ビデオ 趣旨s to show beheading of US 新聞記者/雑誌記者

BEIRUT (AP) ― Islamic 明言する/公表する 極端論者s 解放(する)d a ビデオ Tuesday purportedly showing the beheading of a second American 新聞記者/雑誌記者, Steven Sotloff, and 警告 大統領 Barack Obama that as long as U.S. airstrikes against the 交戦的な group continue, "our knife will continue to strike the necks of your people."

The (映画の)フィート数 ― 描写するing what the U.S. called a sickening 行為/法令/行動する of brutality ― was 地位,任命するd two weeks after the 解放(する) of ビデオ showing the 殺人,大当り of James Foley and just days after Sotloff's mother pleaded for his life.

Barak Barfi, a 広報担当者 for the family, said that the Sotloffs had seen the ビデオ but that 当局 have not 設立するd its authenticity.

An unidentified woman walks towards the home of the family of journalist Steven Sotloff, Tuesday, Sept. 2, 2014 in Pinecrest, Fla. An Internet video posted o...

An 身元不明の woman walks に向かって the home of the family of 新聞記者/雑誌記者 Steven Sotloff, Tuesday, Sept. 2, 2014 in Pinecrest, Fla. An Internet ビデオ 地位,任命するd online Tuesday 趣旨d to show the beheading by the Islamic 明言する/公表する group of Sotloff, who went 行方不明の in Syria last year. (AP Photo/Wilfredo 物陰/風下)

"The family knows of this horrific 悲劇 and is grieving 個人として. There will be no public comment from the family during this difficult time," Barfi said.

Sotloff, a 31-year-old Miami-area native who freelanced for Time and Foreign 政策 magazines, 消えるd in Syria in August 2013 and was not seen again until he appeared in a ビデオ 解放(する)d last month that showed Foley's beheading. Dressed in an orange jumpsuit against an arid Syrian landscape, Sotloff was 脅すd in that ビデオ with death unless the U.S. stopped airstrikes on the Islamic 明言する/公表する.

In the ビデオ 分配するd Tuesday and 肩書を与えるd "A Second Message to America," Sotloff appears in a 類似の jumpsuit before he is 明らかに beheaded by a 闘士,戦闘機 with the Islamic 明言する/公表する, the 極端論者 group that has 征服する/打ち勝つd wide 列s of 領土 across Syria and Iraq and 宣言するd itself a caliphate.

In the ビデオ, the organization 脅すs to kill another 人質, this one identified as a British 国民.

Britain and フラン called the 殺人,大当り "野蛮な." British 総理大臣 David Cameron said in a 声明 that he would 議長,司会を務める an 緊急 返答 会合 with his 閣僚 on Wednesday to review the 最新の 開発s.

In Washington, 明言する/公表する Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki said U.S. 知能 分析家s will work as quickly as possible to 決定する if the ビデオ is authentic.

"If the ビデオ is 本物の, we a re sickened by this 残虐な 行為/法令/行動する, taking the life of another innocent American 国民," Psaki said. "Our hearts go out to the Sotloff family."

Psaki said it is believed that "a few" Americans are still 存在 held by the Islamic 明言する/公表する. Psaki would not give any 明確な/細部s, but one is a 26-year-old woman kidnapped while doing 人道的な 援助(する) work in Syria, によれば a family 代表者/国会議員 who asked that the 人質 not be identified out of 恐れる for her safety.

The 闘士,戦闘機 who 明らかに beheads Sotloff in the ビデオ calls it 天罰 for Obama's continued airstrikes against the group.

"I'm 支援する, Obama, and I'm 支援する because of your arrogant 外交政策 toward the Islamic 明言する/公表する ... にもかかわらず our serious 警告s," the 闘士,戦闘機 says. "So just as your ミサイルs continue to strike our people, our knife will continue to strike the necks of your people."

The 殺し屋 特に について言及するs the 最近の U.S. airstrikes around the Mosul dam and the beleaguered Iraqi town of Amirli, making it ありそうもない that Sotloff was killed at the same time as Foley, as some 分析家s had 推測するd.

Over the 週末, Iraqi 政府 軍隊s with help from U.S. airstrikes broke the Islamic 明言する/公表する's two-month 包囲 of Amirli, a town where some 15,000 Shiite Turkmens had been 立ち往生させるd.

In a 声明 Tuesday evening from U.S. Central 命令(する), 軍の 公式の/役人s said an airstrike 行為/行うd Monday against Islamic 明言する/公表する 交戦的なs 近づく the Mosul Dam 損失d or destroyed 16 武装した 乗り物s.

The SITE 知能 Group, a U.S. テロ行為 監視者, first 報告(する)/憶測d the ビデオ's 存在.

