Gunmen kill Afghan peace 会議 member

KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) ― An Afghan 公式の/役人 says gunmen have killed a member of the country's High Peace 会議 in the southern city of Kandahar.

The 地方の 広報担当者, Samim Akhpelwak, said Friday that Sheirin Agha was assassinated during 祈りs at a Kandahar イスラム教寺院 on Thursday night.

Afghan 大統領 Ashraf Ghani 非難するd the attack in a 声明.

No group すぐに (人命などを)奪う,主張するd 責任/義務 for the 殺人,大当り, but in the past, the Taliban have attacked members of the High Peace 会議, a 政府 団体/死体 仕事d with peace 会談 with the Taliban 暴動.

分かれて, nine Afghans, 含むing several children, were 負傷させるd in the crossfire during a 衝突/不一致 between the Taliban and policemen in eastern Kapisa 州 on Thursday.

Kapisa Governr Mehrabuddin Safi says Taliban 闘士,戦闘機s attacked a 検問所 in Alasaye 地区, 誘発する/引き起こすing a shootout with the 安全 軍隊s.

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