Palestinians ask UN to 調査/捜査する イスラエル 殺人,大当りs

JERUSALEM (AP) ― The Palestinian 政府 asked the 国際連合 on Monday to 開始する,打ち上げる an 調査 into 申し立てられた/疑わしい extrajudicial 殺人,大当りs by イスラエル に引き続いて the deadly 狙撃 last week by an Israeli 兵士 of a 負傷させるd Palestinian 加害者 as he lay on the ground.

The Israeli 軍の has 拘留するd the 兵士 while it 調査/捜査するs the 狙撃, 逮捕(する)d on ビデオ by a Palestinian 行動主義者. Palestinian 公式の/役人 Saeb Erekat said that past Israeli 調査s have failed to "serve 司法(官)," (人命などを)奪う,主張するing instead that イスラエル has been "rewarded with impunity."

The 狙撃 (機の)カム まっただ中に a six-month wave of Palestinian attacks that have killed 28 Israelis and two Americans. Over the same time, at least 188 Palestinians have died by Israeli 解雇する/砲火/射撃. イスラエル says most of those were 攻撃者s while the 残り/休憩(する) died in 衝突/不一致s with Israeli 軍隊s.

The Palestinians say the 殺人,大当りs 量 to extrajudicial slayings.

The 狙撃 has divided Israeli public opinion.

Lt. Col. Peter Lerner, a 軍の 広報担当者, said a 予選 調査 設立する the 兵士 arrived on the scene some six minutes after the 初期の 出来事/事件, and that the second 狙撃 occurred several minutes after that.

"There was no 明らかな 脅し from the Palestinian that was incapacitated," Lerner said.

Other Israelis say the 兵士 was 事実上の/代理 in self-弁護. A 投票 行為/行うd by Midgam 研究 and 協議するing for Israeli Channel 2 TV News 設立する that 57 percen t of Israeli Jews …に反対するd to 逮捕(する)ing and 調査/捜査するing the 兵士. The 投票 questioned 522 people and had a 4.2 パーセント 利ざや of error.

Several nationalistic 国会議員s, 含むing Naftali Bennett of the ユダヤ人の Home party, (刑事)被告 detractors of abandoning the 兵士 before he was given a fair 審理,公聴会.

Nahum Barnea, a 退役軍人 新聞記者/雑誌記者 with the Yediot Ahronot daily, wrote Monday that "a new 世代 of vigilantes has risen up in our 中央, Israelis 捜し出すing 復讐."

"They regard 冷淡な-血d 殺人 as an 行為/法令/行動する of heroism, and regard 支持するing the army's 支配するs as defeatism," he wrote.

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