ポーランドの(人) gov't tries to 静める 集まり 乱暴/暴力を加える at abortion 提案

WARSAW, Poland (AP) ― Poland's 政府 struggled Tuesday to を取り引きする the fallout from 大規模な street 抗議するs by women furious at a 法律を制定する 提案 to 課す a total 禁止(する) on abortion ― and gave signals that it would 保留する its support from the 深く,強烈に 意見の不一致を生じる 手段.

外務大臣 Witold Waszczykowski 公然と非難するd the 抗議するs ― which 伴う/関わるd tens if not hundreds of thousands across the nation ― as "ごくわずかの" and "a mockery of important 問題/発行するs."

But when that 誘発する/引き起こすd 乱暴/暴力を加える の中で 女性(の) 対立 国会議員s, 総理大臣 Beata Szydlo 試みる/企てるd to 静める the waters, 説 she did not 認可する of Waszczykowski's comments and that her 政府 is not 活発に engaged in an 試みる/企てる to その上の 制限する the 現在の 法律, which is already one of the most 制限する in Europe.

A sea of thousands of umbrellas of women and men participating in a nationwide ?Black Monday? strike to protest a legislative proposal for a total ban on abo...

A sea of thousands of umbrellas of women and men 参加するing in a 全国的な ?黒人/ボイコット Monday? strike to 抗議する a 法律を制定する 提案 for a total 禁止(する) on abortion, in downtown 城 Square is pictured in Warsaw, Poland, Monday, Oct. 3, 2016. 大規模な 抗議するs were held in the rain in the streets of Warsaw, Gdansk, Wroclaw and どこかよそで across the 大部分は カトリック教徒 nation led by a 保守的な 政府. (AP Photo/Czarek Sokolowski)

"I want to say it very loudly and 明確に: the 政府 of 法律 and 司法(官) (party) was not working and is not working on any 法律 that would change the 現在/一般に binding 規則s," she said.

An anti-abortion 率先 recently gathered 450,000 署名s in support of the total abortion 禁止(する), 誘発する/引き起こすing a 投票(する) in 議会 in which 国会議員s decided to consider it as the basis of new 法律制定. A 議会の (売買)手数料,委託(する)/委員会/権限 is now 分析するing it.

It was never the 提案 of the 判決,裁定 法律 and 司法(官) party, though some of the party's members support it. It is also supported by the powerful カトリック教徒 church, which played a 決定的な 役割 in the party's rise to 力/強力にする last year.

On Monday, large numbers of women across Poland wore 黒人/ボイコット and turned out in the streets for 決起大会/結集させるs to 抗議する the 提案 on what they called "黒人/ボイコット Monday." Many also held a strike, not showing up to work or to high school or university classes. The 抱擁する 参加 surprised many in a country where the feminist movement has 伝統的に been very weak.

The Europe an Union's 議会 also 計画(する)s to 持つ/拘留する a 審議 on Wednesday on the 状況/情勢 of women in Poland in light of the 成果/努力s to 全く 禁止(する) abortion, which 含むs calls for 刑務所,拘置所 条件 of up to five years for a woman who 捜し出すs an abortion or the doctor.

It was not すぐに (疑いを)晴らす if the 提案 will now just die in the 議会の (売買)手数料,委託(する)/委員会/権限 行う/開催する/段階, or whether it might still move 今後 in 議会, where some 国会議員s support it.

法案s can be sent to 議会 by the 政府, the 大統領,/社長, by public 率先s or be written 直接/まっすぐに by the 国会議員s themselves, and 国会議員s would have the 権利 to continue to consider the 提案. However, 欠如(する) of 政府 支援 would certainly 弱める its chances.

Poland already has one of the most 制限する abortion 法律s in Europe, passed in 1993, with abortion 許すd only in 事例/患者s of 強姦 or incest, if the fetus is 不正に 損失d or if the woman's life in at 危険. As it is now, there are only a few hundred 合法的な abortions in Poland each year, though many more women travel to 終結させる pregnancies abroad or order abortion pills online. Some doctors, 特記する/引用するing their 良心s, already 辞退する to 成し遂げる abortions in 事例/患者s that would now be 合法的な, for instance when the fetus has 負かす/撃墜する Syndrome.

Agnieszka Graff, a 目だつ ポーランドの(人) feminist commentator and professor at Warsaw University, said that anti-abortion groups have over the years 繰り返して made 成果/努力s to get abortion 完全に banned through 嘆願(書)s or other 率先s.