In a 調印する of disorganization ― or perhaps dissension ― in the 極端論者 group's 階級s, a 派閥 of the Islamic 明言する/公表する appar ently 地位,任命するd the ビデオ 早期に, before it was supposed to be 解放(する)d. In a later Twitter message, those responsible わびるd and asked fellow jihadis not to "reproach" them.

The Islamic 明言する/公表する has terrorized 競争相手s and 非軍事のs alike with 広範囲にわたって publicized brutality as it 捜し出すs to 拡大する a proto-明言する/公表する it has carved out on both 味方するs of the 国境. In its rise to prominence over the past year, it has frequently published graphic photos and gruesome ビデオs of 爆破s, beheadings and 集まり 殺人,大当りs.

Last week, Sotloff's mother, Shirley Sotloff, pleaded with his captors for mercy, 説 in a ビデオ that her son was "an innocent 新聞記者/雑誌記者" and "an honorable man" who "has always tried to help the weak."

Sotloff grew up in the Miami area, and 卒業生(する)d from Kimball Union 学院, a prep school in New Hampshire.

As a student at Kimball, Sotloff "developed a passion for 報告(する)/憶測ing and 令状ing, a gift that he 株d with people around the world, and this 考えられない 行為/法令/行動する of terror has taken him from us far too soon," New Hampshire Gov, Maggie Hassan said in a 声明.

Sotloff then …に出席するd the University of Central Florida, which said he majored in journalism from 2002 to 2004 but 明らかに left without 卒業生(する)ing.

Just how Sotloff made his way from Florida to Middle East hotspots is not (疑いを)晴らす. He published articles from Syria, Egypt and Libya in a variety of 出版(物)s. Several 焦点(を合わせる) on the 苦境 of ordinary people in war-torn places.

In a 声明, Foreign 政策 magazine said it was saddened by news of his death and called him a "勇敢に立ち向かう and talented 新聞記者/雑誌記者" whose 報告(する)/憶測ing "showed a 深い 関心 for the 非軍事のs caught in the middle of a 残虐な war."

Time Editor Nancy Gibbs said Sotloff "gave his life so readers would have 接近 to (警察などへの)密告,告訴(状) from some of the most dangerous places in the world."

House Foreign 事件/事情/状勢s Chairman Rep. Ed Royce, a California 共和国の/共和党の, said the new ビデオ 論証するs the Islamic 明言する/公表する's "barbarity across the 地域 ― beheading and crucifying those who don't 株 their ideology." He said the U.S. and 同盟(する)s need to step up 軍の 活動/戦闘 against the group, 含むing through airstrikes.

At Sotloff's parents' home in Pinecrest, Florida., two police 乗り物s 封鎖するd the driveway Tuesday, and officers advised 新聞記者/雑誌記者s to stay away. Friends of the family could be seen coming and going.

"Everyone's been 関心d. Everyone is grieving," neighbor Pepe Cazas said. "It's terrible. I've been praying for him."


Associated 圧力(をかける) writers Ken Dilanian, Josh Lederman and Lara Jakes in Washington, Nariman El-Mofty in Cairo, Sylvia Hui in London and Christine Armario in Pinecrest, Florida, 与える/捧げるd to this 報告(する)/憶測.

A Pinecrest, Fla., police officer stands outside the home of the family of journalist Steven Sotloff, Tuesday, Sept. 2, 2014 in Pinecrest, Fla. An Internet v...

A Pinecrest, Fla., police officer stands outside the home of the family of 新聞記者/雑誌記者 Steven Sotloff, Tuesday, Sept. 2, 2014 in Pinecrest, Fla. An Internet ビデオ 地位,任命するd online Tuesday 趣旨d to show the beheading by the Islamic 明言する/公表する group of Sotloff, who went 行方不明の in Syria last year. The 極端論者 group, which has (人命などを)奪う,主張するd wide 列s of 領土 across Syria and Iraq and 宣言するd itself a caliphate, said Sotloff's 殺人,大当り was 天罰 for continued U.S. airstrikes 的ing its 闘士,戦闘機s in Iraq. (AP Photo/Wilfredo 物陰/風下)

FILE - This image made from video released by Islamic State militants on Aug. 19, 2014 purports to show journalist Steven Sotloff being held by the militant ...

FILE - This image made from ビデオ 解放(する)d by Islamic 明言する/公表する 交戦的なs on Aug. 19, 2014 趣旨s to show 新聞記者/雑誌記者 Steven Sotloff 存在 held by the 交戦的な group. On Tuesday, Sept. 2, 2014, an Internet ビデオ 趣旨s to show the beheading of Sotloff by the Islam ic 明言する/公表する group. (AP Photo/とじ込み/提出する)

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