Review: Stefanie Pintoff's 'City on 辛勝する/優位' is gripping story

"City on 辛勝する/優位" (Bantam), by Stefanie Pintoff

Stefanie Pintoff brings 支援する Eve Rossi and her unorthodox team from last year's "人質 Taker" with another stellar 事例/患者 in "City on 辛勝する/優位."

準備s for New York City's 年次の Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade have begun, with (人が)群がるs 集会 the night before to watch the 巨大(な) balloons 存在 inflated. Police Commissioner Logan Donovan and his daughter Allie are in the heart of the (人が)群がる watching everyone getting ready for the big parade. Donovan is there to 安心させる people that the New York Police Department has everything under 支配(する)/統制する. Then he's 発射 and Allie is kidnapped.

Special スパイ/執行官 Eve Rossi is known for getting quick results. She and her team of former 罪人/有罪を宣告するs use their 技術s and 接触するs to 暴露する answers faster than going through the normal chain of 命令(する). The person who has kidnapped Allie 明らかにする/漏らすs strange 需要・要求するs, which must be met to exact specifications. Any deviation will 危険にさらす the parade and everyone watching. Rossi has to quickly 人物/姿/数字 out who kidnapped Allie, the 動機s behind the 行為, and how to make sure the parade runs 滑らかに. One factor she hasn't considered: What if the person who 新採用するd her isn't 信頼できる?

Elements of a ticking clock mixed with the authentic feel of New York City make this a gripping and terrifying story. Rossi and her team are unique, and their methods are やめる 慣習に捕らわれない.

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