Pakistanis says thousands 逃げるing Indian 爆撃する in Kashmir

MUZAFFARABAD, Pakistan (AP) ― Indian 爆撃する has 軍隊d thousands of 村人s from their homes in Pakistani-controlled Kashmir, a Pakistani 国会議員 said Tuesday.

The 避難/引き上げ from villages in the Bhimber 地区 (機の)カム after seven Pakistani 兵士s were killed by Indian 爆撃する on Monday. The two 味方するs have 繰り返して 貿易(する)d 解雇する/砲火/射撃 in 最近の weeks across the Line of 支配(する)/統制する that divides the Himalayan 地域.

The 核の-武装した 競争相手s each (人命などを)奪う,主張する Kashmir in its entirety, and have fought two of their three wars over its 運命/宿命.

People pray during the funeral for a Pakistani soldier killed by Indian shelling, in the village of Solara, near Muzaffarabad, the capital of Pakistani contr...

People pray during the funeral for a Pakistani 兵士 killed by Indian 爆撃する, in the village of Solara, 近づく Muzaffarabad, the 資本/首都 of Pakistani controlled Kashmir, Tuesday, Nov. 15, 2016. Indian 爆撃する has 軍隊d thousands of 村人s from their homes in Pakistani-controlled Kashmir, a Pakistani 国会議員 said. The 避難/引き上げ from villages in the Bhimber 地区 (機の)カム after seven Pakistani 兵士s were killed by Indian 爆撃する on Monday. (AP Photo/M.D. Mughal)

Waqar Noor, a member of Kashmir's 法律を制定する 議会, said 当局 were making 手はず/準備 to 融通する thousands of 村人s from Bhimber, who are 現在/一般に 避難所ing in open fields or the homes of 親族s.

Noor said the 村人s would most likely 避難所 in schools, but that the 政府 may 始める,決める up a "テント village" if the number of 避難民s keeps growing.

Wakalat Hussain, a 農業者 from the village of Bania, said the 爆撃する and 激しい 砲火 軍隊d the 村人s to 逃げる, leaving their homes and animals behind.

"Like thousands others, I'm lying here under the open sky with five children and my wife, with no 手はず/準備 for food and 避難所," Hussain said by phone. "At least we don't have to 恐れる 存在 killed by the constant Indian 爆撃する."

Another 農業者, Muhammad Khadim from the village of Kheruwal, said he, his wife and their seven children passed a sleepless night listening to the 爆撃するs 爆発する before 逃げるing from their home 近づく the Line of 支配(する)/統制する.

Raja Farooq Haider, the 首相 of Pakistan-held Kashmir, told reporters that the 政府 may have to 供給する 避難所 to up to half a million people if India 増大するs its "侵略" across the Line of 支配(する)/統制する. The 首相 said the 政府 has so far made 手はず/準備 for she ltering some 50,000 村人s.

India says it has been 報復するing for Pakistani 違反s of a 2003 停戦. An Indian army officer said Pakistani 軍隊/機動隊s 解雇する/砲火/射撃d across the frontier for nearly four hours on Tuesday. He spoke on 条件 of anonymity because he was not 権限を与えるd to 簡潔な/要約する reporters. He said there were no Indian 死傷者s.


Associated 圧力(をかける) writer Aijaz Hussain in Srinagar, India 与える/捧げるd to this 報告(する)/憶測.

Family members and relatives gather around the coffin of a Pakistani soldier killed by Indian shelling prior to his funeral, in the village of Solara, near M...

Family members and 親族s gather around the 棺 of a Pakistani 兵士 killed by Indian 爆撃する 事前の to his funeral, in the village of Solara, 近づく Muzaffarabad, the 資本/首都 of Pakistani controlled Kashmir, Tuesday, Nov. 15, 2016. Indian 爆撃する has 軍隊d thousands of 村人s from their homes in Pakistani-controlled Kashmir, a Pakistani 国会議員 said. The 避難/引き上げ from villages in the Bhimber dist rict (機の)カム after seven Pakistani 兵士s were killed by Indian 爆撃する on Monday. (AP Photo/M.D. Mughal)

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