Germany: Greece must stick to 存在するing 協定s

BERLIN (AP) ― Germany's 大蔵大臣 says any new Greek 政府 would have to stick to 協定s made by its 前任者s ― comments that come as Greece 危険s 早期に 選挙s that could bring an anti-bailout 野党 to 力/強力にする.

The Greek 政府 has a third and final chance Monday to get a new 大統領,/社長 elected. If it fails, 議会の 選挙s will be called. The Syriza party, which has said it wants the country's bailout program renegotiated, leads in 投票s.

German 大蔵大臣 Wolfgang Schaeuble told Saturday's Bild daily that he'll continue to support Greece on its "path of hard 改革(する)s" but if Athens chooses another road, "it will be difficult."

Schaeuble said that "new 選挙s won't change anything about Greece's 負債s. Any new 政府 must がまんする by the 合法的な 協定s of its 前任者s."

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