Lost California hiker 生き残るd 9 days with broken 脚

FRESNO, Calif. (AP) ― 当局 say 決意, strength and a two-day はう to a stream for water helped a 62-year-old woman 生き残る while she was lost in the Sierra Nevada for nine days with a broken 脚.

Fresno 郡 郡保安官's 副 Jason Vinogradoff said Monday that Miyuki Harwood blew a whistle signaling her 場所 to 捜査員s in the wilderness.

She had become separated from fellow hikers and slipped on a 激しく揺する, breaking her left 脚. Vinogradoff says she 述べるd はうing for more than two days to lifesaving water in a stream.

She said she decided to find water rather than dying where she fell.

Vinogradoff says Harwood had warm 着せる/賦与するing that got her through nighttime 気温s that 攻撃する,衝突する 氷点の.

She talked and joked with 救助者s while they put her on a ヘリコプター.

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