則 段階 began.

Houle told 賠審員s that more 犠牲者s will 述べる their 苦痛 during the 刑罰,罰則 段階. In the first 段階 of the 裁判,公判, 賠審員s heard from 生存者s who 述べるd the horror and 悲しみ at losing loved ones and the 苦痛 they continue to を煩う 傷害s.

厳しい 定評のある that Saipov has been unrepentant since he was 発射 after 現れるing from his トラックで運ぶ and waving pel let and paintball guns at a police officer. Later, in a hospital bed, the Uzbekistan 国民 smiled as he requested that a 旗 of the Islamic 明言する/公表する group that 奮起させるd his rampage be put on his room's 塀で囲む, 検察官,検事s said.

検察官,検事s 計画(する) to introduce 証拠 ーするつもりであるd to show 賠審員s that, if kept alive, Saipov may still be able to communicate with sympathizers.

Saipov´s lawyers said before 裁判,公判 that he would be willing to 罪を認める and 同意 to life in 刑務所,拘置所 if death was not sought.

Any death 宣告,判決 (判決などを)下すd by the 陪審/陪審員団 would likely by 支配する to years of 控訴,上告s.

New York's last 連邦の 死刑 事例/患者 伴う/関わるd a man who 殺人d two police officers in 2003. 連邦の 陪審/陪審員団s in Brooklyn twice 課すd a death 宣告,判決, first in 2007 and again in 2013, but each time that 宣告,判決 was 最終的に overturned on 控訴,上告.


This story has been 訂正するd to show that it was U.S. 司法長官 Merrick Garland, not 大統領 Joe Biden, who 課すd a 支払い猶予/一時停止 on 死刑執行s.

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