After health-care 廃止する 投票(する), some in GOP 恐れる a cliff

WASHINGTON (AP) ― 共和国の/共和党のs are 熱望して planning 初期の 投票(する)s next month on 取り去る/解体するing 大統領 Barack Obama's health care 法律, a 心にいだくd GOP goal. But many worry that while 議会 tries to 取って代わる it, the party will 直面する ever-angrier 投票者s, spooked health 保険会社s and the 可能性 of 宙返り/暴落するing off a political cliff.

共和国の/共和党のs have said they first want to 投票(する) to unwind as much of the health care 法律 as they can, though it wouldn't 施行される for perhaps three years. That's to give them and new 大統領 Donald Trump time to 令状 法律制定 建設するing a new health care system ― a technically and 政治上 daunting 仕事 that has 失望させるd GOP 試みる/企てるs for まとまり for years.

強調するing the GOP's many 決定/判定勝ち(する)s ahead, 上院 大多数 Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., told reporters Monday that the 段階-in period "is yet to be 決定するd." He said 共和国の/共和党のs "will work expeditiously to come up with a better 提案 than 現在の 法律."

FILE- In this Dec. 6, 2016, file photo, Senate Majority Whip Sen. John Cornyn, of Texas, speaks to the media after the Republican policy luncheon on Capitol ...

FILE- In this Dec. 6, 2016, とじ込み/提出する photo, 上院 大多数 Whip Sen. John Cornyn, of Texas, speaks to the マスコミ after the 共和国の/共和党の 政策 昼食 on (ワシントンの)連邦議会議事堂 Hill in Washington. 共和国の/共和党のs are 熱望して planning 初期の 投票(する)s next month on 取り去る/解体するing 大統領 Barack Obama?s health care 法律. Cornyn said there will likely be a three-year gap between 議会? 投票(する)s to 廃止する Obama?s 法律 and when that would 現実に kick in. ?We?re not going to let anybody 落ちる through the 割れ目s,? Cornyn said. (AP Photo/Sait Serkan Gurbuz, とじ込み/提出する)

Many congressional 共和国の/共和党のs worry they'd be 攻撃を受けやすい during the 移行 period between a 廃止する 投票(する) and 現実に 取って代わるing Obama's 法律 with a new system. Twenty million people now covered would 直面する 不確定 about their 未来 利益s, while unsettled health 保険会社s might quickly start 上げるing 賞与金s or stop selling 政策s in some areas to 保護する themselves.

In both 事例/患者s, public wrath could be 目的(とする)d at the party controlling the White House and (ワシントンの)連邦議会議事堂 ― the GOP.

"It's going to be a difficult challenge to pass a 交替/補充" for Obama's 法律 and make sure some people don't lose ニュース報道, Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine, said. Health 保険会社s will need time to adjust to a new system and if 議会 waits until the last minute to 制定する a new 法律, "It's not going to work," she said.

A 関係のある 恐れる: 議会 and Trump 制定する 法律制定 取り去る/解体するing Obama's 法律 but as the clock ticks 負かす/撃墜する to its expi ration, the GOP remains divided over 取って代わるing it. The political imperative for 共和国の/共和党のs to pass something would be 圧倒的な but with 議会 存在 議会, there are no 保証(人)s.

"When you 始める,決める up a cliff, you can go over it," Rep. Charlie Dent, R-Pa., said.

Many 共和国の/共和党のs 主張する that won't happen. They 見解(をとる) setting an end date on Obama's 法律 as a way to 軍隊 congressional 活動/戦闘 on 取って代わるing it without 傷つけるing 消費者s.

"There needs to be a reasonable 移行 period so people don't have the rug pulled out from under them," House (衆議院の)議長 Paul Ryan, R-Wis., told reporters last week.

But in one of many questions dividing 共和国の/共和党のs, they 異なる over what a reasonable 移行 period means.

No. 2 上院 共和国の/共和党の, John Cornyn of Texas, said there will likely be a three-year gap between 議会' 投票(する)s to 廃止する Obama's 法律 and when that would 現実に kick in.

"We're not going to let anybody 落ちる through the 割れ目s," Cornyn said.

Other 共和国の/共和党のs, 特に in the House, worry that three years is too long to leave 投票者s, 保険会社s and health care providers in suspense. Eager to 妨げる a drawn-out 成果/努力 to pass new health care 法律制定 from spinning into a 損失ing 問題/発行する for the 2018 (選挙などの)運動をするs, many want the 過程 to take a year or いっそう少なく.

"I hope it's not years with no 交替/補充," said Rep. Steve Stivers, R-Ohio, who next year will 長,率いる the 国家の 共和国の/共和党の 連邦議会の 委員会, the House GOP's political organization. "質 事柄s more than 速度(を上げる), but 速度(を上げる) can't be ignored. You don't want the American people to feel too uncomfortable for too long."

共和国の/共和党のs have yet to decide what their 交替/補充 will look like.

Though 詳細(に述べる)s are scant, Trump and Ryan have 提案するd 税金 breaks to help people 支払う/賃金 保険 賞与金s. Both want to 除去する Obama's 委任統治(領) that most individuals get ニュース報道 and most 雇用者s cover 労働者s, but that could be 取って代わるd with a 必要物/必要条件 that people 持続する "continuous" ニュース報道 or 直面する higher 賞与金s.

民主党員s, who 制定するd Obama's 法律 in 2010 over solid GOP 対立, have signaled they won't help 共和国の/共和党のs 破壊する it.

"Bring it on," Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., next year's 少数,小数派 leader, said of GOP 廃止する 成果/努力s. "They have nothing to put in its place."

Ryan and McConnell say the GOP-controlled 議会 計画(する)s to pass a procedural 手段 in January that will let 共和国の/共和党のs 押し進める 廃止する 法律制定 through the 上院 later with just a simple 大多数.

That's important because with the 上院 GOP 持つ/拘留するing a 52-48 大多数 next year, 民主党員s would さもなければ be able to 封鎖する a 廃止する 法案 unless it gets 60 投票(する)s.

The 早期に procedural 投票(する) could also signal that the GOP is 意図 on 廃止するing Obama's 法律, while saving the more difficult 詳細(に述べる)s for later.

They are still deciding what that part of the 過程 will look like ― and what their 交替/補充 will be.

FILE - In this June 21, 2016, file photo, Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine, speaks during a news conference o
n Capitol Hill in Washington. Republicans are eagerly...

FILE - In this June 21, 2016, とじ込み/提出する photo, Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine, speaks during a news 会議/協議会 on (ワシントンの)連邦議会議事堂 Hill in Washington. 共和国の/共和党のs are 熱望して planning 初期の 投票(する)s next month on 取り去る/解体するing 大統領 Barack Obama?s health care 法律, a 心にいだくd GOP goal. ?It?s going to be a difficult challenge to pass a 交替/補充? for Obama?s 法律 and make sure some people don?t lose ニュース報道, said Collins. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci, とじ込み/提出する)

FILE- In this Dec. 1, 2016, file photo, House Speaker Paul Ryan of Wis., speaks during a news conference on Capitol Hill in Washington. Republicans are eager...

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