Guam 準備するs events to welcome possible next 大司教

HAGATNAM, Guam (AP) ― Guam is 準備するing a 一連の events in late November to welcome the man who could become its next 大司教.

Coadjutor 大司教 Michael Jude Byrnes will arrive from Detroit on Nov. 28 and be welcomed by 大司教 Savio Hon Tai Fai and other clergy members, the Archdiocese of Agana told The 太平洋の Daily News ( ).

Hon was sent to Guam in June to 一時的に 取って代わる 現在の 大司教 Anthony S. Apuron on an 行政の basis.

Apuron, 71, has been Guam's highest カトリック教徒 leader for 30 years but 直面するs a 裁判,公判 in Rome over 多重の 主張s of sex 乱用 of altar boys in the 1970s.

Byrnes, 58, will have the 権利 to 後継する Apuron if he 辞職するs, retires or is 除去するd. Byrnes was auxiliary bishop for the Archdiocese of Detroit before ローマ法王 Francis 任命するd him to the Guam 地位,任命する.

Byrnes will spend his first day on the island with Hon and the clergy in a day of recollection and 私的な 集まり at the Saint Therese Chapel at the Dulce Nombre de Maria Cathedral-Basilica in Hagatna. The archdiocese said he will also 会合,会う with 地元の 宗教的な men's and women's groups.

Island 居住(者)s will have the 適切な時期 to see and hear Byrnes during the Nov. 30 evening 集まり at the cathedral-basilica.

Byrnes will also 会合,会う with 代表者/国会議員s of all parishes, カトリック教徒 schools, カトリック教徒 会・原則s, and other lay 省s.

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