Florida 牧師 helping to ID farmworkers in 致命的な bus 衝突,墜落

FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. (AP) ― A Florida 牧師 says he's working with 当局 to help identify the five people killed and 25 負傷させるd when a bus carrying Haitian farmworkers 衝突する/食い違うd with a tractor-trailer and burst into 炎上s.

The Rev. Frantz Gaudard says the bus driver and some of the 乗客s were members of his church in Belle Glade.

当局 said the bus was carrying about 34 adults and children when it ran a flashing red light and a stop 調印する before hitting the tractor-trailer in the Florida Panhandle on Saturday. Both 乗り物s caught 解雇する/砲火/射撃.

The farmworkers did not speak English and most of their 文書s were 燃やすd in the 衝突,墜落. Guadard says some of the 負傷させるd are in 集中的な care.

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