'黒人/ボイコット Mirror' 反映するs a high-tech world with wicked style

NEW YORK (AP) ― William Shatner's bumpy flight. Burgess Meredith's 粉砕するd eyeglasses. The fateful misinterpretation of the phrase "to serve man." Even after a half-century, these memes can still 配達する a 揺さぶる of 承認.

But if you're 製図/抽選 a blank instead, that's 承認する. The anthology series "黒人/ボイコット Mirror" takes you through a high-tech looking glass with jittery tales sure to 宿泊する in your brain for years to come, as it 埋め立てるs the hallowed realm of "The Twilight Zone" for a new millennium.

Netflix has just 解放(する)d six new episodes that 補足(する) seven previous hours created for British television.

FILE - In this Sept. 12, 2016 file photo, Charlie Brooker, the creator, writer and executive producer of "Black Mirror," poses at the premiere of the new sea...

FILE - In this Sept. 12, 2016 とじ込み/提出する photo, Charlie Brooker, the creator, writer and (n)役員/(a)執行力のある 生産者 of "黒人/ボイコット Mirror," 提起する/ポーズをとるs at the 首相 of the new season at the Toronto International Film Festival in Toronto. The anthology series takes you through a high-tech looking glass with jittery tales sure to 宿泊する in your brain for years to come. It 埋め立てるs the hallowed realm of "The Twilight Zone" for a new millennium. (Photo by Chris Pizzello/Invision/AP, とじ込み/提出する)

の中で the new 刈る, "Hated in the Nation" 明かすs what is literally a 殺し屋 app that lets people choose the day's most disliked individual― who will then be put to death. "Men Against 解雇する/砲火/射撃" chillingly 直面するs prejudice on the 戦う/戦い 前線. "Nosedive" takes social-マスコミ "likes" to the nth degree of crazed 是認-捜し出すing. "Shut Up and Dance" exposes a teenage boy who, after his computer is 切り開く/タクシー/不正アクセスd, will do anything to keep his 私的な life 私的な.

"黒人/ボイコット Mirror" is 始める,決める in the 現在の, or in an all-too-plausible 近づく-未来, with tales that are, by turns, descriptive or cautionary or devilishly 思索的な. Some episodes are grim, some perversely playful. Most are 発射 through with a streak of mordant humor. Some you will love. A few may put you off.

But it's fair to say that all come 負担d with a potent "Uh-oh!" 賄賂.

How to その上の explain the essence of "黒人/ボイコット Mirror"? Ask Charlie Brooker, its creator, co-生産者 and the writer of most of its episodes.

"It's like umami," he quips. "It must be something like that."

Brooker, 45, is an English マスコミ critic, satirist, TV personality and screenwriter whose piercing 出資/貢献s to Brit cultural life may have bee n a bit too U.K.-centric to have made the leap to American shores. Until now.

Perhaps it's no surprise that Brooker's starting point for "黒人/ボイコット Mirror" was his childhood obsession with America's "The Twilight Zone," with its socially 進歩/革新的な parables, 新たな展開-y endings and shivers 配達するd 負かす/撃墜する the テレビ視聴者's spine.

公表/放送 in the 早期に 1960s, it drew inspiration from timely touch points: the 爆弾; outer space; 人種差別主義 and the Red 脅す. 10年間s later, as Brooker 始める,決める about でっちあげる,人を罪に陥れるing his new series, he asked himself, "What's the big thing worrying people now?" To him, the answer seemed obvious: the 破壊的な 影響s of ever-開始するing 科学(工学)技術.

Episodes of the show he comes up with typically 広げる in an oblique, contemplative fashion, 反映するing a modern age when 科学(工学)技術, notwithstanding each 打開, is 大部分は taken for 認めるd. Brooker realizes that, unlike in the not-so-distant past, 科学(工学)技術 today is seldom 設立する to be thrilling but rather, at its best, "冷静な/正味の." This 保証(人)s that, when it bursts on the scene in a "黒人/ボイコット Mirror" yarn, its 影響 is all the more 乱すing.

That said, Brooker would like to straighten out a ありふれた misconception: "There are people who say this is 'the anti-科学(工学)技術 show.' That really makes me cross!"

He doesn't look cross. He is rumpled, affable and animated as he 訂正するs the 記録,記録的な/記録する: "You COULDN'T do this show if you weren't 利益/興味d in 科学(工学)技術. I love all that stuff! 令状ing the episodes, I'll pace myself: 'When I get to the end of this scene, I can go on my PlayStation a bit.'

"Usually, the 科学(工学)技術 isn't to 非難する in the stories," he 追加するs. "It's just 容易にするing some 証拠不十分 in our character. It saddens me when people think this show is written by an angry old man who's furious at pixels."

In Brooker's mind, "黒人/ボイコット Mirror" 扱う/治療するs 科学(工学)技術 as if it were a 麻薬 whose 味方する 影響s― some benign, some 悲惨な ― are 存在 分析するd. "Hopefully the show isn't wagging a finger at you. It's really 負かす/撃墜する to the テレビ視聴者 what they take away."

Another half-dozen episodes are in the 作品 for 解放(する) in a year or so, and beyond that, "as long as we have ideas, and people want to watch, we'll carry on," he 約束s.

He 認めるs it's hard to stay ahead of the curve.

"But because we're sort of dreaming out loud の上に the page, we can start with a 'what-if' idea and identify the human story at the heart of it. Then we work out some 科学技術の means of 許すing it to happen. But luckily, I don't have to work out how the wiring 作品.

"Usually," he confides, "the 幅の広い idea is something that makes me laugh on some level. And then I'll be 述べるing it to Annabel (Jones), my co-showrunner, and she'll go, 'Oh, my God, that's horrible!' And then, to appall her even more, I will embellish it. And at the point when I'm REALLY laughing, and she's 近づく 涙/ほころびs, we know we're in the '黒人/ボイコット Mirror' section of the Venn diagram."

Finally, "黒人/ボイコット Mirror" defined! Now you can't say you weren't 警告するd.


EDITOR'S NOTE ― Frazier Moore is a 国家の television columnist for The Associated 圧力(をかける). He can be reached at fmoore@ap.org and at http://www.twitter.com/tvfrazier. Past stories are 利用できる at http://bigstory.ap.org/content/frazier-moore




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