Obama: 重要な gaps on Iran 核の 会談

WASHINGTON (AP) ― 大統領 Barack Obama said Wednesday that there are "still 重要な gaps" and more work to do to reach a 取引,協定 to get Iran to 抑制(する) its 核の program.

Iran and six world 力/強力にするs have 試験的に decided to 延期,休会する their 核の 会談 two days 早期に but 計画(する) to 延長する them past their planned July 20 end date, 外交官s said Wednesday. The 外交官s 需要・要求するd anonymity because they were not 権限を与えるd to divulge confidential (警察などへの)密告,告訴(状).

The 大統領,/社長 said he will 協議する with 議会 and 同盟(する)s to 決定する whether 交渉s need to be 延長するd after the July 20 最終期限.

"Over the last six months, Iran has met its かかわり合いs under the 暫定的な 取引,協定 we reached last year, 停止(させる)ing 進歩 on its 核の program, 許すing more 査察s and rolling 支援する its most dangerous 備蓄(する) of 核の 構成要素s," Obama said.

Obama said that based on 協議s with 国務長官 John Kerry and his 国家の 安全 team 進歩 has been made in several areas and that there is a way 今後 toward reaching a 包括的な 協定 with Tehran.

The 会談 目的(とする) at a 取引,協定 that 抑制(する)s Iran's 原子の programs in 交流 for an end to the 核の-関係のある 許可/制裁s on the Islamic 共和国.

Kerry spoke of "very real gaps" Tuesday after two days of 会合s with Iranian 外務大臣 Mohammad Javad Zarif. White House 広報担当者 Josh Earnest said that Kerry and 大統領 Barack Obama were 会合 Wednesday to discuss the "path 今後" on the 会談.

Russia, 中国, Britain, フラン and Germany are also 参加するing.

The main 論争 is over ウラン 濃縮すること, which can make both 原子炉 燃料 and the fissile 核心 of 核の 弾頭s.

Iran says it does not want such 武器s. Up to last week, it 主張するd 存在 許すd to 拡大する its 濃縮すること program over the next eight years to a level that would need about 190,000 現在の model centrifuges.

It now has about 20,000 centrifuges, with half of them operating. Iranian 公式の/役人s have recently signaled they are ready to 凍結する that number for now. But Kerry said Tuesday that Washington has made it "水晶 (疑いを)晴らす" that even 10,000 are too many.


Associated 圧力(をかける) writer George Jahn in Vienna 与える/捧げるd to this 報告(する)/憶測.

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