"This difference this time is that there is a 政府 that 借りがあるs them. But this is not a popular 手段," she said.

"The Christian 根本主義s are part of the 選挙民 of 法律 and 司法(官), so they cannot 完全に ignore them," she 追加するd.

Graff argued that 試みる/企てるs to 課す a total 禁止(する) will not only backfire but have the opposite 影響 of building greater support for abortion 権利s in Poland. She said the 大規模な 集会 by young ポーランドの(人) women on Monday, followed by 類似の streets 抗議するs on Saturday, was 前例のない.

"Nothing like this has every happened in Poland," Graff said. "This is what we ― the feminist movement ― have been dreaming of for 20 years."

A sea of thousands of umbrellas of women and men participating in a nationwide ?Black Monday? strike to protest a legislative proposal for a total ban on abo...

A sea of thousands of umbrellas of women and men 参加するing in a 全国的な ?黒人/ボイコット Monday? strike to 抗議する a 法律を制定する 提案 for a total 禁止(する) on abortion, in downtown 城 Square is pictured in Warsaw, Poland, Monday, Oct. 3, 2016. 大規模な 抗議するs were held in the rain in the streets of Warsaw, Gdansk, Wroclaw and どこかよそで across the 大部分は カトリック教徒 nation led by a 保守的な 政府. (AP Photo/Czarek Sokolowski)

A sea of thousands of umbrellas of women and men participating in a nationwide ?Black Monday? strike to protest a legislative proposal for a total ban on abo...

A sea of thousands of umbrellas of women and men 参加するing in a 全国的な ?黒人/ボイコット Monday? strike to 抗議する a 法律を制定する 提案 for a total 禁止(する) on abortion, in downtown 城 Square is pictured in Warsaw, Poland, Monday, Oct. 3, 2016. 大規模な 抗議するs were held in the rain in the streets of Warsaw, Gdansk, Wroclaw and どこかよそで across the 大部分は カトリック教徒 nation led by a 保守的な 政府. (AP Photo/Czarek Sokolowski)

Women gather at the Castle Square in a nationwide ?Black Monday? strike to protest a legislative proposal for a total ban on abortion,  in Warsaw, Poland, Mo...

Women gather at the 城 Square in a 全国的な ?黒人/ボイコット Monday? strike to 抗議する a 法律を制定する 提案 for a total 禁止(する) on abortion, in Warsaw, Poland, Monday, Oct. 3, 2016. 大規模な 抗議するs were held in the rain in the streets of Warsaw, Gdansk, Wroclaw and どこかよそで across the 大部分は カトリック教徒 nation led by a 保守的な 政府. (AP Photo/Alik Keplicz)

Archbishop Henryk Hoser celebrates a Mass at St. Florian's Cathedral supporting a legislative proposal for a total ban on abortion. in Warsaw, Poland, Monday...

大司教 Henryk Hoser celebrates a 集まり at St. Florian's Cathedral supporting a 法律を制定する 提案 for a total 禁止(する) on abortion. i n Warsaw, Poland, Monday, Oct. 3, 2016. 類似の 集まりs took place in many churches in 対立 to a 全国的な strike by ポーランドの(人) women on Monday 抗議するing the 提案 of a 厳格な人 anti-abortion 法律. (AP Photo/Alik Keplicz)

People pray in St. Florian's Cathedral during a Mass supporting a legislative proposal for a total ban on abortion. in Warsaw, Poland, Monday, Oct. 3, 2016. ...

People pray in St. Florian's Cathedral during a 集まり supporting a 法律を制定する 提案 for a total 禁止(する) on abortion. in Warsaw, Poland, Monday, Oct. 3, 2016. 類似の 集まりs took place in many churches in 対立 to a 全国的な strike by ポーランドの(人) women on Monday 抗議するing the 提案 of a 厳格な人 anti-abortion 法律 . (AP Photo/Alik Keplicz)

Polish women pro
test against a legislative proposal for a total ban on abortion in Poland, during a demonstration near EU headquarters in Brussels, Monday, O...

ポーランドの(人) women 抗議する against a 法律を制定する 提案 for a total 禁止(する) on abortion in Poland, during a demonstration 近づく EU (警察,軍隊などの)本部 in Brussels, Monday, Oct. 3, 2016. Many women in Poland took to the streets on Monday, ボイコット(する)ing their 職業s and classes as part of a 全国的な strike 抗議するing a 法律を制定する 提案 for a total 禁止(する) on abortion. (AP Photo/Geert Vanden Wijngaert)

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